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Everything posted by Yurameki

  1. Yurameki

    hate them and their false metal.
  2. Yurameki

    i dont think his musics too good. i dont think he can sing :/
  3. Yurameki

    what album should I start with?
  4. Yurameki

    rant- had my school ball last saturday. other than the alcohol, i didnt have a good time. my date for the night spent all the time dancing and talking with her friends and i was kinda feeling left out. i paid for her ticket and everything.... those tickets were expensive, more than $100NZ. i made a humungous effort to make her feel appriciated, compliments on her dress, looks, making conversation. and i felt that she wasnet really giving any love back. it frustrated me. i drank. NZ law has some loophole that lets you drink in a private area with parental consent so my private school set up a ball in their grounds so we could drink. still.
  5. Yurameki

    fans? I love how they put in jazz and blues elements into their songs. They have a unique style and I love it.
  6. Yurameki

    awake has some great songs, New World and Trust stand out
  7. Yurameki


    my fav jrock band.
  8. Yurameki

    calm envy is a fantastic song
  9. Yurameki

    Ue (up)
  10. Yurameki

    new album should be out this year btw
  11. Yurameki

    im pissed off because new school term starts in 2 days and i hate school.
  12. Yurameki

    Chikai (close)
  13. Yurameki

    odango (sweet rice ball)
  14. Yurameki

    Diru's Obscure is pretty cool!
  15. Yurameki

    technically in games of shiritori you cant use names or places, but oh well Imo (potatoe)
  16. Yurameki

    Guess what my favorite song by them is XD
  17. Yurameki

    ^fail! lol. Kankeinai (dosen't matter)
  18. Yurameki

    first listen through... i think its great. I haven't heard the other albums though so I cannot compare. But I'm liking this, though I prefer D.
  19. Yurameki

    one of my fav bands
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