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Everything posted by Trombe

  1. limited edition (3,600yen) of their new album (title not yet finalized) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition (3,000yen) will include CD only
  2. [track list] 01.UNDER WORLD END 'XISS 02.Devil parade 03.Everlasting 04.BRAIN PINK.AD 05.Betrayal:Cocytus
  3. Kaya SET-LIST at 2015/05/22: Part I: with Piano: 01.あおぞら 02.おだいじに with Piano & Drums: 03.すべりだい with Piano, Cello & Drums: 04.愛妻家の朝食 with AGt., Piano, Cello & Drums: 05.闇に降る雨 Part II: with AGt.: 01.映日紅の花 with AGt., Piano & Drums: 02.眩暈 03.歌舞伎町の女王 with AGt., Piano, Cello & Drums: 04.ギブス 05.丸の内サディスティック 06.モルヒネ
  4. btw they will hold their 1st anniversary one-man live "名も無き明日はない(namonaki ashita wa nai)" at TSUTAYA O-West at 2016/01/07
  5. VALSHE new mini album "ジツロク・クモノイト(jitsuroku kumo no ito)" will be released at 2015/06/24 (3 TYPE) Musing edition (5,400yen) will include CD+short story book, limited edition (3,024yen) will include CD+DVD (including "ジツロク・クモノイト(jitsuroku kumo no ito)" PV & making), and regular edition (2,160yen) will include CD only [CD track list] 01.ジツロク・クモノイト 02.破戒の枝 03.人間失覚 04.MANY ORDER 05.暗い夜の行き路
  6. mysterious new project "-真天地開闢集団-ジグザグ(zigzag)" will hold their first live at Shibuya REX at 2015/06/13, although member details have not yet been announced http://shintenchi.chips.jp/
  7. their members session "セッション⇔NUMBER(session NUMBER)" will perform at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU at 2015/06/04 "セッション⇔NUMBER(session NUMBER)" members: Vo.佐々木仁(sasaki jin) (シリアル⇔NUMBER(serial NUMBER)) Gt.ワジョウ(wajow) (m:a.ture, ギャロ(THE GALLO)) Ba.リョウ(ryou) (ex-シリアル⇔NUMBER(serial NUMBER), now in m:a.ture) Dr.史弥(fumiya) (ex-シリアル⇔NUMBER(serial NUMBER), now in RE/V) 佐々木仁(sasaki jin) session "THE☆オヤフーズ" will perform at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU at 2015/07/01 "THE☆オヤフーズ" members: Vo.佐々木仁(sasaki jin) (シリアル⇔NUMBER(serial NUMBER)) Gt.琉杏(rua) (エルム(ELM)) Ba.真悠(mayu) (トランスノート(trance note)) Dr.カエデ(kaede) (ギャロ(THE GALLO))
  8. Trombe

    Candy Vox Music presents "ドラマーズバトル(drummers battle)" will be held at HOLIDAY SHINJUKU at 2015/08/25, at which "「C」セッション(「C」session)" will perform [participating artists] ケンツ(kentz) (ex-「あゃ」(aya)) 「C」セッション(「C」session) 哲郎(tetsurou) (ex-Amaranth) マナブ(manabu) (ex-フーデッドシール(fooded seal)) 織人(shikito) (ヴァリル(VARYL)) 雪人(yukito) (URBANITY(support), Miss Rainy(support)) "「C」セッション(「C」session)" members: Vo.戮(riku) (ex-凛(lin)) Gt.KAZ (ex-VII-Sense) Ba.迅(jin) (SHAPE SHIFTER) Dr.美景(mikage) (ex-VII-Sense) http://c-in.link/
  9. Trombe

    Vo.MEGURU has opened his official twitter https://twitter.com/HERMITofficial
  10. 『正義』崇拝教團JUSTICE KING will "revive for one-day" at 前田愛郎(maeda airou) birthday presents live "もう傷つく心はありません(mou kizutsuku kokoro wa arimasen)" at Imaike CLUB 3STAR at 2015/08/31
  11. Trombe

    Ba.月(yue)(ex-DecoLa Hopping) has commenced to act as their support Ba. since their live at Ebisu club aim at 2015/05/25
  12. JACK THE LIPPER(LIPHLICH members halloween band) live-limited CD "JACK THE LIPPER" will be released at their live tour "From HeLL" since Kashiwa THUMB UP at 2015/10/10 and up to Hatsudai DOORS at 2015/10/24, although details have not yet been announced
  13. Trombe

    Ruellia support Dr.夢希兎(yukito)(f.k.a. 871) has officially joined リベラル(liberal) at Ruellia vs リベラル(liberal) 2-man live "華舞公演~華やかに導かれし輪舞~【Nine Flowers Rondo】" at Koshigaya MEMPHIS at 2015/05/24 SET-LIST at 2015/05/24: 01.image of the chaos 02.首切(kubikiri) 03.粉雪のwaltz(konayuki no waltz) 04.New Cult Education 05.残響トリガー(zankyou trigger) 06.Flowers Rondo 07.W-CROSS 08.Genocide~腐廃人(fuhaijin)
  14. special session has played "刑法第39条第1項「心神喪失者ノ行為ハ之ヲ罰セス」" at Femme Fatale & グリーヴァ(Grieva) 2-man live at Takadanobaba AREA at 2015/05/24 special session members: Vo.狂鬼-Kyouki- (グリーヴァ(Grieva)) Vo.Kaya (Femme Fatale) Gt.TaNa (Femme Fatale) Gt.源依織(minamotono iori) (Femme Fatale) Ba.緋雨-Hisame- (グリーヴァ(Grieva)) Dr.優冴-Yu-go- (グリーヴァ(Grieva))
  15. JILKA has disbanded after their live at Urawa Narciss at 2015/05/23 as it is difficult for Ba.サナ(sana) to continue band activities due to his worsening health problems SET-LIST at 2015/05/23: 01.Altar 02.過去進行形Σ(kako shinkoukei Σ) 03.性と死のシュプレヒコール(sei to shi no sprechchor) 04.革命に消えた太陽(kakumei ni kieta taiyou) 05.蝕罪(shokuzai)
  16. 花見桜幸樹(hanamizakura kouki)(ダウト(D=OUT)) cover album "花見便り~俺の女唄名曲集~" released at 2015/08/05 (2 TYPE) limited edition (3,780yen) will include CD+DVD (including PV & special footage)+booklet, and regular edition (3,000yen) will include CD only [CD track list] 01.時の流れに身をまかせ (テレサ・テン) 02.お久しぶりね (小柳ルミ子) 03.夜桜お七 (坂本冬美) 04.浪花節だよ人生は (小野由紀子) 05.津軽海峡・冬景色 (石川さゆり) 06.舟唄 (八代亜紀) 07.恋の季節 (ピンキーとキラーズ) 08.炭坑節 09.秋桜 (山口百恵) 10.ラヴ・イズ・オーヴァー (欧陽菲菲) 11.あの鐘を鳴らすのはあなた (和田アキ子) (included in regular edition)
  17. KO-KI(ex-ViViD) special band "ViX" will hold their first presents live "シフクノオト(shifuku no oto) Vol.1" at Shibuya REX at 2015/06/24, at which session "to U" will also perform "ViX" line-up at 2015/06/24: Vo.和希(kazuki) (REALIVE) Gt.なお(nao) (DaizyStripper) Ba.ヒィロ(hixro) (ex-ν[NEU]) Dr.KO-KI (ex-ViViD) "to U" members: Vo.Rikuto (ex-the LEM) Gt.ロッソ(rosso) (ex-DOLLARS) Ba.るる(ruru) Dr.渚(nagisa) (ex-NOCTSCURE)
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