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Peace Heavy mk II

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Everything posted by Peace Heavy mk II

  1. Visual Kei Enka Kashu Takeshi found sobbing in the corner
  2. Peace Heavy mk II

    I really like the sample for Kizunen (?)
  3. Also: "存在証明" Grieva yet lives!!!
  4. They're banking on most MM stans being old with expendable income now
  5. Ghostwriting isn't "stealing from the bands you idolize," so I'm not on board with the Vexent example for how it was framed. For example, it has also been rumored that Grieva had ghost writers, even though 80% of their early works were Diru covers. However, the suspicion didn't rise from what was being written, so much as how much was. They churned out basically an album-a-year's worth of material, and 2 out of 3 full lengths featured no singles or rerecordings. The same more or less went for Gossip, except theirs did feature old songs; however, they also released 3 albums, 4 singles, and a mini-album in 2 years (plus went on a 107-stop tour(!) ). Riddle me how the fuck someone has time to compose 30~45 songs while also being in a different city every night. The rumor mill surrounding ghost writers has been a lingering specter ever since that "ex-vkei record executive SLAMS Dynamite Tommy in the gooch" interview surfaced in 2008~2010 (it's a fun read). At one point he or she states that record labels like Matina would ghost-write all of their lesser bands' material in an effort to keep their branding consistent and because the bandmen themselves are actually dimwits who can't make music and just want to be a rockstar for 3 years, then ""retire"" to become a hedge fund manager. Aside from #thatArticle, I have not personally seen actual proof of this practice, but I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of cases ended up being true. Tell-tale signs from me include too much material too fast, or if their sound dramatically changes (read: improves) once they get signed. For the rest of the questions: 2- I'm not entirely sure what this means. In the past, I've referred to groups like Shounenki and the like as "host-kei" because of the emphasis on tame, yet androgynous pretty boy aesthetic, but I'm not sure if this counts as "idol-kei." 3- December 25th, 0 4- Music is a lot better if you don't get too caught up in the marketability of it. If it's good, it's good. If it's not, it's not. 5- Considering nothing sells (re: 3 major vkei-focused music brands closing and Oricon summing up yearly sales for 2018 with most top-20 releases not even breaking 3,000 sales (and one (1) item breaking 10k sales), I'm hoping that it's popular enough to keep the scene afloat. 6-If I like something, I tend to always like it. The scene still has stuff in it that I enjoy, and a lot of stuff that seemed lost to time spring up now and again, so there are even new things from ~the good ole days~ if you know where to look.
  6. Any guesses to what the songs names will be? Here's mine: 01. 「絶望」の「覚醒」 02. 白ん坊は禁じられた 03. 硝子な皮
  7. Peace Heavy mk II

    Did he wear a face mask to the ceremony?
  8. Peace Heavy mk II

    Boye did NOT breakup Warugaki after 6 weeks for this disrespect
  9. Peace Heavy mk II

    It was okay, but I’ve already bought Verxina’s album
  10. are they as douchey irl as they look in pictures? Also, I think "メンブレ" is "MEN-BRE," which is short for "mental breakdown." It seems in line with their usual schema
  11. Peace Heavy mk II

  12. Peace Heavy mk II

    Hide - Dice This song has probably influenced dozens of other artists, but two examples I noticed almost immediately: Candy - GIRU Namely the outro-guitar riff, which matches up with the introductory riff of "Dice." (between 0:02 and through the first verse. It's a little hard to notice at first, as Hide sings over it) Penicillin - Nightmare Before Christmas The next one is a bit less direct, but I do not think accidental either. The main chorus of "Nightmare Before Christmas" is comprised of two melodies, and the latter has an extremely similar vocal rhythm and progression to "Dice's." Compare the snippet I start the following video with with 1:04~1:12 of the first video. What I think is most interesting about this example is that they didn't actually write this song -- it was composed by Media Youth's vocalist for them because they were besties in the mid-90's. Someone set them up the bomb
  13. Peace Heavy mk II

    I wish someone looked at me the way Roku looks at abusing grammar for band names
  14. Peace Heavy mk II

    That's terrible. RIP
  15. Peace Heavy mk II

    Scarlet Valse's old drummer had a solo project that released 1 song. Mikaru from Dio had a weird art project where he sold bad paintings and wore an ugly hat Erina (also from Dio) released one (1) song through Sui's record label
  16. Peace Heavy mk II

    Deathgaze: DEZERT:
  17. Peace Heavy mk II

    https://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/fair-use/what-is-fair-use/ no
  18. Peace Heavy mk II

    Preview sounds nice. Are they all new bandmen? Their Twitter says they're already holding a free one-man in September, so I get the feeling this isn't their first band.
  19. Peace Heavy mk II

    y i k e s
  20. Peace Heavy mk II

    Is that same idol group that Avanchick / Flat Earth Society’s vocalist was from?
  21. Peace Heavy mk II

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