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Posts posted by nitta

  1. Er... How do I tag this? Haha


    To the point, before listening I was thinking Ryuichi and Yasu would've been better if they switched songs, but after listening I can't really agree... Ryuichi's "breakout" at the end of I can Hear The Rain is just gorgeous.


    Interesting to see The Godsend is the first time in a lot of years we see Kiyoharu doing some Goth rock stuff. Serafine was a surprise too, as I never listened to Ali Project before and her combination with Sugizo's guitar was beautiful too. And I love the modernization of the song, at least I like it a lot better than Ryuichi's cover.


    props for cali gari for doing the most original cover with their new wave version of Blind Boy Project

    most people are tagging songs this way > Vocal:RYUICHI Guitar:咲人 Bass:SHUSE Drums:shuji

    I knew cali gari would make something different from the original but I don't like it that much :/

  2. Ryuichi sucks and Yasu should stick to Janne Dar Arc. Neither of them should touch any of Dead End's work. Morrie shouldn't even be allowed to cover his own work. His voice sucks now. Why can't they just let a good thing die? brb


    *listenes to ryuichi's serafine cover* *pukes* *finds out who is singing serafine for the cover album* *pukes blood* 

    They didn't suck for me. I just thought if they switched songs they would've made great covers.

  3. 08/10 announcement:

    Marty Friedman
    aki (ex-Laputa)
    FIRE (the Badasses)
    yasu (Janne Da Arc, Acid Black Cherry)
    you (Janne Da Arc)
    kiyo (Janne Da Arc)
    shuji (Janne Da Arc)
    高野哲(takano tetsu) (ZIGZO, THE JUNEJULYAUGUST)



    4 members of JDA, yeah ! :D

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