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Everything posted by Trombe

  1. 陰陽座(Onmyo-za) 2 LIVE Blu-ray/DVDs "風神雷舞" "雷神雷舞" will be released at 2015/09/09 (Blu-ray 7,344yen / 2DVDs 6,264yen) "風神雷舞" [track list] 風神 2014.12.07 TOKYO DOME CITY HALL 01.風神 02.神風 03.然れど偽りの送り火 04.しょうけら 05.一目連 06.彷徨える 07.蛇蠱 08.無風忍法帖 09.野衾忍法帖 10.孔雀忍法帖 11.八百比丘尼 12.眼指 13.飆 14.魃 15.雲は龍に舞い、風は鳳に歌う 16.故に其の疾きこと風の如く 17.蒼き独眼 18.甲賀忍法帖 19.春爛漫に式の舞う也 20.焔之鳥 21.鳳翼天翔 22.羅刹 23.鬼斬忍法帖 24.わいら 25.おらびなはい 26.悪路王 27.生きることとみつけたり "雷神雷舞" [track list] 雷神 2015.02.22 TOKYO DOME CITY HALL 01.雷神 02.天獄の厳霊 03.夜歩き骨牡丹 04.千早振る 05.百の鬼が夜を行く 06.靂 07.神鳴忍法帖 08.組曲「鬼子母神」~鬼拵ノ唄 09.天狗笑い 10.累 11.蜩 12.青天の三日月 13.人首丸 14.組曲「鬼子母神」~鬼子母人 15.吹けよ風、轟けよ雷 16.而して動くこと雷霆の如し 17.雷舞 18.組曲「鬼子母神」~徨 19.組曲「鬼子母神」~膾 20.組曲「義経」~悪忌判官 21.卍 22.魔王 23.骸 24.がいながてや 25.喰らいあう
  2. [CD track list] 01.坩堝(rutsubo) 02.オルタナ(alterna) 03.foxy foxy 04.La Tarantella (included in regular edition) 05.LETTER (included in regular edition) 06.零未来-zeroAsu- 07.DISASTER [limited edition TYPE A DVD track list] 01.「オルタナ(alterna)」MUSIC CLIP 02.「オルタナ(alterna)」MUSIC CLIP MAKING [limited edition TYPE B DVD track list] 01.「GOD COLLAPSE」MUSIC CLIP(LIVE Edition) 02.「AWAKENING OF PERSONALITY」MUSIC CLIP(LIVE Edition) 03.「オルタナティヴ・タランチュラ(alternative tarantula)」RECORDING DOCUMENT MOVIE
  3. they have opened their official twitter https://twitter.com/tsudukimasite
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ikywbHYYVKI
  5. 公佑(kousuke) session "Ham-My-Ft3" will perform at his birthday presents live "ハムハム超会議3~はむぱにっく!!~" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/08/09 "Ham-My-Ft3" members: Vo.公佑(kousuke) (LEZARD) Gt.つかさ(tsukasa) (HOSHInoHOUSE) Gt.kaname (ex-amber gris) Ba.猟平(ryouhei) (CLØWD) Dr.しゅう(shuu) (ex-AUBE)
  6. Trombe

    SET-LIST at 2015/06/22: 01.Canaria~カナリア~ 02.dope-D 03.蜃気楼(shinkirou) 04.CROWN FOR THE SORROW 05.from illness TILL PAIN 06.朱~aka~ 07.哀切(aisetsu) 08.DARK BLUE MOON
  7. support Dr.りんた(rinta) will officially join the band at their live at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2015/06/26, at which they will change their band name to "Dear" and Vo.みよ(miyo) will change his stage name to "タケル(takeru)"
  8. their demo single "ドレス(dress)" will be released at their live since Okayama IMAGE at 2015/07/19 (1,500yen), which will include CD+DVD (including "rewrite" LIVE CLIP) [CD track list] 01.ドレス(dress) 02.MISERY
  9. their live-distributed CD "Whodunit Howdunit Whydunit" will be released at their live at Shibuya WWW at 2015/08/08 and at Shinsaibashi CLUB CHOP at 2015/08/23
  10. Trombe

    Synk;yet LIVE DVD "2015.03.26 TSUTAYA O-WEST Expanding Inner Core-THE FINAL-" will be released at 2015/10/07 (3,996yen, limited 1000), which will include scene of their one-man live "Expanding Inner Core-THE FINAL-" at TSUTAYA O-West at 2015/03/26 and will be sold in advance at their live since Urawa Narciss at 2015/09/01 [track list] 01.愛憎のファムファタール(aizou no femme fatale) 02.midNight masquerade 03.インナーチャイルド(inner child) 04.タルペイアの崖(tarpeia no gake) 05.Transitional Insanity 06.Cross of sin 07.Sacred Symphony 08.Psychotic Mechanism 09.Fake Out 10.finale… 11.夢人達の旋律(yumebitotachi no senritsu) 12.Silent Prayer 13.RIP-Requiescat in Pace- 14.Unlimited Crucio 15.Fatal lovers-after story- 16.[Re]:birth 17.An die Freude 18.Messiah their PV DVD-R "Unlimited Crucio" will be released through Starwave Records official web-shop and at their live since 2015/07/01 and up to 2015/07/31 (3,000yen, limited 50) [track list] 01.Unlimited Crucio (PV) 02.2015.06.17 at Ikebukuro CYBER (live digest) 03.2015.06.17 at Ikebukuro CYBER (off-shot)
  11. Trombe

    btw they will hold their one-man live "Right side LAYOUT[sENSE]" at Kokuritsu Yoyogi Kyougijou Dainitaiikukan at 2015/12/18 SET-LIST at 2015/06/22: 01.To be awake is to be alive 02.Period 03.My second B-day 04.Catastrophe 05.REM SLEEP 06.World is mine 07.Laser 08.Another one step 09.By the rain 10.Idea 11.Jack 12.ROACH 13.Scapegoat 14.Good girl gone bed 15.LAYOUT EN1 01.GLOSTER IMAGE 02.瞳孔(doukou) 03.HEART ch. 04.Reincarnation 05.LION HEART
  12. their new line-up will hold their first presents live "グッバイ。(goodbye)" at Ikebukuro EDGE at 2015/08/01 with their mysterious new Vo.感染者のKさん (tentative name), at which their live-distributed single (title not yet finalized) will be released (including re-recording ver. of their previous song)
  13. アンティック-珈琲店-(AN CAFE) major debut single "千年DIVE!!!!!(sennen DIVE!!!!!)" will be released at 2015/08/26 (8 TYPE) limited edition (1,800yen) will include CD (2 songs)+DVD (including "千年DIVE!!!!!(sennen DIVE!!!!!)" PV, making & members' interview), Musing edition (5,400yen) will include CD (2 songs with different track 2)+DVD+photobook (A4-size), regular edition TYPE A (1,000yen) will include CD (1 song+"スマイル1番イイ♀ 〜2015 ver.〜"), and regular edition TYPE B-F (500yen each, for different members) will include CD (1 song) only [Musing edition DVD track list] ・メジャーデビュー決起集会!〜みくの部屋へようこそ〜 番外編:美男(イケメン)ロックスターへの道〜ファッションコーディネート編〜 title track "千年DIVE!!!!!(sennen DIVE!!!!!)" is written by 大黒摩季(ooguro maki) and composed by 徳永暁人(tokunaga akito)
  14. ロットマン(lotman) demo CD "らいせにきたい!。(raise ni kitai)" has been available for ordering through mail "[email protected]" since 2015/06/22 (2,000yen) [track list] 01.ころしてやる(koroshiteyaru) 02.ちろるちろる(tirol tirol) 03.さぎょうなう(sagyou now) 04.きみは10がつ(kimi wa 10gatsu) 05.さいごそんぐ(saigo song) umbrella & 真田廉(sanada ren) will hold their 2-man live at Minamihorie SOCORE FACTORY at 2015/08/07
  15. Dr.YUSUKE(ex-TIHS, VANDAROID-->ERG†IRE-->DEALIVE) will resume activities and will commence to act as their support Dr. since their live at Shinjuku RUIDO K4 at 2015/07/22
  16. Art In Storm Ba.悠莉(yuuri) has departed at 2015/06/21 due to his family reasons, and Ba.ItcHang(the Gunzzy) has joined the band at the same date
  17. SET-LIST at 2015/06/21: 01.Mob psycho 02.Ripper 03.SILENCE 04.Mirror
  18. Trombe

    their new maxi single "ALONE" will be released at 2015/08/05 (1,296yen) [track list] 01.ALONE 02.Smile & Smile
  19. Trombe

    桜井青(sakurai ao)(cali≠gari), kiyoto(ex-ROSEN KREUZ), 長谷川正(hasegawa tadashi)(Plastic Tree), DADA(VELVET EDEN), TUSK(THE SLUT BANKS) & Genet(AUTO-MOD) comments have been added btw no. of their followers has reached 1000
  20. Trombe

    SET-LIST at 2015/06/21: 01.Public eyes 02.Blind 03.少女とクローゼット 04.Anachronism 05.赤い薔薇のスープ 06.無知な命へ 07.サクラメイロ 08.消せない雨 09.紫陽花 10.Mr:Imbalance-44 11.Sticky flower 12.どうにもとまらない 13.Humiliate me more, Darlin' 14.Peanut 15.Persona 16.ドリー・マーズ 17.Noble King Snake EN1 01.Downer 02.Humiliate me more, Darlin'(高速 ver.) 03.Marvelous 04.Candy Strippers 05.Sticky flower(高速 ver.)
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