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Everything posted by JustIronic

  1. JustIronic

    lol yeah that's exactly what I meant. Payment of Vomiter is a nice song despite the stupid title.
  2. JustIronic

    Jeez, it's just the titles, how can you judge from them? After all, what kind of a title is "payment of vomiter"? I find so many of their song titles so fucking stupid tbh. Doesn't change the song, if it's a good one.
  3. JustIronic

    I'm looking forward to this. Their unplugged versions <3
  4. Haha, their first songs weren't awesome, but Bulletproof Roulette is very good in my opinion. It's good live too. The vocalist might not have the most awesome voice, but he is improving.
  5. This is a pretty good band. I know one of the members, haha. But really, they are just inspired by vk, and their music is pretty good. Don't go bashing them. YOHIO knows how to work a guitar, for sure. And he's just 15.
  6. JustIronic

    Haha, I actually don't care very much as long as his voice stays the same.
  7. JustIronic

    He's had those for a while now. Either they're muscle+make-up, which looks most probable. Could also be him on hormones but I kinda hope not because I don't want his voice to change.. Though, if he wants to, it's his choice, definitely
  8. JustIronic

    I can't really recall any great great great covers by them anyway so D; kagerou and toge were kinda pretty, but that's about it I think.
  9. JustIronic

    ..which is why I will have to try them when they release that thing. D;
  10. JustIronic

    I'd guess that is the date of the opening of the OHP. If you check the mobile OHP it makes it look like that. Just my thoughts though, you never know. EDIT: Excuse me, I didn't really think of how long it is until July. It has to be something else, lol.
  11. JustIronic

    Oh, so they did end up changing name like denka said.
  12. JustIronic

    Oh, so we will finally get to hear Trickster. EDIT: Also damn, people are trashing that album. They said it was an album to "collect" all their previous songs, didn't they? I do agree on the re-recordings making some songs sound less powerful though.
  13. JustIronic

    Name: His freedom Records Band name: If≠error Vo: JIN (Vierge) Gu: ヒデ/hide (vidoll) Gu: Ruiza (Syndrome) Ba: Tatsunori (Crystal) Dr: ARIMATSU (ROSEN KREUZ) itd be funnier if i knew someone other than hide and ruiza Debut album: Real strength one's spirit PV: NeveR≠error haha wtf xD
  14. JustIronic


    agreed, What is going on with The Human is epic as fuck.
  15. JustIronic


    I got all three two days ago. Eheh, I was absolutely stunned when I looked at them.
  16. JustIronic


    So buying the cd somehow unlocks the ability to hear the beauty in the songs? lol no, I'm talking about the jackets haha.
  17. JustIronic


    The Snow White singles are so beautiful. You will never understand how beautiful they are unless you have the physical CDs in hand. Seriously.
  18. ..wasn't it actually like, "muscle", not "muzzle"? i just think it sounds better like that
  19. JustIronic

    I really like the "waratte" part of the new song. i hope the rest will be more crazy though.
  20. JustIronic

    ^ It's really not much to see, hahah
  21. JustIronic

    Good for you.
  22. JustIronic

    Seriously, go listen to it. One of the best songs from their last album.
  23. JustIronic

    零 = zero On vocals? Interesting.
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