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Everything posted by toshii9245

  1. toshii9245

    the GazettE, and Alice Nine. These two are basically bands that first shoved me into the Island of VK when I was still young and stupid, and I could quite recall it clearly that I used to be that annoying, rabid fangirl of them who squealed over the boys stuffs like "WAAAAIIIIII URUHAAA KAWAIII DESUUU!!! TORA KAKKOIIII NEEEE!!"; without giving much care of how their musics actually were. I turned out hating them the moment I found out another bands which are musically much more pleasing--despite the looks--and though I don't listen and don't have Alice Nine's anymore, I'm still pretty open to the GazettE's music........... Just came around, passing by, downloading their songs and hoping I'll be finding something good and such.
  2. toshii9245

    After EROS, now something that contains PORNO, on the title. Hmmm.
  3. toshii9245

    Instrumental songs, it seems. And fuck, yes, Seimeinaki Kanade is one of my favorite track from Heroes too! Awesome, really.
  4. toshii9245

    Nigu is one of the real good vocalist of the scene. He's definitely better than some, if not most, bands you're listening to, nowadays. Pretty much balanced in normal singing voice/growling/whispering/screaming, and really emotional too; which I like. VK needs an actual great combination like these guys have done amidst another shit bands that just formed and disbanded after a few releases.
  5. toshii9245

    Woah! Do want. I hope it's better than Twinkle; didn't really enjoy it, though still nice, it was.
  6. toshii9245

    I see. Nice to see you too. Niw, will you come to the event tomorrow? If so, we will be able to meet! xD
  7. toshii9245

    We have the same tastes, as I can see. TK of Rin Toshite seems like my ideal guy too I also love his voice ;D Oh, and I had the biggest crush on Gaspard Ulliel back when I was 14-15 or so xD ..pretty obvious, no? xD my references concerning the ideal lover I seek are more, like, randomly taken from a guy I had a crush with, years ago, of whom I'm strangely still looking for from guys. I dunno. Even an Ojisan-type on his mid-30 with the said features are looking fairly appealing to me nowadays... Who used to squeal stupidly over cute, adorable boys and be scared of way mature men. Time changes everything. xD
  8. toshii9245

    lolol, I understand the meanings of both of your Location and Sig. I'm from Bandung, as well. Greetings!
  9. toshii9245

    Someone's like Taka of ONE OK ROCK or TK of Rin Toshite Shigure, lolol. A rather lanky guy with messy, [shoulder-length] hair, glasses, and thin beard wins; but that's more like a fetish of mine. My definition of 'handsome guy' or an ideal partner I want to live together with changes as I grow up, and that'd be like Gaspard Ulliel when I was 14 or so.
  10. toshii9245

    Single for, like, 4-5 years as of now. And still don't have a plan to be engaged in any sort of relationship, mainly because I'm too focusing myself on my current study and another kinds of social activities. Don't want to be married, either way, even if it's strongly against my religion--having a wrecked family due to a super obnoxious father is enough. I'm as happy as I've ever béeñ.
  11. toshii9245

    Amazing. Kanjou Effect/Etcetera/Jibun Rock/Niche Syndrome were really nice, so I definitely looking forward to this.
  12. toshii9245

    What a news. Looking forward to this!
  13. Amazing. Gantzfeld was pretty good, and I'm a fan of Loki, so looking forward to this!
  14. toshii9245

    Mostly consists of great musicians I adore. I so wish I could be there. :/
  15. toshii9245

    Then why even bother putting it in the review section if you only want comments like: OMG KAWAII!!!! 10/10 or shupah shugoiii <3 SUPER ORIGINAL. BTW shitty band and shitty single that's all. What's wrong with you jonjon! this band is amazing seriously Then you can freely put them on your sig!!!! With glitters and blinking text, please. ........just seeing your comments every here and there, wonder what mediocre bands with, generally, similar sounds and appearances like this that don't suck for you.
  16. toshii9245

    6:46 PM, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
  17. toshii9245

    Awesome line-up. What Mr Bacon said, too bad I'm way out of the said country. :/
  18. toshii9245

    ^yeah, I agree with you. I found some interesting parts on some of their songs, but once I tried to sit down well and swallowed further, the vocals just ruined it. Completely. It was so disturbing that I left any efforts I put at the first place. I never listened to his previous band, so I don't know how he used to sound like. Indeed, vocals are the most prominent part for me that's usually a sign to whether or not I'm gonna like the whole music, in most cases, so this is just a big no.
  19. toshii9245

    ...well, you know it, right. As long as a review is pretty subjective, you can't expect people to have the same perspectives as yours, nor prevent those who're against you from stomping their foot upon this thread. That said, I don't like this release, the music is generic and the vocal has traits that I usually avoid in bands; which I surely couldn't stand listening to. It's crap as hell. They sounded like the XXXXth band that has similar sounds with another XXXXX bands over the VK scene; although it hasn't gotten to the point of where I label them with 'horrific garbage'. They're bad, this release is bad, and that's it. Sorry to say.
  20. toshii9245

    ...someone dragged me over Female fronted bands, so. I personally ain't that fond of Female vocalist's voice, but some that I recall being fairly good are: Satoko of me-al art; Shiho of -ΣOZ; Haruka of Antikaruna; Rena of four degrees celsius; Seika of 大鴉; Miyoko of 凛??????時雨; and Achiko of KAREN, though I never listened to her other band.
  21. toshii9245

    Fix'd A+++
  22. toshii9245

    Expecting something RAWRRR from them is now a miracle.
  23. toshii9245

    tosinn, CoЯe The Child, Phobia, and Black:List. Stated beforehand, it's disappointing they weren't around for long, but good band like cocklobin would never have been formed if they were.
  24. toshii9245

    ...my mistake. He wasn't their Vocalist, but he was once their Support Guitarist.
  25. toshii9245

    Wasn't Yumehito a vocalist back on his old-days at HYBRID-ZOMBIEZ? :/
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