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Everything posted by Senedjem

  1. Senedjem

    I wish I was amurrkan so I could say my state is something other than a yobbo craphole that smells like cattle.
  2. Senedjem

    +100 points for Larme d'ange -100 for pretty much everything else Buuuut I'm p. sure everyone already knew newfag indie bands can't stand up against anything Mirai touches.
  3. Senedjem

    I'm guessing the guy with the spatula is the man of the couple. This is probably a good idea.
  4. Senedjem

    Thrill ring pirates pfff i so clevr I'm probably going to listen to this because idk, pirates are neat.
  5. Senedjem

    The only one not in the crappy indies playlist I can think of that particularly pains me to listen to.
  6. Senedjem

    + being jailed in the first place
  7. Oh boy it's that fucking asinine interview again, this should be ~fun~.
  8. Senedjem

    Is the blanc chaine track new too? o:
  10. Senedjem

    Oooh, I was hoping they'd be nice and generic. Lovely.
  11. Senedjem

    I raged. fuucck
  12. Senedjem

    Holy FUCK Out of the blue much? They where pretty rad.
  13. Senedjem

    Pitchshifting is for pussies
  14. Junno was only good in sinners and beaU, prove me wrong.
  15. Senedjem

  16. Senedjem

    They weren't revived already? Staruwabu has them in their list of active artists
  17. Senedjem

    God damn it sayo, revive poitrine for keeps or get a new band. You glittery musical cocktease.
  18. Senedjem

    Decopin involves vaginas, doesn't count. As far as oldschool-ish stuff goes, nothing says "I'M AN ENORMOUS QUEER, PLEASE PUT THINGS IN MY BUTT." Like Fairy Fore. xISbSwZaJSU
  19. Senedjem

  20. Senedjem

    And here I was thinking at least one of them would be from a band I've heard of.
  21. Senedjem

    Look at all those adoring fans they totally didn't pay to be there. Ilu dear dolce for mass-producing tacky garbage like this.
  22. Senedjem

    Just go jump off a cliff :I
  23. Senedjem

    Robots don't pull that shit, man.
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