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Everything posted by Cupcakes

  1. Cupcakes

    Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt episode 4
  2. Cupcakes

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFPt5NuuzuM EXCALIBUUUUUUUUR EXCALIBUUUUUUR
  3. Cupcakes

    Lillies and Remains MUCC Nega 9GOATS BLACK OUT Tokyo Heroes vistlip THE KIDDIE the studs Cocklobin Moran Lostthing of Memory
  4. Cupcakes

    At the moments TW is down we should get something like this too XD
  5. Cupcakes

    it sounded like she said that XD Madonna does it too, in Like a Virgin~!
  6. Cupcakes

    Just happened to see her on the VMA's, I thought she looked pretty interesting. Certainly will give her a try.
  7. Since Megaherz is mentioned, I'd say Eisbrecher. It contains 2 ex-Megaherz members
  8. Cupcakes

    http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTcwOTU3ODg0.html Guilty.
  9. Cupcakes

    Merami of Foreground Eclipse. Her voice <3
  10. Cupcakes

    7/10 am surprised it isn't reita and ruki
  11. Cupcakes

    The ship has a face 0o At least eyes 0o
  12. Cupcakes

    Fear, And Loathing In Las Vegas - Burn the Disco Floor With Your "2Step"!!
  13. Cupcakes

    Happy birthday Chianti Although I congratulated you on twitter already <3
  14. Cupcakes

  15. Cupcakes

    It makes no sense... no sense at all... oh well. she'stheprettiest.
  16. Cupcakes

    Cause I love this woman
  17. Cupcakes

    Haha well you see, you kinda come across as a typical weeaboo through your posts; or at least you do to me? And when I first saw the video, your user-name just popped into my head. Well my own username popped in my head too, so no offense there, but you're awfully wrong calling me a typoical weeaboo. I'm not going to post a picture of myself just to convince you, but if you think I'm a weeaboo, just be happy I don't post KAWAIIII in every freaking topic. Poor Sam XD anyway, I'm traumatized for live now 0o Since she did that high hieuw thing XD
  18. Cupcakes

    You could always try zing to find music!
  19. Cupcakes

    I think I might drop Togainu no Chi after episode 3, though Rin is quite a cute character.
  20. Cupcakes

    Mainthought behind the whole series. Anyway, now YAY FOR SPOILERBUTTONS.
  21. Cupcakes

    Angelo - Blind Light
  22. Since everyone seems to listen to Korean and a lot to Chinese music, I started wondering. Does someone listen to Vietnamese music?
  23. Cupcakes

    I really like them. Just decided to try them yesterday, it ended up in 117 plays till now (been to school and sleeping in the meantime) i'm glad it's a co-ed group anyway, their voices seems to fit amazingly together <33
  24. X-mas festival? Anyways, I ám going to the fool.
  25. Cupcakes

    ピコ - Eternal Memory
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