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Everything posted by Spike760

  1. Spike760

    Wow Ai's voice sounds the same in all the songs, the monotune thing in VK never really bothered me that much until right now.
  2. Spike760

    Yeah I could not get into the new album at all, I had to just delete it.
  3. And plus the next generation of Android phones coming out early 2011, are gonna be 4G with a dual core 2GHz (double the i*hone4) processor, capable of doing 1080p video recording/playback and forward facing cameras.
  4. Spike760

    Some really good shit. @_@
  5. I know you guys don't like Android as much as me, but shit this was hilarious, lol. Source: http://www.engadget.com/2010/11/18/stev ... -platform/
  6. Spike760

    My Chemical Romance (even though their new album sucks ass) A Day To Remember Call of Duty: Black Ops (even though it pisses me off beyond belief)
  7. Spike760

    Not sure I understand what you mean.
  8. Spike760

    So the album leaked yesterday, did anyone listen to it? I'm on my 2nd time through, didn't really like it the first time, not much better this time either, but it's not THAT bad. I prefer The Black Parade more.
  9. Spike760

    Damn their first single was so good. I don't remember their live distributions being as good though.
  10. Spike760

    Comeback 2011. Edit: It's actually gonna be sooner, maybe a week or so!
  11. Spike760

    Didn't like the F1RST MV and didn't listen to the mini either. But do you have any other info on their Japanese album? Hopefully it'll be better. Is it actually an album, because I noticed they tend to call even like 5 track CD's, albums lol.
  12. Source That's pretty fucked up.
  13. What's your longest and shortest relationship you've ever had? Mine is: Shortest: 3 months Longest: 1 year 6 months Current: 1 year 4 months
  14. Spike760

    I'll admit babies can be frustrating, sometimes they'll cry a lot and you won't know what they want. And it's like everyday! But as much as they cry it doesn't make you want to shake them dead. This is fucked.
  15. Spike760

    Here's one I bet every girl gets a lot. Why are girls never straight forward? Example, if you ask them if they're ok, and they say, but everybody knows they're not, why don't they just straight up say it? And it's not only this, it's like with everything.
  16. Spike760

    Girls, you can ask any questions you might have about guys about love or relationships, and we'll do our best to answer. And then a girl can make a ask the girls one.
  17. Spike760

    Their new CD What Separates Me From You leaked yesterday, I'm only on track 3 right now, but I'm loving it so far!
  18. Did anyone else see this? Two people held up a Gamestop for 100 copies of Black Ops before its release date on Tuesday.Black Ops is good and all, but why not just take the money?
  19. Spike760

    Ok I'm just gonna move this to the Suggestions forum now and add the poll.
  20. Spike760

    I had an idea, it's kind of a big change so I figured I'd propose it to the Administration before posting it in the Suggestions forum. I wanted to add a couple sub-forums to General discussion based off a couple on another board (soompi), Current Events (also requested by another members) where we could post interesting news articles and hot topics around the world, they have the craziest shit on soompi. And then another one from soompi that would make for good discussion Love & Relationships. Secondly I wanted to propose that we move the Help/Support Forum into the General Discussion forums, I originally made the forum in case someone needed help with the board but it kind of turned more into a general help/problems thing or it could be. What do you guys think?
  21. Spike760

    Hm, I guess I'll have to play COD2 then, I don't even see it in stores anymore. Anyway, I'm totally loving this game now, there's just a couple online maps I don't care for, and maybe a couple other things, but now that I have the Galil I've been doing a lot better online, finished a bunch of contracts too!
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