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Posts posted by Asakusa

  1. so it was just one month? and they wasn't even involved? damn, some net retards does spread some shit over the internetz (and silly me believing this...)

    so yeah, i'd like to see fb die... it'll be interesting actually, i wanna see the reactions over the world and the people i know. i'll just drink a beer, smoke a cigar and see the show that day (if it is true).

    it seems to be legit since they posted in their anon blog all the info about what's the "real" purpose of fb and posted some names of the people "behind" all this social network thingie.

    maybe it'll happen, maybe not but it'll be interesting as hell to see what happens.

    EDIT: also this

    Don't get the point of the forewarning.

    me neither, it's too much time and if this attack it's true, the fb staff obviously will "construct/create" a way to stop this imo.

  2. awesome i'm so going to see them in Atlanta again. but fuck why does South America get 10 years? fuck the birthday massacre! 10 years are so great live <3 oh well it's still gonna be awesome :D

    :( I'd like to see The Birthday Massacre as their opening act but I'll have to see 10 years in november (they're not bad but I love TBM)

    aarrgghh! let's change places Saku!!

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