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Everything posted by finnthesubhuman

  1. finnthesubhuman

    After hearing them butcher it over and over, I've decided Different Sense is definitely NOT a good live song. I'm pretty sure Shinya was all "OKAY I HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO PLAY THIS FILL NTYREAYAARERATRGH that should do it"
  2. finnthesubhuman

    Opinions that can be summarised in less than three words are not beneficial to anyone. As for the band...how did Jin manage to take all of Nega's sound with him? I would've thought San's style was the most pronounced...but he left it behind somehow. I mean, it's great that he's versatile, but it makes Jin seem magical.
  3. finnthesubhuman

    I completely agree he should not blast beat. He's terrible at it. But I love his work in Rinkaku and Unraveling and I think if Sustain the Untruth was that simple for a reason then perhaps he's learned that blasting is not complementary to his or the band as a whole's songwriting... Proofs: Different Sense: needs two hands to blastbeat before the first verse. Not good. Only one hand necessary. Where's the ride cymbal.
  4. finnthesubhuman

    Am I the only person who thinks an abundance of toms and less frequent snare usage is actually interesting and not exactly the same thing as every other VK/exVK band currently active? Or do we want everyone to sound like
  5. finnthesubhuman

    http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/culture/2013/12/143_148643.html I bet there'll be dubstep. And I don't think that would be a bad thing. A bit of energy is good for him.
  6. People who like anything like Slipknot and Deathgaze should listen to 5diez's most recent album. IT's possibly their best yet.

  7. finnthesubhuman

    He's making a new album. Just putting that out there.
  8. finnthesubhuman

    I've been feeling nostalgic for that period in 2008/9 where I could download random VK releases and they'd be something I'd listen to. Whether it was stuff like early Nega or Dali or Unsraw or Sadie or Devise en Despair or Black:List or D'espairsRay or VanessA or Saruin or Sel'm. Anyone know anything reflective of that era? I'm after that 2003-2009 style. The stuff that was heavy but not particularly over-heavy. None of the post-hardcore stuff that's popular now. Preferably EPs but I'll take albums if they're really good. And if you could PM them to me...that would be great. I don't get a lot of time here to check.
  9. Cocklobin's Dark Design Catalog is probably the best VK release I've ever heard and I'm really glad I finally MANAGED TO BUY A COPY. I love having money.

    1. fitear1590


      off-topic, but I just learned yesterday that there used to be a band called "cock robin"...

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      maybe the best by the band, and one of best in vk (but not the best, in my opinion ^^)

  10. finnthesubhuman

    That I can agree with. Near the end especially when San's guitar work became really stale. But tbh I think TBS is a tiny improvement. The lack of drum triggers is promising.
  11. finnthesubhuman

    Nu metal has not been popular for a long time. Japanese bands have been moving away from its influence since at least 2007. And Nega was NEVER nu metal. Never ever ever. And nor is The Black Swan. In fact the last legitimately well-known nu metal-inspired J-rock release was Girugamesh's Music as far as I'm aware..
  12. finnthesubhuman

    I forgot Perestroika was a thing. I just think of it as a Nega single/EP. Either way, The Black Swan isn't a terrible name and it seems like Jin's going to keep his naming strategy for tracks so I can't probably keep pretending it's the same band. Still, my money is on the Sanyuuspiracy thing.
  13. finnthesubhuman

    Slight bump but I think after careful deliberation I have decided I will be completely and utterly shocked if it didn't turn out these two members with no other band credentials weren't San and Yuu. Everything about the way the other two members play reeks of both members. They use the same electric kit and samples for their intros, the same bass bass bassbasssnare thing Yuu spammed ever since Muddy Cult, the same rising notes in the "thrashy" riffs...either it's the only two members of Nega who currently aren't doing much (Ray is producing or something, isn't he?) or the two "secret identity" members are trying their very hardest to copy their approaches. (inb4actualNega2.0)
  14. finnthesubhuman

    When you put it like that I wouldn't put it past Nega to do something exactly like that...
  15. finnthesubhuman

    Yeah that sounds about as different to Nega as Perestroika did. Same backwards swish noises, same metalcore-to-thrash riffs, same breakdown placement...just add some nintendo-esque synths and reverb and less electronic kit and triggers. Not that this is a bad thing. I can just pretend they never broke up in the first place.
  16. finnthesubhuman

    Saijou no Uta and Umbrella. I'm glad they were pro-shot. I quite liked the Uroboros Budokan DVD so I might grab this one...provided it gets stocked in stores here (like DSS and The Unravelling and pretty much everything but the Uroboros era releases didn't).
  17. finnthesubhuman

    Still is. The only reason why I don't own it.
  18. finnthesubhuman

    They're completely re-recorded. Satoshi's screaming is slightly weaker for one. The guitars are detuned further. Volcano has so much more going on there and they've changed the riff to be more baw baw like their current material. So what does the 'live' in the title represent? This just seems like the traditional J-rock compilation album where the songs are either remastered or partially/completely redone so that the quality is consistent regardless of how old the song is. At least it'll be worth listening to, seeing as the tracklist is good and they're in a better mindset to be dealing with their heavier material.
  19. finnthesubhuman

    I love when stuff arrives in the mail.
  20. finnthesubhuman

    Insert falsecord-covered-in-distortion artists here. At least Jin's banshee wailing was real.
  21. finnthesubhuman

    They also had translations for the outer tracklist. In fact, I don't think there was a single fragment of Japanese throughout the entire release. Not to mention the inclusion of the English versions of Dozing Green and Glass Skin. (Unlike the Japanese-only release of Gauze I have--the poem book included).
  22. finnthesubhuman

    All the lyrics in my copy of Uroboros are written in English despite the songs clearly NOT being sung in it. You could call it pretentious, but I call it a sad side-effect of the whole 'need-to-understand-what-listening-to-or-won't-listen' mentality, which is so prominent in Western society that International distribution has felt the need to perceive pandering to it as an utter necessity (and this includes dubs in film for people who refuse to read a few measly subtitles). Unfortunately the general public are lazy, narrow-minded and egocentric and if you don't conform to the most common ideals you will have a hard time breaking through.
  23. finnthesubhuman

    It sounds really standard for their recent material. Resembles more along the lines of Repetition of Hatred than anything in the "past two years". Sounds nothing like Rinkaku whatsoever. Twenty seconds for Dir en grey is probably the most pointless time limit. Their songs don't usually stay the same for very long.
  24. finnthesubhuman

    Doesn't matter if it makes sense or not. Aesthetically unpleasing is aesthetically unpleasing. It looks like the face was just badly photoshopped on. The pink hides that a little but it's pink. It's a bright obnoxious pink. The concept seems fine but the execution is a little messy. And it doesn't match their darkuber1! image...
  25. finnthesubhuman

    I don't know what you guys are talking about. Shinya looks haggard. Like his skull is sinking downwards and the only thing keeping it in shape is his skin. They all look old, but Die doesn't look that different from how he used to. Maybe a little fatter, more wrinkles, but not much more than expected. Kyo's in a decline and soon he'll be able to pull off the old sage or yakuza look but that's pretty cool anyway. Kaoru is at the moment the only one who looks like he's comfortable with his age and fairly prepared to embrace it like a rocker generally would be expected to.
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