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Posts posted by bakteeri

  1. What the hell are you guys talking about? This band hasn't made a single shitty song yet. Except for the covers, but nobody gives a shit about those.

    And lol @ comparing them to Gazette. ABC are better like over 9000 times. And Yasu has been on the top for almost a decade, so accusing him for making money NOW is kinda ludicrous.

  2. We're on the fourth page and we already have it all. Comparing to Dir en grey, comparing to earlier gazette songs "lol it has growls, RECYCLING". Jeez, these guys still doing music? They should start doing videos of them mowing the lawn. I bet they would be better at that.

    Well anyway, judging by the sample, I think it's gonna be better than Vortex. Which doesn't take much, since Vortex sucked major balls. And I like the looks. Just jeans and casual shirts. Nice. Honestly I never thought I'd see them do this.

  3. Actually, I'd really like to see Ruki doing a solo-career, since all the best songs are composed by him anyway. Distress and Coma, Headache Man, Leech, Without a Trace etc. Do it!

  4. Different Sense

    I love it. Uroboros was a real turn in their career from pure shit to something decent. If you ignore Hageshisa, everything after that has been pretty great. And fuck yeah guitar solo. They're finally getting a hold of what good metal is. Glad they're trying to be something more that just a faggy japanese version of Slipknot. 9/10

    Haven't listened to the rest. Don't really care at the moment.

  5. This was a great single by them but (im not saying they stole or copied) is it just me that thinks Mind Candy' solo sounds a bit like Nightmare's solo style?

    Pretty much every VK band does solo's like that.

  6. Vortex

    Decent. Quite catchy. Auto-tune is a huge minus. 7/10

    Uncertain sense

    Decent. It would've been much better if they dumped those faggy teenagehardcoremetal-parts. 7/10

    Break Me

    While I appreciate the fact that they did someting completely different from their usual style, and the solo being superawesome. THEY FUCKING STOLE EVERY GOD DAMN RIFF FROM HIDE'S BREEDING. Even the vocal melodies during verse and pre-chorus are almost the same. Not cool dudes, not cool at all. A really nice song to rip-off, but fuck man, don't make it so obvious. 2/10

    Pledge was a million times better.

  7. I had to laugh out loud at their clothes and hair. What on earth where they thinking? Lulz! That's just retarded, man.

    Umm, why? Basic black clothes, very little details. Hair is balanced and it doesn't look like it was cut by someone with parkinsons disease, like with most VK-fags. They look actually very normal. But hey, normal can be funny too.

    But the auto-tune: why? I can understand an auto-tuned chorus, but not random parts of the verse

    Eww, no. Whole chorus with auto-tune is instant fail. Though using it in the first place is too. Too bad Gazette fell for it.

  8. There is no evidence Osama was behind 9/11. He specificly denied being involved. The "confession video" was released months later, yet he has been blamed for the event since it happened. Not to mention that Osama looks very different in the confession video. I guess he got a nosejob ey? Oh, and there's no confession in the video.

    He was probably still a dangerous terrorist, but I doubt he did 9/11.

    These things are so suspicious that it doesn't even make sense. Dumping the body in to ocean? Building 7 going down a free fall? Claiming to have proper evidence in picture and video -form, but NOT making it public? It's as if they want everyone to go all conspiracy.

  9. Oh lol, I haven't listened to Opeth for years and I remembered they did mostly stuff like Harvest. My bad. Yeah, the similarities are pretty non-existant. But Harvest is still totally like DIM. And Harvest is as generic as a rock-ballad can be, though it is indeed beautiful.

    Not so hard = pretty much is a synonym for easy. But I don't think we can go anywhere with that.

  10. Except that I still didn't. Not so hard =/= easy. Okay?

    First you go on about being able to look at music objectively and then you say that about TMOAB. I'm not a fan of it either aside from a few songs, actually can't even remember what half of it sounds, but that's still a massive exaggeration. And a perfect demonstration of why I brought Dir en grey up.

    DIM = Blackwater Park + Ruki?

    NO COMMENT. :emo:

    Except that Ruki is one of the worst things about the band and I don't wish to imagine him singing anything else.

    But I don't really have anything against them personally. It's not their fault their popularity blew up, and making music for a monthly salary is clearly their best career option, so pretty sure they'll keep doing that whether they have a single idea left or not. Can't blame them.

    Easy, not so hard, uh, it's pretty much the same thing dude.

    I think TMOAB sucks. It is still clearly a professionally made album, it's somewhat nicely thought out. I'd say they accomplished with it what they intended to. They made it while touring, which is pretty cool. But it's still very bad in my opinon. But yeah, I was exxaggarating as hell.

    Harvest could be any Gazette song and you know it! Just add koto, some strings and more sevenths and you get DIM.

  11. That's a lot of projecting right there, don't even know where to begin. Or whether I want to. First of all I never said making music should be easy. What I was saying is that it should be left to those who don't find making an original sounding tune *SO* hard that they need to have fans defending their songwriting after every release with the "but it's so hard to make something new" argument. I was in no way implying that one should put no effort into what they are doing and just coast along year after year with whatever first pops into their head. I have no idea how you reached that conclusion. Though if that sort of coasting is an opportunity then we are clearly talking talent. Whether people capitalize on it is another thing. Now I know it's pointless to except artists who are signed to agencies to have artistic integrity, but that doesn't mean I can't have an opinion on their obvious recycling.

    What is so awesome about DIM? I've tried to listen to it several times and everytime I've opted for silence. All their songs I've heard, with an exception of maybe one, either sound boring as hell or super-awkward to me. Like an audio version of a scrapbook. And not a pretty one, or an ambitious one, just awkward. At least it follows their all over the place visuals. They might be doing well for a neo-VK, but since 99% of it is utter shit, that's not saying much. Your interest in defending them is strange enough as it is, if half their stuff sucks in your opinion, but it's made even more hilarious by your bashing of Dir en grey, who even at their simplest manage to sound far better. And then you think I'm a teenager? Sorry, haven't been one for half a decade. Dream Theater? There's a difference between using your skill and knowledge to make something cool and using it to show off your skills. Last time I checked they fell into the latter category, as in no thanks. Opeth has made some lovely music though, so no need to bring them into this discussion.

    You said music should be left to those who find it easy. There ain't many ways to interpret that. But fair enough.

    I defend Gazette mostly, because people who bash them seem to bash them just for being Gazette. It's so ridiculous it's hard to tell whether people are trolling or just idiots.

    I don't really "bash" Dir en grey. I barely even post in their threads nowadays. And I really liked their previous single, so I don't know where that came from. I do think most of their stuff is crap, but I can see they have talent when they want, and they do know what they're doing. I still don't like their sound and style most of the time at all. Plus I secretly despise them for making TMOAB, which is the second worst album from Japan ever. But those bands are like day and night so this discussion is pointless here.

    I never implied you were a teenager, I said you sound like one.

    Atleast the matter of DT and Opeth we can agree on. PS make Ruki sing any song from Blackwater Park and you get DIM. Trufax, saying anything else is denial.

  12. Yes, challenging yourself is always needed, but for all your hard work to matter to the listener, you first have to have the basics down. If all your effort is being wasted on putting together a simple song, then you will never go beyond that. You will be stuck in mediocrity. And this band is not even mediocre unless you include all the crappy pop rock out there.

    You don't have to invent new genres to make good music, though it's always a good thing to not stick to one sound defined by various artists before you. But you can make good music within any genre, if you just know what you are doing. Though in the case of creative people not knowing can lead to amazingness. You can always hear if a band knows or not, and whether you like them personally makes little difference. The Gazette barely has a clue. Tear down their concept? They have NO concept. Making basic rock with pointless bits of shredding and sticking some computer effects on top to make it sound not entirely stuck in the 90's is no concept. Now if you don't mind wasting your time listening and defending this crap, then good for you I guess. But don't start lecturing other people about having no idea, just because your own appreciation of music is so limited you can't differentiate between the good and the pointless.

    Gazette is doing really well within this genre. Everyone who understands music can see that they obviously know what they do. Whether they have "talent" is questionable, but I think they proved with DIM that they can do some pretty awesome shit if they want. They can play really well and they can compose really well. You don't have to like them, but it would be pretty "uneducated" to say this band doesn't have their shit together.

    Though I do think that atleast half of Gazette's stuff is really lame, some of which simply sucks. If that's what you wanted to hear.

    It is a concept. It's a simple one, it wasn't invented by them, but it's still a concept. And who cares?

    You first blabbered some bs that music should be left to those who find it easy. That's the complete opposite of what you just said right there.

    I still think you don't understand much about music, since it seems like you don't even know what shredding is. Gazette has like one song with shredding. Lol but that's splitting hairs.

    Liking Gazette, or any band, is all about opinions and has nothing to do with "higher appreciation of music". That's another thing which makes me think you just don't really understand music, as in music itself. You could be the greatest composer ever and know every secret about music, yet you could still enjoy mediocre crap. It's simple as that. Understanding music and appreciating it has nothing to do with the bands you like. It seems like you lack the skill to analyze songs in an objective way. Plus you sound like a teenager who just found Dream Theater and Opeth.

    Now you can go back to your superawesome and vast music appreciation.

  13. Lol @ the vocoder.

    It sounds like it's missing something, but it's not bad. Solo had a neat idea, but it sucked. Maybe it'll be better in proper quality.

    The feeling is kinda like in BID, except this isn't so terrible.

  14. I watch VK porn for the lulz. This video was pretty lame, like expected. I still wanted watch it.

    I don't understand people who complain about people commenting on someone having sex. And no one was being surprised about the sex part. Sex is no big deal, no shit? That's like complaining about discussion about eating. LOL PEOPLE EAT FOOD.

  15. I'm really surprised that they killed him. Or atleast announced it. Why now? He's been used as the reason for the war for a decade. What now? Isn't it profitable anymore? And what about the threat? They said that if Osama is captured or killed, a nuke will blow off in europe. This was like a week ago and then bam, Osama is killed. This is really starting to look like we're getting set up for world war III. Things will either suddenly start going really well, or shit will totally hit the fan.

  16. I feel like Dir en grey is one of the few Japanese bands that can successfully pull of sounding "metal" without it sounding completely fake (i.e. the GazettE)

    Dir en grey isn't metal.

    Korn isn't metal.

    Slipknot isn't metal.

    Marilyn Manson isn't metal.

    This is the common mentality of metalheads. Those are, as "real metalheads" say; "gay bands for teenagers". I used to hang around in a looooot of metalforums, and those bands were no no. Sure it's ok to like them, but call them metal and shitstorm is ready.

    But I do agree. Most VK bands who try to be metal just fail miserably. Dir en grey atleast has a clue what's going on.

    PS Gazette has said they're not a metal band and never will be.

  17. Lol yeah, you were right, those were totally re-recorded. But so were Daisuke's vocals, which is pretty noticable especially in Iya and Sacher. Honestly we can never know if these were completely re-done after his death, or did Daisuke intend it this way. I think it would be blasphemy if the solo of Uso to Meiro was changed by someone other than Daisuke. Especially 'cause it's worse. But I'm pretty sure it was Daisuke.

  18. Yes, because I listened to every song and didn't even make it till half when I skipped to the next one. But dying makes all of his songs masterpieces, doesn't it?

    That means you didn't listen to the whole album. Dying made these songs much less awesome, because most of this is clearly unfinished.

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