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Posts posted by Senedjem

  1. how ya doin' ya'll? my name is kasumi, i SMILE for the world but am currently a solo artist. i'm extremely narcissistic and incredibly confident in myself, extremely romantic but also possessive and jealous. i'm a freak but very friendly, insane and i've probably offended you at one point in time but lets get something straight. i don't give a fuck. i don't love anyone in this world more than i love my boyfriend, my kids and my grandson~<3

    genki ♥ has been there for me through it all. from drunken outbursts that lead to drunk fights all the way down to smoking a bowl in the closet. he doesn't care about those things that make me strange, instead he embraces them, and makes me feel whole. he's the only person in this world that i can really talk to and i don't know where i would be if i'd never met genki... but all signs seem to say, i'd be dead. i love you, shanki ;__;

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