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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by dmriojas

  1. Well, I adore Skullcandy. Been using them for years.

    But one thing I've noticed, when I first started using them, they had longevity, and worked for over two years. The more recently manufactured ones tend to short out after about a year, sometimes less time.

  2. luckily from what i remember, its pretty cheap to fly to certain parts of texas.

    where do you live?

    I live in Montana. Actually, I don't think it'll be too bad to fly there. I would preferably want to only stay for the D performance. So I wonder what day they'll be performing.

  3. It'd be awesome to go to one of them. Even if I don't love every band playing, just being able to walk from room to room to see a different concert must be an awesome experience : )

    for sure. I'd love to go. It's just the atmosphere. I'd kill to go.

  4. You guys have forgotten one big aspect: they didn't do this for YOU.

    Their target audience is probably fans of wood stock. Since their only releases were live distributed/sold, their fans would mostly be live-going Japanese girls... not random people on the internet.

    Ah hah!! Thanks for saying that!

  5. Merry Christmas!

    I got a ring from my grandmother, manga from my parents, my favorite Victoria Secret lotion from my sister, and a manga from my other sister. I got tea cookies (cookies made with tea leaves) from a friend (yummy!) and vegan cookies from another friend (very good!)

    All in all it was great, this was the first time in two years that I've been with my family for Christmas.

    I wish everyone the best!!!

  6. Well, English is my first lang. Then I studied Spanish, French, German, Japanese and Mandarin Chinese. As for levels, XD, I can understand and write in Spanish (I was self taught), French is about the same, German ha! nothing left I think, I'm not awful in Japanese, but not really entirely able to hold a full convo in it (though it flows quite well when I'm drunk), and my Chinese is much better than the others. I will be returning to China next year for two years, so I'll keep improving it.

  7. 2,650 results ( mostly of me...>.>.)

    600 Image results...most are random things I actually like, a few WTF is this?, 3 pictures of ME two of which are me as a ganguro, and a few of Akanishi Jin who is my nemesis. Hmmm.

    LOL Akanishi Jin is so dreamy ^_^

  8. And of course it's good to have a real best friend.

    Ah it'd be nice to have one of those again... Friends are very important to me, I'm the kind who has to be sure they're always ok, and am usually the shoulder to cry on, which usually leaves me without one.

    My former best friend, me and her were really close for about 4 or 5 years and met in one of my college history classes. Well, last December me and her decided to go on a trip out of the country, lol, to Japan. I guess traveling with friends really decides if they are really the type of people you can continue to be friends with... (if that makes any sense).

    It was quite a long flight, as far as I know she didn't sleep on any of it. When we arrived at Narita, we were just fumbling about to get our bearings and after quite a hellish-ly long way to our guesthouse (a freakishly long distance from Narita O_O) we arrived and got to our room. Naturally we had planned the trip together so everything was planned to work together, even bought tickets to the X-mas show the GazettE was having. Well, as soon as we had got to our room, she was completely pissed off at me, which caught me off guard, and she began to accuse me of lying to her and not telling her things about this place we were staying at, truthfully, I had sent her all of the paperwork, the website, the different info, in English of course as she speaks no Japanese and mine is pretty lacking, and I countered with, well I had sent everything she needed to know to her. I wasn't entirely sure of how the place was going to be. I just thought, can she be this fucking stupid, really? I didn't hide anything, any question she asked I answered based off of what I was told about the guesthouse, even emailed them with additional questions and forwarded those emails to her, which I know she read. I think while I should have been mad, I just think my heart broke... as for the GazettE tickets, I had paid for both with my card, and she had given me the money for the ticket. She, after ranting at me for a half an hr about everything I did wrong, demanded I pay the money back to her, which I did. I had removed all money from that card and had taken it with me to Japan. My card of course bounced and in the end I had no way to go the concert, though I knew the tickets were waiting for me at the ticket office. I don't want to go into the rest, but in the end I started getting anxiety attacks being anywhere near her... I think it's one of the worst experiences with a friend I've ever had.

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