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Everything posted by sugibo

  1. well they become a jpop gay guy group which is not interesting any more.
  2. sugibo

    KISAKI is so smart, he knows Megaromania was the most popular band in UCP before it closed.
  3. sugibo

    one thing interesting for those who don't know, they had 24 lives for Psychonnect tour in 1999 (mode:1-24), so this time is start from "mode:25".
  4. sugibo

    KYO x TK?! never thought this would happen.
  5. sugibo

    yoshiki said on his twitter there will be another announcement on 314 about x japan.
  6. sugibo

    ok, let's wait for another anouncement on 314. maybe x japan world tour again.
  7. sugibo

    14. yoshikitty is going to release a cd.
  8. sugibo

    great news!!!
  9. sugibo

    yes, my friend confirmed it's 1 song only single.
  10. sugibo

    TRUST can disband but they can also come back under a new name with the same lineup.
  11. sugibo

    did he say that?
  12. sugibo

    Music Video aftermath 2014.1.1 RELEASE.
  13. sugibo

    sugizo's show is on 12.29 and maybe dir en grey will be in japan on that day. the guy on the right looks like kyo, but i don't think they would have free time for other projects.
  14. sugibo

    so this album won't have long songs like VIRGIN MARY or MOTHER or GENESIS OF MIND
  15. sugibo

  16. sugibo

    new song for MEDY plz.
  17. sugibo

    oh i see!! thank you!!
  18. sugibo

    i think that means only 1 disc but contain both disc1&2 of regular.
  19. sugibo

    no MACABRE ?!
  20. sugibo

    they got 2 new members if i am not misunderstanding. one of them is female. http://visulog.jp/news/article/203967
  21. sugibo

    all tracks previews on itunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/apocalyze/id667105329?ign-mpt=uo%3D4
  22. Documentary DVD & Blu-ray 『TOUR12-13 IN SITU-TABULA RASA』 2013.9.25 RELEASE DVD【初回生産限定盤】DVD3枚組 (本編2枚+特典DISC 1枚) SFBD-0042〜44 ¥8,800 (tax in) DVD【通常盤】DVD2枚組 (本編2枚) SFBD-0045〜46 ¥7,140 (tax in) Blu-ray【通常盤】(本編1枚) SFXD-0004 ¥8,190 (tax in) no track list yet.
  23. sugibo

    good news. but, i think X JAPAN is more important to him, so i can't believe he releases this album before he can finish X JAPAN's, which has spent 4-5 years already.
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