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Everything posted by Biopanda

  1. Wait... if their singles collection is called "it isn't a singles", does that mean that "it isn't a last gigs" is a last live?
  2. Biopanda

    played finnish simulator 2016. drove broken van to town and bought 500 markkaa of beer and sausage. drank 2 beers on side of road then drove home. put 12 sausage pack in fridge, ate 1 sausage, drank 5 beers, peed in sink and went to bed. woke up to phone from friend wanting ride home from pub, drank beer and ate chip. went 120 kmh on country road and flipped van. died. RIP Mikko Heikkinen.
  3. Has Ensoku changed or something? Last I remember they were just some band making joke music with a guy dressed as gimp mickey mouse ?_?
  4. You can go to the oneman for free or you can pay 5000 yen for the "premium ticket" which gets you the album. In other words, that's one fucking expensive album
  5. I feel dirty saying this, but please join Starwave, la'veil At least that way we can get your music lol
  6. Biopanda

    As an entity made up of several children stacked on each other's shoulders, I take offence from this statement.
  7. Biopanda

    Don't worry, I'm sure Suez is on the case.
  8. Oh nice! Some rando upped 白日ノ夢's minialbum on youtube. I didn't think I'd ever get to hear it, but it's awesome!

  9. Lovely~ I didn't follow A&D all that much later into their lifetime, but it's nice to hear that they're returning(on some songs) to a more RABBIT-like sound.
  10. Biopanda

    Would VK Grindr really be considered a flop though?
  11. Biopanda

    YOSHIKI shading hard on Scandinavian flop-kei, inviting a random Russian group but not them. Waiting for some more angry subtweeting from yohio.
  12. Biopanda

    Don't listen to CAT, turn her into a VK scumbag.
  13. Biopanda

    I found out recently that people will pay a lot for an cafe, so hopefully I will :v
  14. Biopanda

    Wait did I say 2300 CDs? I meant 4900 a ha ha silly me 💦💦💦😍😍😍👍👍👍
  15. Heya buddies, latest RH newsletter is out! https://goo.gl/D7lPUj Come snag some of the cool new rarez we added~ http://rarezhut.net/newly-added

  16. Watching a 4 hour "VK History in PVs" show that was just broadcast. Nostalgia levels have gone critical.

    1. itsukoii


      sounds interesting. where are you watching it? :0

    2. Biopanda


      It was upped to JPopSuki in 4 different parts.

    3. Ikki


      I've finished watching the '90s parts of the this special and starting on the 2000s -2010s parts.  Even though a few bands I thought should have been shown were over looked, I am happy that PVs by BY-SEXUAL and Ladies Room were shown as an uber fan of both groups.  However, I would have selected a different song for BY-SEXUAL as 幕末純情伝 doesn't sound like any of their other output.  But I guess it was picked since it was used for a Watanabe Ken movie. 

  17. Biopanda

    It is... and it doesn't end there :v
  18. Biopanda


    Just chiming in as a long-time HIROHIRO fan and by extention, ViV as well <3 I've been following him ever since I was a li'l VK babby back in 2005. I was so hooked on his voice that his new band(at the time) P*Route's first single was the first Japanese CD that I ever bought XD Apparently I'm almost alone in my love though lol
  19. How many dicks would one need to suck to get $1000 in 4 days. Asking for a friend.

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      No seriously, if he/she's serious about it, just tell him/her there's a risk of getting disease doing it. When you do it to someone you know it's more safe, but "how many dicks" let me think it's probably not only one known person ^^''


      Hopefully the question is a trollish question (as i believe it is)

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      If you're only getting $50 you're not using Grindr right.


      40+ year old men have expendable income and you should at least get dinner out of it too.

    3. Show next comments  60 more
  20. Biopanda

    just smh if your dick isn't always out for harambe
  21. Biopanda

    Oshare lives.
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