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Posts posted by doaseternity6

  1. Ugh I was in love with both bands but 赤い公園 after のぞき穴 and tricot after 小学生と宇宙人 really hurt my heart. Even more so on Ko-en's part though because the single and the debut album are really really really really basic and Toumei is one of my favorite mini albums. Riding on the goodwill of Toumei I will vote for them though. 

  2. Off the top of my head and sticking to VK.


    D'espairsray - "Squall" is probably the prime example of this for me. I've never liked them (borderline hated them back in the day truthfully) but I love that song. Even though Hizumi's "emotion" looks cheesy as hell in the PV, it's the only song where I really feel anything from that band. It also happens to be one of my best/go-to karaoke songs. 


    SuG - "Scheat". I liked it when it came out and had hopes for their heavy positive shtick but by second release it was obvious that they were pretty awful. Haven't listened to it in years though. 


    Kaggra,... I never thought they were bad like the others listed but I could never get into them really except for "Utakata", which I really love. Sid's "Otegami" is a similar song in this case too. Back in the day one of my best friends loved Sid but I just couldn't get into them otherwise. 


    (I'll leave Gazette and Rentrer En Soi out of this since even though I'm not a fan per se I like at least an album's worth of song's from both.)


    Diverging from parameters to admit to genuinely loving AKB48's Beginner despite hoping they suffer in an endless hell fire. 

  3. All day I've been trying to convince myself that this song is just a parody but I've made peace with myself that this is indeed it. No. Just no. I don't even know how you go from shadowplay to this. It is mind boggling. Made even more so because saga ballads tend to be so wonderful. I understand that the lyrics/message of the song are important and shou did great vocally. I even like the slight RnBness to it and retro feel, but its just too far on the pop side and lacking in the awesome musicianship I know they can bring. I think it is mostly because it doesn't even feel like a9 to me and instead I was feeling wtf Arashi? It may grow on me but right now the disappointment is way too high.

    It's also kind of a shame because this is probably one of their better Pvs (they really should adopt more story lines in their Pvs, but I know I'm asking for too much especially since we didn't even really get that during Gemini period). I'm hoping whenever the album comes they just scrap these singles and have all new songs (again hoping for much).

  4. Yassssss.

    Honestly, I wasn't feeling daybreak that much. The intro and verses were great and had my hopes really high for some atmospheric dance-ish type awesomeness but dat chorus made me a sad puppy. Of course the overall single was fine as they always make up with great b-sides. But shadowplay...SHADOWPLAY... goodness, this song has me feeling the vapors and taking my fangirl pants outta retirement. Now that's the Alice I love. Scarlet preview sounds equally as amaze balls. Now I'm excited, if they continue with this the next single and album, I will be such a happy Doe.

  5. Somehow I know every song but your pick for favorite. youtube search led me to miku vocaloid, so I wasn't sure if I got the right one, but the instrumental sounds right from your description. It's actually pretty nice considering I tend not to like too many vocaloid tracks. 


    Phantogram - When I'm Small 

    antennasia - Blue Dress

    The Used - Blue and Yellow 

    Minus The Bear - Damn Bugs Whacked Him, Johnny

    Lady Gaga - Dance in The Dark 

    Do As Infinity - Dear Memories

    The Unique Star - China China 


    Peppertones - April Funk 

    Straightner - The Remains - Dead Edit


    Kinda close between a few but When I'm Small edges out due to it's staying power (as in It's a song, like many of phantogram's actually, that I never really get tired of)

  6. :lol: Can't say I'm disappointed because I haven't been a serious fan of gazette since Stacked Rubbish but I'm highly impressed by the level of trolling this all seems to be; from the way the limited is split up and "conceptualized" to the previews sounding pretty much like piping hot delicious copypasta. I will say out of the 2 previews I honestly think ibitsu is ever so slightly better, it's stuffed with a little less Gazetropes in it and coming out of "stock gazette pop chorus 1" it sounds like there could be something maybe interesting going on there in the verses, it's a nice melody as I think augie mentioned, so there is hope there where Derangement has none for me.

  7. Hnnng love Children Of Nova. Been jamming to The Complexity of Light for some while now (I think I may have played a few songs on TT when I still frequented.) I've been so out of music though I still haven't checked out the Full-length but will get on that soon-ish.

  8. Haven't watched last nights episode yet. The first 2 episodes of the second season were okay but kind of disappointing too for some of the reasons Zess and Aion brought up but I'm sure it'll get back up to par.

    and lol @ Renly looks like Furik. Kinda yes.

  9. So there you go. I wasn't expecting them to do something as AMAZING as GEMINI. This album seems like an interlude between whats to come and I am sure it's going to blow us all away much like GEMINI did. "9" is a natural Alice Nine album. It seems like they weren't trying to out do themselves or trying to create the best album ever, it's like they were just writing music and this is what came out. All the songs are so perfectly Alice Nine and I'm happy with the album. I am already dying from anticipation to see what comes next.

    This pretty much sums up my feelings. Overall I think it's a solid album that's most effective as a whole, weakest songs are easily the singles but even in the context of the album it lifts them up a bit. Didn't expect it to top Gemini but it also exceeded my expectations in how good it is. Totally hit the nail on it feeling like an interlude as although it doesn't top the last album it also doesn't feel like a step back imo, definitely an in-transition. Favorite songs = Heavenly Tale, The Arc, Hanagasumi, hello, world (all the instrumental noodling and shou talk = hell yea for me ~) and Apocalypse [iNTE] (though for the life of me i cannot name the song the vocal melody at the beginning of each verse reminds me of danggit). Is that like all the new ones? lol oops. My only reaaaaalll reaaaaallllllll complaint is that the transition from hello, world to niji no yuki is very awkward but other than that I'm reasonably pleased.

  10. There was some pretty cool sounding stuff in there from what I could gather but hopefully they put up some clean samples on the site soon to get a better picture. (the vid does work btw =))

    EDIT: so it plays the samples in order during the keyword part (where it show the QR code).The one that plays for the long-ish stretch (from 18:00) is "the Arc"(which is kinda obvious as Nao is talking about it, I think he says it's his pick from the album, that it's similar to tsubasa in that the drumming is rather fast, he recorded in a small room and that he had to move his feet angrily etc. They also both say they like Kasumi (23:40ish mark song when they're talking about the album events) as it has interesting lyrics and that the guitar solo is cool and then shou says his pick is subete e but I tuned out after that since I'm sure it was the usual drivel lol) but it sounds pretty good me thinks.

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