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Status Updates posted by Delkmiroph

  1. It must have been love but it's over now ~♪

  2. Tomorrow... Asphalt. EP 


  3. Starting buy new stuff from the other band from Ryo (TAG) 

    Ryo never stop hahahah <3

  4. ViViD - 69-II - ~♪

  5. Happy b'dayyy itoooooooooooooooooooo :D


  7. Almost 30% of disco from Plastic tree <3 o/

  8. Happy bday Jigggggggggggggg :D

  9. Pokemon Go in Brazil.... 


  10. I loved new songs Plastic tree <3

  11. サイレントノイズ ♪ tmw

  12. Would be great have chance to change this orange color from our username. We have many colors and variations

  13. I bought the "loyalty" single with DVD and cost to me so expensive to get wrong DVD content D:

  14. The Brazilian democracy is dead. 

  15. For second time after 3 years...  the love is sucks.

  16. Perfect Illusion Day. 

  17. MUCC - Classic is available in Streaming services <3

  18. So happy for the first solo release from my Ryutaro <3 

  19. A9... The best high from them is 2006-2012 <3

  20. I miss you D'espairsRay 

  21. Thanks atsushi hatta for send the right DVD from Loyalty single <3 

  22. In 3 days i will be in London. I would to know/do or visit something different than  tourist mode...

  23. Plug dj today  ? 

  24. Finally Youtube in Germany is more free today. 

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