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Posts posted by JustIronic

  1. = =. I never meant to say that Payment of Vomiter was a title I liked, the song was what I liked.

    lol yeah that's exactly what I meant. Payment of Vomiter is a nice song despite the stupid title.

  2. Jeez, it's just the titles, how can you judge from them? After all, what kind of a title is "payment of vomiter"?

    I find so many of their song titles so fucking stupid tbh. Doesn't change the song, if it's a good one.

  3. Fat poke towards Kamijo, nonetheless

    by the way, can anyone explain this?


    Kaya's boobs? Did I miss something?

    He's had those for a while now.

    Either they're muscle+make-up, which looks most probable.

    Could also be him on hormones but I kinda hope not because I don't want his voice to change..

    Though, if he wants to, it's his choice, definitely :)

  4. Oh, so we will finally get to hear Trickster.

    EDIT: Also damn, people are trashing that album. They said it was an album to "collect" all their previous songs, didn't they? I do agree on the re-recordings making some songs sound less powerful though.

  5. D

    What Is Going On With The Human is easily one of their best songs, if any D song deserved an awesome PV, then that song would be it.

    I'm actually kind of confused nobody at D said "hey guys, this song is so kick-ass, we should release this as the next single instead of putting it as a b-side here".

    agreed, What is going on with The Human is epic as fuck.

  6. D

    The Snow White singles are so beautiful. You will never understand how beautiful they are unless you have the physical CDs in hand. Seriously.

    So buying the cd somehow unlocks the ability to hear the beauty in the songs?

    lol no, I'm talking about the jackets haha.

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