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Status Updates posted by Delkmiroph

  1. OMG.... Looks awesome the first mini album from Ryutaro <3

  2. Finally in home (:

  3. Without DL section many members will leave from here. It's good, just who likes MH will stay. 

  4. I never though that divorce its a hard thing...

  5. 魔似事/manegoto song is lovely <3 I am so excited for this first release Ryutaro :P 

  6. plug time.... i would like more times 

  7. 猫夢/nekoyume is awesome song <3 

  8. OMGGGG 

    AC ver. from demo release its awesome <3 

  9. I am Arimura's Ryutaro Witnesses. Thanks for the name Ritsu LOL

  10. 3M tsunami alert issued for Fukushima D: 

  11. Unfortunately my copy from 「デも/demo」 release will take a little to arrive in my home :/

  12. The first job interview in german OH SHIT... my german is bad lol 

  13. I still waiting my copies of 「デも/demo」 release. I am happy to have this great stuff. In soon my review about.

  14. MH city: -10°C 

  15. I am almost finishing the review about 「デも/demo」release.

  16. Assessment Centre... on monday, idk what i will do.. i am  f**ked

  17. 念力 (Nenriki) song from Plastic tree is cute and melancholic. Again they are trying "something" different from the last singles. 

  18. Happy bday Lihn (:

  19. Someone already drank Ayahuasca ? 

  20. Plastic Tree Banner. It's been 84 years.... I am still waiting.

  21. Happy bday Sei ;D

  22. more one disappointment, more one person that i lost....  

  23. Nenriki single is great <3 

  24. Lana Del rey - love is so flawless. I am in love!

  25. Ryutaro opened the official store awww i want these goodies <3

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