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Posts posted by sugibo

  1. Wait I thought it was supposed to happen at 1pm Japanese time on February 19th, which has long since passed? 

    and what is sugibo talking about with another announcement on 3.14?

    I am so confused.


    yoshiki said on his twitter there will be another announcement on 314 about x japan.

  2. Do you have any source for that EP tracklist?


    As far as I know and seen, the EP is a 1 track vinyl only containing "the daemon's cutlery". If you check scans on mbok or Yahoo! Auctions, you'll see the A-side is having a label with logo+text, but the B-side is completely blank only having a black label with nothing on it. The back cover is not having any other song titles other than "the daemon's cutlery".

    I think you're mixing up the EP tracklist with the setlist for the two shows they performed on December 29-30


    yes, my friend confirmed it's 1 song only single.

  3. Documentary DVD & Blu-ray 『TOUR12-13 IN SITU-TABULA RASA』 2013.9.25 RELEASE


    DVD【初回生産限定盤】DVD3枚組 (本編2枚+特典DISC 1枚) SFBD-0042〜44 ¥8,800 (tax in)
    DVD【通常盤】DVD2枚組 (本編2枚) SFBD-0045〜46 ¥7,140 (tax in)
    Blu-ray【通常盤】(本編1枚) SFXD-0004 ¥8,190 (tax in)


    no track list yet.

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