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Posts posted by Delkmiroph

  1. Smells like “fake major” where they're technically major but still have no push and no fans, and it's not a really big company, and it only lasts for a few releases...


    I disagree, I think when a band become 'major' this is maybe a risk to label try promote the band or really the band is working hard to get more fans and try show more in scene. Anyway, is good attempt to try see if really the band have repercussion. I just can wish good luck to band!

  2. I made my own nick, because i seen in internet people with same nicks or smilar and this makes me create my own.


    My nick is made of my second name Delmiro, When i was in high school and was kidding with words with my name and i liked of write "Delkmiroph" just put "K P H" 


    So i start use in internet and seen that I'm unique that use... but i created others "delk, delmiroph, delkmirophy" that use too in some places internet!!



  3. Plastic tree band to me everyday is new feelings, I love voice of ryutaro makes me happy and same time sad and i like this. 


    In fact I love plastic tree anyway :D

  4. 1 - Ryutaro (Plastic Tree): AWESOME VOCAL <3 

    2 - Ryo (9GOATS/HOLLOWGRAM): The voice him is wonderful 

    3 - Isshi (Kagrra): No words to amazing voice

    4 - Kyo (Dir en grey): I love the voice this guy

    5 - Tatsurou (MUCC): amazing voice

    6 - Temari (amber gris): the voice that makes feel me good 

    7 - Yuhma (Luzmelt): is strong voice !!!

    8 - GACKT: no coments

    9 - Kamijo: i like so much

    10 - Hizumi (D'espairsRay)



    In special other vocalists that I like:



    Yuki (rice)

    Hyde <3

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