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Everything posted by Trombe

  1. it is announced at ピサロ(pisarro) presents live "the chaotic gallery:picture 01 EDGE" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2016/05/20 that their new one-coin single "不変の月(fuhen no tsuki)" will be released through Like an Edison & little HEARTS. stores and through iTunes at 2016/10/22 (500yen) their live-distributed single "激情パレット(gekijou palette)" will be released at their free one-man live "カミーユのアトリエ(camille no atelier)" at Shinjuku FNV at 2016/10/22 (including "激情パレット(gekijou palette)", SE & bonus track), at which they will have important announcement btw they will hold their 5-month consecutive presents live as follows: 2016/11/19 at Ikebukuro EDGE - 弥妓(yako) birthday 2016/12/16 at Ikebukuro EDGE - 渉(wataru) birthday 2017/01/16 at Takanobaba AREA 2017/02/11 at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU - Vian birthday 2017/03/05 at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU - 楓(kaede) birthday SET-LIST at 2016/05/20: 01.Frame 02.gradation 03.失落女神(shitsuraku megami) 04.贖罪の匣(shokuzai no hako) 05.壊れてゆくカタチ(kowareteyuku katachi) 06.激情パレット(gekijou palette) 07.眼帯エンドルフィン(gantai endorphin)
  2. Azero Gt.シェイド(shade) has departed at 2016/05/20, and he will act as their support Gt. after then
  3. [track list with lyricists & composers] 01.puputan lyrics & music: 涼平(ryouhei) 02.Migimimi lyrics & music: 涼平(ryouhei) 03.Don't me cry lyrics & music: 宮川依恋(miyagawa iren) 04.GOODBYE lyrics & music: JOTARO 05.WonderWave lyrics: 宮川依恋(miyagawa iren) / music: 松本誠治(matsumoto seiji) & 涼平(ryouhei) 06.The Lovers lyrics & music: 涼平(ryouhei) 07.Chill out, White out(Bonus Track) lyrics & music: 涼平(ryouhei)
  4. カラビンカ(kalavinka) Ba.髙橋サヲリーナ(takahashi saorina) & Dr.ジュン月影(jun tsukikage) will depart after their live in 2016/09
  5. Calmando Qual new photobook "Dark End Chronicle 2004-2009" will be released through Starwave Records official web-shop and at their last one-man live "万物流転ノ今際ノ調べ" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2016/06/09 (148mm×210mm, 72 pages, 3,000yen, limited 50)
  6. Trombe

    MU Vo.AIKA has officially departed at 2016/05/20 We appreciate all the support from all of you. Today, we have an announcement. Vocalist AIKA has been taking break from music activity since his vocal code is damaged and in need of recovery. In a mean time, He also can't spend time for playing live and recordings due to his unforeseen circumstances. Members all spoke about this and understood that he is no longer being able to sing with us. MU member & staff -AIKA- To fans and all whom it may concern. Surgery went without problem last year. I would like to thank you all for thoughts. However, something different hasn't disappeared from my vocal code. Despite having been in rehabilitations. I can't have my confidence back yet. Since beginning of 2016, I started blaming myself by not being able to start MU again. And I can't make fans wait anymore. Plus, my family circumstance overlapped, I decided to leave MU. I have learned so much through this past 3 years as a member of MU. This experience will support me as bread in my future life even though it would get me trials. From now on, I will support MU as one of you, please keep your love besides MU. Thank you very much for everything. -DAISHI- I am sorry for always telling you things like this from artist side one sided. This is not musical difference or personal disharmony, this is MU, how we are now. I am frustrated that we couldn't make best result in these 3 years with AIKA. I really want to support whatever he needs to do. I will stand on stages with his thoughts, AIKA, don't get me wrong, thanks for your decision for future of MU, fans. Losing place you belong for everyone. I know it's hardest decision. I suppose I know how hard it is more than anybody. Life is: who you meet, who you face, what you create, how your future is created in limited time. I am proud to be spending time with you in this limited time. I hope your life will get more smiles, Thank you AIKA!! -JET- I am deeply sorry for hearing this, although I have been hoping that he will come back to our stage. As you fans feel same way as I feel same way, sad and sorrow. This is nobody's fault, the time that one person has got over the limit. Time for each one have limits. Thus, we have to live valuable moment with pleasure and joy. I hope his new life will be full of happiness. Lastly, thank you for all your support for MU with these 4 members. -USHI- This past one year felt like forever. although I have waited his come back, it didn't come true. AIKA was the key to this MU world. He taught me so many things. He is like my big brother. I still remember his outstanding skill, which is that he didn't need monitor speaker. Even though, he finished the stage without problems. He is leaving MU, but I believe that he will deliver his angelic voice after he rests enough. Good luck to his life.
  7. their new band name is "ZERO MIND INFINITY", and they will hold their first live at Takadanobaba AREA at 2016/06/15 and their presents live "ONE MIND" at Takadanobaba AREA at 2016/07/16 [live participating artists at 2016/07/16] ZERO MIND INFINITY 亜季(aki)(Sadie) session 団長(danchou)(NoGoD) session 藍-AI-(DEATHGAZE) http://www.zeromindinfinity.com/
  8. Crossfaith new maxi single "New Age Warriors" will be released at 2016/07/27 (2 TYPE) limited edition (1,944yen) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition (1,296yen) will include CD only [CD track list] 01.Rx Overdrive 02.Kill'Em All 03.Revolution
  9. Trombe

    [CD track list] 01.Weapons 02.Nothing In The Story 03.ALONE 04.悪戯フィクション 05.One Light 06.Smash Out!! 07."Boom" 08.Last Call 09.君の唄 10.Missing You 11.The Puzzle 12.Tomorrowland 13.Home 14.不可逆リプレイス
  10. Trombe

  11. title of their new maxi single is finalized as "ベイクドチーズ(baked cheese)" [track list] 01.ベイクドチーズ(baked cheese) 02.ビルディング(building) 03.バニー(bunny) (included in TYPE A) 03.バンジージャンプ(bungee jump) (included in TYPE B )
  12. session "マジクズセッション" has changed to new formal band "チャイルドプレイ(childplay)" at 2016/05/20, and they will hold their first live at Hakata DRUM Be-1 at 2016/06/30, since which their live-limited one-coin demo single "匿名希望さん(tokumeikibou-san)" will be released (500yen) "チャイルドプレイ(childplay)" members: Vo.たつひこ(tatsuhiko) (ex-RUDIE CORE STEIN-->DADALIO) Gt.幻(gen) (ex-infini.-アンフィニ-) Gt.ミュウ(myuu) Ba.琥珀(kohaku) (ex-NIL VANISH-->Awakelight-->MerrySlope) support Dr.ダル(dal) (ex-Alstroemeria) http://www.childplay-official.com/ https://twitter.com/CP16_official
  13. [CD track list] 01.SE 02.道化ノ華(douke no hana)-"Utopia" MIX- 03.in the dark 04.独白(dokuhaku) 05.PARANOIA-"Utopia" MIX- 06.境界線(kyoukaisen) 07.Cuffs 08.omit 09.棘(toge) (included in regular edition) 10.クオリア(qualia) 11.ハッピーセット(happy set) 12.ジレンマ(dilemma) 13.Utopia 14.残響(zankyou) [limited edition DVD track list] 2016.04.02 AKASAKA BLITZ 傷ツケル×TOUR FINAL「決別」 01.PARANOIA 02.墓穴(hakaana) 03.クオリア(qualia) 04.「私」と"理解"(「watashi」to "rikai") 05.ダメ人間(dame ningen) footage album covers: http://ameblo.jp/goemonrecords/entry-12162310952.html
  14. Trombe

    their new maxi single "ハイデ(heide)" will be released at 2016/06/15 [CD track list] 01.ハイデ(heide) 02.KILLEЯ 03.JOKER 04.悲しみとDANCEを(kanashimi to DANCE wo) 05.ハイデ(heide)-Original Karaoke- [limited edition DVD track list] ・JOKER from M.A.D ・Tatsuro JOKER (Tatsuro angle view original mix) ・Tatsuro JOKER (Tatsuro angle view 迫り来るTatsuro mix) ・Miya JOKER (Miya angle view original mix) ・Miya JOKER (Miya angle view 迫り来るMiya mix) ・YUKKE JOKER (YUKKE angle view original mix) ・YUKKE JOKER (YUKKE angle view 迫り来るYUKKE mix) ・SATOchi JOKER (SATOchi angle view original mix) ・SATOchi JOKER (SATOchi angle view 迫り来るSATOchi mix)
  15. Trombe

    I'm sorry to mention that they have updated with their new look at 2016/05/19 as 05/19 is death anniversary of Gt.K
  16. BORN LAST BAG will be released at their 8th anniversary special one-man live "SUPER BLACK MARKET" at Zepp DiverCity Tokyo at 2016/05/26 (3,000yen), which will include their previous goods for >17,000yen+self-photo-taking stickers (8 pcs)+self-photo-taking cheki (4 pcs) their special DVD "BORNのBORNによるLSAT LETTER" will be provided if purchasing their goods at ZEAL LINK booth in that special one-man live at 2016/05/26 btw I wonder whether "LSAT" is typo of "LAST"...
  17. they will hold their last live at Shinjuku RUIDO K4 at 2016/09/30 their 2 live-limited mini albums "パパとママに言える事(papa to mama ni ieru koto)" "パパとママに言えない事(papa to mama ni ienai koto)" have been released at their live since Shinjuku RUIDO K4 at 2016/05/18
  18. [track list] 01.エトリア(etria) 02.蛍(hotaru) 03.インソムニア(insomnia)
  19. Trombe

    release of nüe new mini album "sleep" will be postponed, although details have not yet been announced
  20. Trombe

    DILIAL line-up at 2016/07/15: Vo.色(shiki) Gt.涼(ryou) Gt.羽龍(uryu) (黒蜥蜴(KUROTOKAGE)) Dr.SAY support Ba.陽介(yousuke) (黒蜥蜴(KUROTOKAGE))
  21. their new album "lovefilm" will be released at 2016/08/03 (2 TYPE) limited edition (2,160yen) & regular edition (2,808yen) will include CD only [track list] 01.Alien 02.Don't Cry 03.Kiss 04.Vomit 05.BIG LOVE 06.Holy Wonder 07.Honey Bee 08.Goodbye, Goodnight 09.Our Dawn 10.Hours
  22. Trombe

    i.Rias Ba.音希(oki) will depart after their one-man live tour "N.I.A-isolated-" tour final "RELUME" at OSAKA RUIDO at 2016/07/03, as he considers difficult to continue band activities in view of his academic studies
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