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Everything posted by Tony

  1. Tony

    Well the easy part to decipher - they are playing Tokyo Dome on 11/11. Quick wikipedia, that venue fits 55,000 people.
  2. Tony

    Skylar Grey & Manson song sounds pretty good, her album should be good.
  3. Tony

    I like "Your Love" and "Save Me" from the album. Plus if you haven't heard her verse in Monster, that.
  4. Tony

    Pretty big tie-in they've scored here. Of course it will be a pop song.
  5. Tony

    Don't mind the song she did with Robyn.
  6. Tony

    The movie sucked for me, but the soundtrack was fantastic.
  7. Tony

    What is one of A's releases called? Having trouble searching for just 'A' through the search.
  8. Tony

    I'm in the same boat, any specific releases to check out from the past year?
  9. Tony

    That's the first time I ever saw/heard EROS & the PV. WTF was that
  10. Tony

    Holy crap, Kyo likes Bauhaus... although the album he chose is a live one. o_o Writing for Velvet Eden is intriguing... diru have not played with electronic/industrial-influenced sounds for a long time. Look forward to see what they come up with.
  11. Tony

    I don't own the album, I just saw on the wikipedia that super bass is in the deluxe edition only, the regular edition only has 13 tracks and Super Bass is not one of them.
  12. Tony

    I am obsessed with Super Bass. Her first rap in this song is almost better than the one she did for Monster. I can't believe this track was left off the main album - its the best song she's done by far.
  13. Cut Copy anyone? 8R1X2TxW5Rk and The Presets: CZe9YxJNs48 Two of my favourite Australian electronic bands, must check these out if you don't know of them.
  14. Previews: h5WZbAFwtcE N&N sound is back! Even the remixes sound like their best yet. CANNOT WAIT I still hate everyone who can see them and dir en grey together. That's like.. my dream concert.
  15. Don't think these guys need much of an introduction... one of the best electronic bands to ever grace this planet. I can still remember being 7 or 8 years old and totally addicted to Around the World. But my favourite all time songs of theirs is One More Time. And I would give anything to see them live, here's hoping for another world tour. Any fans?
  16. Don't think these guys need much of an introduction... one of the best electronic bands to ever grace this planet. I can still remember being 7 or 8 years old and totally addicted to Around the World. But my favourite all time songs of theirs is One More Time. And I would give anything to see them live again, here's hoping for another world tour. Any fans?
  17. Tony

    This album has grown on me after more listens, it definitely not something I could grasp in one listen or one day. However, I don't think its one of their best releases. It has its shining moments, but its downfalls. I think its biggest downfall is that they have stopped using a chorus or hook or some sort in their song structure - in many songs, there's almost nothing to latch onto. Nothing to make you want to hit the repeat button. Another of its minuses is that it seems like, the skeleton of the album is similar to UROBOROS. We have the long, progressive-sounding tracks, coupled with the shorter bursts of chaos and softer, ballad-y tracks. It just feels like we've been though this kind of album before. While the skeleton of UROBOROS is there, the albums sound almost nothing alike. UROBOROS felt more controlled, this album is chaos without restriction. I actually struggle to listen to the whole thing in one sit. You can tell they wanted to make an uncomfortable, long album, they did not want this to be easy listening. This is why when you get to one of the 3 singles tracks, your ear breathes a sigh of relief.. catchy riffs and a chorus to sing along to! Once again, it feels like the band purposely did this. Dreambox and AMON are the two other easy-listening tracks here for me. A lot of people were quick to dismiss AMON as being crap and some have even said its the worst track on the album. But I think its actually one of the best, both the original and the symphonic version. And if you listen closely it actually has a chorus. The song is structured very similar to DIFFERENT SENSE, and they work very well together one-after-another. Dreambox is one of the better album tracks, seems like a fan favourite. And speaking of DIFFERENT SENSE, its the best track here by far. Don't get the whingeing about the re-recorded single tracks. They both still sound good. Hageshisa's single version is better, packs a bit more punch, but I think the new version sounds better in the context of the album. The differences in LOTUS are too marginal, I loved the track as a single and I love it here. Makes you appreciate these kinds of tracks more as the band makes less and less mainstream-sounding songs. They also seem to be cutting down on ballads, we only really get one here, VANITAS. Its pretty sounding, but nowhere near their best. The long, proggy part of the album is hit and miss. Worked so well on UROBOROS with Vinuskha, but DIABOLOS falls well short. Its boring, plods along too slow and feels like a 20 minute song rather than a 9 minute one. The Blossoming Beelzebub is amazing though, a spotlight for Kyo's wide vocal range. There seems to be a bunch of "OK" tracks that aren't bad but aren't highlights either and don't have much of an impact. 獣慾, 滴る朦朧 & 暁 fall into that category for me. Then we have the downright bad... DECAYED CROW. >_< At least the album ends on a high with 流転の塔, the melodic sections are amazing and Kyo's vocals are outstanding. Best tracks: The Blossoming Beelzebub, DIFFERENT SENSE, AMON, Dreambox, Lotus, Hageshisa Worst track: DECAYED CROW 7/10
  18. Tony

    This album is so overwhelming on the first listen. There's so much going on, its hard to keep up with the pace. I think I'm going to have to listen to something else before I'm ready to give this a second listen. This is easily their most chaotic album yet, it makes UROBOROS look like a pop record. They weren't joking when they said the singles were "easy listening". Like UROBOROS, this is going to need time, and a lot of it, before you can even begin to grasp what the band has created.
  19. Tony

    ^ its also annoying when people assume that anyone who likes the song is automatically a dir en grey fanboy/fangirl who can't see straight. People are capable of forming their own individual opinion and taste in music, just like you have. But I agree. Its not a great song, let down by the fact it doesn't have a single hook. and most dir en grey songs, no matter how heavy or progressive they get, always have something to keep you interested and coming back for more listens. They've been doing that their whole career - so if the album is like Amon, its going to be a really big departure from anything they've ever done.
  20. Tony

    I wouldn't jump to say that just yet. From what we've heard from the samples, DSS will definitely be closer to Uroboros than anything they've done previously. Just like how most of their albums are "closest" in sound to the previous? They have never made two albums that sound the same, and this is going to be no exception judging from the 4 songs we already have.
  21. Tony

    Pretty much confirms we won't be getting another UROBOROS. I don't mind the song after a couple of listens. I love the bass. But in the big picture, I don't know how this album will work if ALL the album tracks are like this.
  22. Tony

    Loved them in the early years, but the new single is very average.
  23. Tony

    ^ the show has always focused on them trying & failing to get girls, which is part of being a nerd.. they have to be in relationships sooner or later or the show would go nowhere.
  24. Tony

    Agreed with first gripe! Love the theme music. Second gripe.. it was supposed to be that way on purpose. for comedy purposes. that's the whole point. otherwise if they wanted to make it so realistic they could have used different actors that were older.
  25. Tony

    Discovered some more japanese indie I like! lloy - a gothic post-punk band, very interesting style, really enjoying this. The Brixton Academy - indie-electro-pop band, addicted to "so shy"
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