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Everything posted by Trombe

  1. it is announced at KRAD presents live at TSUTAYA O-West at 2015/11/12 that their new maxi single "M.A.D" will be released at 2016/02/24 (1,296yen) [track list] 01.M.A.D 02.残影(zanei) btw they will hold their one-man live "毒裁(dokusai)" at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2016/02/24, for which their single "【D】Add" will be enclosed with live ticket (1,000yen)
  2. Magistina Saga LIVE DVD-R "2015.11.06 Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 Encroachment" will be released through Starwave Records official web-shop and at 50-attendant-limited 庵-iori- birthday one-man live "circler ilice" at 2015/12/08 (3,500yen, limited 50), which will include scene of their one-man live "Encroachment" at Ikebukuro RUIDO K3 at 2015/11/06 [track list] 01.Double Face 02.曉月-akatuki- 03.intertwine 04.L 05.Dark side of the moon 06.×る水槽(×ru suisou) 07.Invisible wall 08.イリジスタブル(irresistible) 09.Deep affection 10.Fate Gear 11.Persona
  3. 【TRiANGLE▼SONiX】 VS Twins☆ VS けけ(ヶ´∀`)(keke) will hold their 3-man live "双子のわがまま(futago no wagamama) BATTLE COLISEUM Vol.2" at Shibuya REX at 2016/01/05
  4. [track list] 01.日本劣等!謝罪回収の旅!~断罪!平成の20面相現る!~(nippon rettou! shazai kaishuu no tabi!~danzai! heisei no nijuumensou arawaru!~) 02.復讐甲子園(fukushuu koushien) 03.天使キラーEL(tenshi killer EL) 04.愛と平和の死者(ai to heiwa no shisha)
  5. Trombe

  6. CHISA from DIV feat.2BOY will perform at EDM / ELECTRO / HIP HOP event "Ray-Van" at Shibuya club asia at 2015/11/20
  7. their members session "しゅざく(shuzaku)" will perform at HOLIDAY OSAKA at 2015/12/25 "しゅざく(shuzaku)" members: Vo.我ル-garu- (Paranoid≠circuS) Gt.蛇鬼-zyaki- (Paranoid≠circuS) Gt.ひろ。(hiro) (ex-Gimmick.) Ba.浮絺(uchi) (A113) Dr.カレン(karen) (ALVION)
  8. special band "神E・D・E・N" will be opening act of Magistina Saga 50-attendant-limited 庵-iori- birthday one-man live "circler ilice" at HOLIDAY OSAKA at 2015/12/08, at which they will play their original songs "神E・D・E・N" members: Vo.魔法と真実のお伽話の創造者 ウリエル(uriel) (Magistina Saga 潤戯-urugi-) Gt.聖なる時を刻む者 ルシエル(luciel) (HOLYCLOCK 琢弥-takuya-) Gt.新たなる奏での宣告者 ザビエル(xaviel) (ex-Gimmick. ひろ。-hiro-) Ba.魔法と真実の洗浄者 アリエール(ariel) (Magistina Saga 景-kyo-) Dr.世界と銀河の支配者 セカエル(sekael) (A113 咲汰-shouta-) ex-Gimmick. Gt.ひろ。-hiro- has opened his new twitter https://twitter.com/Xavier_nahanaha
  9. session "REX JAPAN" will perform at Shibuya REX at 2015/12/28 "REX JAPAN" members: Vo.HAKU (デスフィナ(deathfina)) Gt.祐(yuu) (Re;aL, OROCHI(support)) Gt.蘭丸(ranmaru) (areas, OROCHI(support)) Ba.miya Key.TAIGA (LEREVE) Dr.神童-キッド-(kid) (Re;aL, デスフィナ(deathfina)(support))
  10. event "誰もつかまらない夜は、第5夜" will be held at Kouenji REEF at 2016/01/19, and さいとうひろゆき(saitou hiroyuki) will hold his one-man live at Kouenji REEF at 2016/01/20 the Mouse SET-LIST at 2015/11/09: 01.メトロ 02.おいてけぼりの僕と、3つになるトラ柄の猫 03.サツキ 04.どうしようもない春だとしても 05.クリスマスソング さいとうひろゆき(saitou hiroyuki)(ex-ハッチ(hucci)) & pinky(PLUNKLOCK) SET-LIST at 2015/11/09: 01.ドレッドノート 02.声 03.雨の日。 04.ひまわりの約束 (Vo.pinky) (秦基博) 05.誰もつかまらない夜は 06.空の下にて
  11. it is announced at LAID BACK OCEAN live tour final at Daikanyama UNIT at 2015/11/11 that they will be major debut in 2016
  12. their new album "心技体(shingitai)" will be released at 2016/01/06 (3 TYPE) limited edition TYPE A 大盤(dai-ban) & TYPE B 吟盤(gin-ban) (4,100yen each) will include CD+DVD, and regular edition 醸盤(jou-ban) (3,240yen) will include CD only
  13. YUKiTO new digital single "沢山のごめんねと沢山のありがとう。(takusan no gomen ne to takusan no arigatou)" will be released in 2015/12
  14. ex-リベット(Rivet) members session band "steez" will perform at Shibuya aube at 2015/12/23 "steez" members: Vo.葉瑠(haru) (ex-リベット(Rivet)) Gt.TORU (MURASAKI) Ba.翔(shou) (ex-リベット(Rivet)) Dr.HITOSHI
  15. they have opened their official twitter https://twitter.com/VAMQUET
  16. title of their PV single is finalized as "脳内コラージュ(nounai collage)"
  17. release of their new album "reincarnation" (2nd press) will be postponed to 2015/11/25
  18. Trombe

    MeteoroiD will participate in live performance, Q&A panel and have meet-and-greet at anime convention "Tokyo in Tulsa" in US at 2016/07/15-07/17, and attendants could meet MeteoroiD at the Sakura Dinner if having Sakura pass http://www.tokyointulsa.com/meteroid.html
  19. SET-LIST at 2015/11/11: "ジャズシャンソン歌手": 01.アイドル(idol) (アヴァンチック(avanchick)) 02.THE AGENCY OF PROVIDENCE (THE EGOIST) 03.モノクロ世界(monokuro sekai) (ベティ(betty)) 04.輪廻転生(rinnetensei) (Devil Kitty) 05.罪と罰(tsumi to batsu) (アヴァンチック(avanchick)) "Inner village": 01.Maria (アヴァンチック(avanchick)) 02.Be Revived (メアリィ(meary)) 03.Enough. (THE EGOIST) 04.WORLD END (Devil Kitty) 05.ギロチン(guillotine) (Devil Kitty) "E=mc2": 01.GAREKI (アヴァンチック(avanchick)) 02.Athena (べティ(betty)) 03.未練(miren) (メアリィ(meary)) 04.Enough. (THE EGOIST) "ロンギヌスの槍": 01.ひとりごと(hitorigoto) (アヴァンチック(avanchick)) 02.あなたと私(anata to watashi) (メアリィ(meary)) 03.Maria (ベティ(betty)) 04.WORLD END (Devil Kitty) "ワルプルギスの夜": 01.Chlammy (Devil Kitty) 02.Do you need me? (アヴァンチック(avanchick)) 03.「9」 (ベティ(betty)) 04.Will (THE EGOIST) "ポッキー": 01.パラノイア(paranoia) (THE EGOIST) 02.殺意と善意の狭間で…(satsui to zen'i no hazama de...) (メアリィ(meary)) 03.RESIST (Dear) 04.I am bitch (Devil Kitty)
  20. it is surprised that Gt.GRIF will participate in SCISSOR at that live, but it appears that Ba.Tsunehito (now in D) will not participate
  21. latest romanji of their band name should be "mefyist", and at start their band name was previously "mephisto"
  22. mitsu has opened his OHP and new twitter http://www.mitsu-official.com/ https://twitter.com/mitsu_official SET-LIST at 2015/11/11: 01.For Myself 02.言いたいことも言えずに (ν[NEU]) 03.キンモクセイは君と 04.[new song #1] 05.歌うたいのバラッド (斉藤和義) 06.SHAKE (SMAP) 07.It's So Easy 08.[new song #2] EN1 01.[new song #1] 02.It's So Easy 03.For Myself
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