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Everything posted by Delkmiroph

  1. Delkmiroph

    Like the same on my Apple music post. I hope more bands to streaming services like this and apple music
  2. Delkmiroph

    http://www.last.fm/user/delmiroph/listening-report/year only Ryutaro Arimura hahaa
  3. You last won the day on December 3! :P 

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      Congratulations friend!

  4. Delkmiroph

    O Haniel é meu AMIGUXO uaheauehea E quem sao voces novatos.... ?
  5. Delkmiroph

    Caso haja fraude eles te devolvem o dinheiro pelo sistema do yahoo.
  6. MH city: -10°C 

  7. Delkmiroph

    Ja perdi as contas de quantas vezes ja comprei, e nunca tive problema: o BUYEE tem um sistema q checa a veracidade do vendendor. e so te amostra bons vendedores com bons feedbacks.
  8. Delkmiroph

    eu ja citei... O buyee e o from japan fazem isso como intermedio. Mas é caro se comparar com o real e o yen
  9. Delkmiroph

    Ostentar kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
  10. 「デも/demo」 release, its really awesome and very good produced. I am in love totally. 

    1. Kaleidoscope


      I agree, beautiful release! Thinking about ordering a physical copy as well, do you have and can tell me if it looks nice?

    2. Delkmiroph


      All types are great. I recommend to buy the type A or B, both are similar (just change the bonus track ac. version). In soon i will post my review about. 

    3. Kaleidoscope


      Okay cool, I'm gonna wait for it!

  11. Delkmiroph

    Finally <3
  12. Delkmiroph

    @beniits our mission to force CAT5 to listen xD I agree with u about the older stuff from them. Zeus i still curious about fuyuu song, finally i will listen this song. Great picks (: Thanks for opportunity to contribute this month
  13. Delkmiroph

    melhor jeito e mais seguro em qualquer outro servico de compra
  14. Delkmiroph

    Pelos leiloes do yahoo e etc, o unico que vale a pena é o buyee. Eu comprei tanta coisa por ele. Fora o mercari que é bom, mas nesse usei from japan. Esses servicos de proxy sao caros se comparar com a esmola que o real vale aqui fora infelizmente.
  15. I still waiting my copies of 「デも/demo」 release. I am happy to have this great stuff. In soon my review about.

  16. Delkmiroph

    Cdjapan, from japan para proxy, amazon jp, itunes jp, puresound...
  17. Delkmiroph

    alive enough to know that we still have new bands (bad or good bands). Just today isn't more a new thing from Japan, the internet did the vk be famous like same k-pop that now is in the high moment with boybands that isnt new to everyone.
  18. Delkmiroph

    Outside Japan never worked lol.... In japan still alive.
  19. Delkmiroph

    oh shit.....
  20. Delkmiroph

    Its so difficult to understand that the tag 有村 竜太朗 is the right tag o.O
  21. The correct tag o ryutaro arimura in Lastfm is 有村 竜太朗  and 「デも/demo」 to album... :3

    1. crossparallel


      I don't think that's right? Thinking of other solo artists on last.fm, I can't think of a precedent where the first and last name are separated - 椎名林檎, 平沢進, 友川かずき, to give the most listened ones from my library as examples. There is no reason for Ryutaro to be an exception, even his wikipedia page doesn't use a space.

    2. crossparallel


      Ah... nevermind, someone took the time to correct me by showing me examples of this spelling used in his social media. Sorry :3

    3. Delkmiroph


      The official site its with space, channel in youtube with space, twitter official too. The cover from regular edition is with space and 「デも/demo」 this too. Its so obvious to u understand that no space its wrong Tag. Anyway use what u like. 

  22. Delkmiroph

    My new baby <3 Salem ~ kuroneko ~ nekozirushi
  23. plug today ?

    1. Delkmiroph
    2. Hakoniwa


      Doesn't it usually start like... 1-2 hours ago? Well, I'll leave it open and maybe plug to myself in the meantime XD

    3. Delkmiroph
    4. Show next comments  33 more
  24. Today i adopted one baby kuroneko  <3 Now i have 2 cats :) 

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