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Posts posted by JustIronic

  1. I never really liked Juka's voice too much. I liked their instrumental track on BLACK BIRD, and I'll check out what comes next. Haven't listened to SEXUAL DESIRE yet because I don't feel like doing so.

  2. Oh, if it was the 7th of July, it was surely about the star festival. Everyone on ameba posted about it, so I had to check it up.

    "Tanabata or Star festival is a beautiful celebration of how two stars ~ Altair and Vega .. meet on the milkyway"

    [which reminds me of vistlip's -OZONE-, lol, they really connect lots of things to the 7th of July. Sweet.]

    Anyway, more about it...


    I'm not sure what he said to us in Oslo, I heard the fans more than him. I'm pretty sure he told us he was happy because we were beautiful, at least xD

  3. They tend to be either weird, or a bit.. boring. I mean, the song can be good but still have a boring PV, without the song itself being boring. I often find their PVs to be.. the ones where a band play and we just get to watch them.. playing.. xD

    Well, either that or weird. Crimson tear. Now, I'm not a complete Sadie expert so I'm not sure about all of their PVs, but that's what I think without opening my map and looking at them xD

  4. I absolutely agree, MASTER OF ROMANCE was great. Ageha no nakigara had me falling fast. I also gotta add that I love the unplugged version of Kagerou, it's just so beautiful.

    I liked Gain, especially beauty shadow, it's very good. Though, the only track on that mini I didn't like as much as the other songs was CHAOTIC WORLD, which, at least from what I've read online, most people seemed to love... xD

  5. Haven't watched the DVD yet, but I will when Midsomer Murders have finished xD

    I didn't like the band at first, didn't like how he sang. Then I heard MASTER OF ROMANCE and liked it, and decided I liked it. Now, I listen and like almost anything by them. Dress was a bit boring though. Not bad, just... not something special.

  6. I agree, absolutely. I'm not much into their newer things. He sings good, but I prefer the older things I've heard.

    If you can call it 'good' when he has to use an inhaler... ):

  7. I'd say listen to some old songs, but also White Pallet and... the SIX mini... and for newer songs, try FILMY (yes I have to, the lyrics <3), DETOX or Blackout.

    I like both old and new -OZ-, I can't really compare the music.y

  8. ^I was like wtf when I read this. I wasn't into the band back then.

    Anyway, I hope they come somewhere near my place when they do the Europe tour.

  9. Whenever I hear any song from Distopia without knowing it's them I always think it's Heartless first because of the voice. It took me two months to figure out that was who I was thinking of when I heard him.

    I don't mind though, they're both good.

  10. Why is this not in Major Artists? LOl.

    Because this topic was made 3 years ago when they had just started, when they were on SAS and weren't major.

    They are amazing.

    Their fangirls are amazingly annoying.

    And I'm proud to have been in the front of a concert without even attempting to grope Kamijo like 90% of the girls there would have.

    I'm not the groper kind of fan. Not the screaming type either.

    I went there to here the music, mostly heard screaming, but what I did see and hear was awesome.

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