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Posts posted by bakteeri

  1. seeing a bland hide copycat with a real hide support member is so weird srsly

    This. It's weirder than when Miyavi had Spread Beaver guys play with him.

    And is there something wrong with the information on this thread or is there something I don't know? Seiya is the bassist, alteast the last I time I checked. The other guy is the drummer.

  2. The christian god is the most evil and sadistic asshole that human has ever written about. So it's only logical that his most loyal followers are like that too.

    Of course not all christians are like that. Actually, most "christians" aren't really christians at all. They're just slaves of pointless old customs who keep up a dying faith. Victims of brainswashing by parents who suffered the same kind of gullible raising. "This and that is wrong because a 2000 year old book says so!". Sigh. They pick up stuff from the bible, here and there, things they like and can relate to, and ignore the rest. Then they believe in god, go to church and call themselves christians. Honestly, I don't see the reason to hold on to this thing anymore. Most of those rules and guidance can't relate to these days at all. There are still few good ones like "treat others like you'd like to be treated" and so on. (well, that rule is older than christianity anyway, but still)

    Didn't watch it yet, but I can guess what it's about. Definitely disagree. There's not a single being in the world that suffers from gay sex. Therefore, it can't be wrong. Personally, I don't understand the point of marriage in the first place, but if gays wanna get married, then they should be allowed to. Marriage wasn't invented by christians so they don't have the right to decide on that. Though, if they don't want gays in their churches, I don't understand why gays would want to go there in the first place. But even if there is such a thing as "god", there's no one in the world who can talk on the behalf of god. If someone claims to have authority to do this, that person is a lying asshole.

  3. I can't help thinking that they tried the same approach with The Suicide Circus as they did with The Invisible Wall. I mean sure the song is completely different, but the feeling and "build-up" is very similar. Not complaining though. The song is great. Pre-chorus and the part before that were the highlights. Chorus ain't bad either.

    From what I've seen, Gazette is one of the best live bands I've ever seen. The Tokyo Dome live is almost perfect. And when I saw them back in 2008, (or 2007?) they were great. Even though back then they played mostly their stacked bullshit songs, they still made a damn amazing show.

  4. I'm kinda surprised at how interesting some of those samples sound. Seems like they did save all the goodies for the album. But we'll see after the release. Ruthless Deed and Untitled are my favorites so far. Psychopath was the least interesting. It's probably one of those simple Discharge-style headbanging songs they have on every album.

  5. While I do agree, that these guys could try something "new" simply because they have so much potential, but I don't really understand why people expect so much from VK. Seriously. How many times you've heard someone say about a western band that they should try something new? How many times someone has listened to a new Ensiferum album and complained that "pff these guys still doing viking metal"? None, zero, nada. That just doesn't happen. No one is expecting a western band to change. No one even want's that. For VK bands, it's the opposite. A VK band doing the same stuff for 2 years is usually considered a failure. Why is that?

  6. It's not the hating itself I care about. Even I think half of Gazette's stuff is total crap. I'd just like some little quality on posts here. Maybe it's too much to ask.

    To go on topic, I'll make a proper review of the single.

    Remember The Urge

    Ok, the main riff. Actually the only part of the song I don't really care about. It sounds like how a basic lame western emoband would start a song. Jamming a minorscale over powerchords. Pfft. Well, after that it get's better. Verse is nice. Guitars are.. well basicly just hitting one chord. But it works. Ruki is really great on this one. Vocal-lines are very catchy and get's you going with the song. The break before the solo builds up veeeery nicely. The solo itself is probably the highlight of the song. Nothing "wow" like on Pledge, but it's decent. The calm part is a pretty basic way to make a song longer. They could've thought out something more interesting, but hey it works. It's a decent song. Far from their best, yet far from their worst. Though, I'm not surprised at all that they left this one out of the album.

    Clever Monkey

    Well, the main riff is pretty bland. You know when you grab your guitar and just jam and make up some riff in two minutes? This is one of those riffs. It doesn't sound that shitty, it's just that it could be infinity times better. Actually pretty much the whole song sounds like it was put together in an hour. The chorus sounds very good, but even that is just two chords. It would've been great as a pre-chorus of some other song. Solo sucks. Tapping a scale is the laziest and crappiest form of soloing ever. The laughing at the beginning sets up the song really nicely, and the talking during first verse sounds reeeaaaally badass. Too bad Ruki decided to use those ideas on a pointless filler like this.


    Mainmelody is very good. The mood and atmosphere is just awesome. The bad thing is that this song sounds really unfinished. If they just would've spent some more time on this and this could've been one of their best songs. Now it's just "one of those b-sides". Many parts are way too short and end like they hit the wall. Don't get me wrong, the song sounds good. But I can't help thinking that they were like "whatever it's finished enough". Well, fuck it's not. So much potential for better.

    I really hope they saved the best songs on the album. That is just a huge load of singles with a huge load of crappy fillers. Though, Red and Pledge were so fucking awesome that I have some faith in them.

  7. Every Gazette thread is filled with pathetic brainfarts and total waste of space and time. You can't come to a forum like this and expect intelligent conversation. I understand that some people don't like Gazette, but bashing them has become some kind of status-game. The more you hate them, the cooler you are. The same thing happened in Batsu. I was one of them, but I pulled my head out of my ass, and realised that this band is actually good at what they do. Even though they don't re-invent music on every fucking release. I don't even expect that, because I'm not a retarded troll. 90% of all bands are generic and some bands never even try to do anything new. Like pretty much EVERY respected legend out there. But when Gazette does it, it's wrong. Hatin' Gazette is so 2005. Grow the fuck up and get a life and atleast TRY to make a review that doesn't make you sound like someone let a fucking ameba use a computer.

  8. Remember The Urge

    Very generic, very catchy. Very listenable. Sounds good to ear. Nice melodies. Overall a very nice song. 8/10

    Clever Monkey

    Kinda boring. Chorus was easily the highlight of the song. The "solo" was pointless, but it didn't sound bad. Loved the laugh tough. 6/10


    I was expecting a bit more, since the sample was really awesome. The mood is awesome, but it's kinda forgettable. Needs more listenings. 7/10?

    It was just like I expected. Very steady stuff. Nothing "omgzwoah", but it doesn't suck. Like Vortex did.

    My favorites of the singles, not counting b-sides, since I don't remember most of them anyway.

    Pledge -> Red/Remember The Urge -> Shiver -> Vortex -> Before I Decay

  9. I don't really understand the complaining. ABC is EXACTLY like Janne Da Arc. Janne Da Arc was maybe a bit more poppish, but it's still pretty much the same. Jeez, I didn't think they were even comparable. It's the same damn thing! I don't know why these guys even went solo. None of them changed their style.

    Yasu is composing all of their music, so complaining about the playing skills of the support members doesn't really make sense. They play what Yasu is telling them to play. And Yasu has more talent in one finger than many of these japanese gay-bands together, though that's just my opinion.

    Anyway, I like the title Shangri-la. Looking forward to that.

  10. Dir en grey, you just made an album that I enjoy thorougly. I like every single song. You haven't done that since Kisou. Fucking epic, dudes. Honestly I didn't believe this day would come, but it did. I hope they can only improve and never go back to the direction where they came from. Won't bother with a song to song review, but Dreambox, Decayed Crow etc, just so awesome. 10/10

  11. Lol, I didn't know that many people actually use this. My gf tried this and she said it's unbelievably shitty. Not that facebook is any better though. I also heard somewhere, that it keeps track on every little thing you do with it and you can't erase it. That true or just another google-conspiracy?

    The only way I'd ever join is if all of my friends do it first. Never really cared about social networks.

    I can already see how this goes; now everyone is gonna join this and be like "oh man, this is so cooool and different" like everyone did when facebook got popular. Then after a year or two, everyone gets tired of it cause it's "oh so yesterday and everyone uses it, I'm not a speshul snowflake anymore", and a new one appears. And the same story all over again. Happened with MySpace and several others, and it will happen again.

  12. ^ Really? I remember reading from some interview that he knows he's not too good at english, and uses a lot of internet-translators. He said he's aware that his english isn't 100% correct.

    About this, ruki going solo will probably never happen they've said that if they were to disband that it would be ruki, uruha and reita their last band. So i don't see ruki going solo. Also the song it's base comes from a member but it's not like one of them makes a whole song. They are together the GazettE and think up songs with eachother. So I don't get people telling that they like one of the member's input but doesn't likes the rest

    Just saying

    Neo Genesis 32 on Distress And Coma single: "All of the three songs recorded along with the new single are eventually written by Ruki."

    "- Let’s start with the title song, which would be [Distress and Coma].

    Ruki - Actually I wrote this as a coupling song for [LEECH]. Out of the feeling I really would have liked it to be the lead song from among the three songs. However, I couldn’t get this plan through with it. There was a tossing between [Let’s take it as the new single] and [NO, I want this as a coupling song!] In the end it became the new single. (laughs)"

    And so on. They can put on the booklet that music was by Gazette, but it doesn't mean everyone put the same amount of input in it, or at all.

  13. They don't recycle their melodies, they recycle their style and genre. I don't recall them using the same melody in two different songs. The only ones that come even close are DaC and Shiver chorus, where the first few notes are the same. I could be mistaken though. If so, please give examples.

    But it's true, they haven't really done anything "new" since Guren. But personally, that's not a reason for me to hate them. As long as they sound pleasant to my ears. Not every band needs to be musically genious.

    Anyway, about the song. It's generic as hell. And I'm loving it.

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