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Yuki No Sai

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Everything posted by Yuki No Sai

  1. Yuki No Sai

    Please stop to say that they are expensive, this is the same for all bands ! They are on japanese itunes.
  2. Yuki No Sai

    Bad new, He is good !
  3. Yuki No Sai

    Have you read my first post ? I said that Fake Star is one of their older songs, so the song isn't new. This song has been choose to be their NEW SINGLE ! Before the song was only played in live, there is no recording for this one expect the accoustic version. They did the same for rain/since/days/transfer in their last album, all were songs written in 2001/2002.
  4. Yuki No Sai

    Have you ever bought CDs ? The prices are like that. For example -> http://www.brand-x.jp/product/7109 http://www.brand-x.jp/product/7076
  5. Yuki No Sai

    rice new single, Fake Star for 2012.10.24 Fake Star is one of their older songs, and is really great !! 2 types : regular -> 3 songs limited -> 3 songs + DVD with PV.
  6. Yuki No Sai

    The link doesn't world
  7. I'll receive my copy the next week. The preview is awesome
  8. Yuki No Sai

    lol, a 7 tracks mini-album with 4 songs from maxi singles. This band is shit.
  9. Yuki No Sai

    They were good, bad new.
  10. ... and same long nose ...
  11. Yuki No Sai

    Awesome preview, for an underrated and awesome band
  12. Yuki No Sai

    The voice is shit !
  13. Yuki No Sai

    Awesome !
  14. Yuki No Sai

    I hear nothing on the OHP :s Where is the preview ?
  15. 2,625yen for 2 new songs, *love*
  16. Yuki No Sai

    Great, they need to release more songs ^^
  17. Yuki No Sai

    Yes ! Good new
  18. Yuki's voice isn't the same today, so there is no interest to put the old audio on the new video, I think
  19. Yuki No Sai

    Yeah, great new !
  20. Yuki No Sai

    Nice ! And the release date is 2012.06.06
  21. Yes, there is no sound. May be later ^^
  22. Yuki No Sai

    DELUHI or not, the previews are good ^^
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