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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by dmriojas

  1. LM.C (lovely-mocochang.com) or whatever, lol



    SADS (not trying to be mean, but it sounds like a disease)

    Duel Jewel

    just seem odd to me. About BLOOD's 1st & 2nd Period, now I'm gonna think of that at random and laugh like a moron, probably in public! lol XD

  2. I'm gonna jump out and say I really really really hate VAMPS, not HYDE, well only ever liked his solo stuff, L'arc was ok (though really fucking over rated). But god their music irritates my ears, I half-expect to see blood coming out T_T

    Oh and I hate Uverworld, no reason really, the fact that they exist just pisses me the fuck off!

  3. My faves, definitely:

    1. the GazettE - NIL (oh the perfection, <3)

    2. 12012 - mar maroon (I fucking love this album, yes I do)

    3. X-Japan - Art of Life (counts as an album of epicness all by itself for me)

    4. Vidoll - Monad

    5. Dir en grey - Uroboros

    6. SID - hikari

    7. RENTRER EN SOI - AIN SOPH AUR (cheating maybe, but it's got everything!!!)

    8. lynch. - SHADOWS

    9. kagrra, - gozen (some of my first VK music that I fell in love with!)

    10. D=OUT - CARNIVAL?? ~?~ (unique and fun!)

  4. have yet to get a refund for something I bought last year and then had to cancel. God, it's not like it's a small amount of money, nearly 300 USD. That's a hell of a lot of money for me to have to fucking eat.

    And I'd really like to drink, really want to drink..

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