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Posts posted by Spectralion

  1. Whoa, starting day with a devastatingly bad news :|


    Just like my last comment about them, they kind of benched Satoshi and Chobi since they changed their direction. 


    Sad to see them go. 

  2. On 7/14/2016 at 7:43 PM, fictioninhope said:

    I fully agree with wanting in-game communication but you have to realize that right now, everyone that's playing essentially has the beta version of the game. It wasn't ready to be released but because people are assholes and were downloading the backdoor file cause they were jealous of Australia or New Zealand, Niantic had to release the game early(at least in the US). So of course right now we have server issues and bugs and no fun things like trading or in-game communication/adding friends or other poke-generations yet. Be patient. Don't give up on PoGO! yet. It's literally in the works. This game is still growing. c:

    And thrive on your own?? I dunno about that. The whole point of PoGO! is to get out and walk and hunt. The only way I will walk around and look for pokemon is if I have someone with me. The US ain't safe and unless I have a designated PoGO! buddy I'm not getting out of my car. Ain't got time to get robbed at gunpoint for my shitty cellphone. XD



    Yeah, the newspaper in my country literally encourage people to download it via backdoor file and that was sick!


    I'm waiting for the legit version on my country.
    Because all those pokestop and pokegym in my town is literally my children, so why I waste them all? 

    ...and my house is a pokegym. 

  3. Actually, I'm kind of disappointed with Pokémon GO. 


    I've been played Ingress, game that developed by Niantic too, earlier than Pokémon GO, since 2 years ago and that was amazing. I mean I must go outside to play it, got to meet people to farm, and make a huge operation between towns. I made pile and piles of friends from that game. Although it wreck my life, but I love the experience. 


    ...but, Pokémon GO somewhat slipped from my expectations. 


    There is no communication system on the game.  When you play Pokémon GO, you don't really need to meet new people. You can thrive on your own. 


    You meet new people just because there are so many people play it. 


    ...and if you amaze how sometimes Pokéstop has weird name. It's because basically Niantic use Ingress's portal to make those Pokéstop and we Ingress players are trying turn literally everything into portals. 

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