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Everything posted by Nachash

  1. There's something wrong with all those visualkeiwannabebands, not for the music... for the looks.
  2. As the title says, i was looking for ????????? lyrics (the whole album) Thanks ^^
  3. Nachash

    I was looking for something completely acoustic, any suggestion? At least an album, not songs from here and there ^^
  4. Nachash

    For the 1st one, maybe Muma. I had something of theirs uploaded on the old forum. I'll try to get around to sticking it here too.Acoustic...Idrk. As for Han Geng...I've been avoiding him because of possible Kpop contamination. But I listened to the songs today. Verdict: not bad. Sounds mostly like Twpop, tbh. Thanks, also... Where can i find Andy Lau's Mother (the single, not his mother ._.)? uploaded the Muma album just now. what's this Andy Lau single? Is it a new one? Or just some random old one? I only have albums by him, in general. He has too damn many as it is.Thanks, this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UAb7tES5ASA&hd=1
  5. Nachash

    I was looking for something prevalently acoustic, any suggestion?
  6. Nachash

    For the 1st one, maybe Muma. I had something of theirs uploaded on the old forum. I'll try to get around to sticking it here too.Acoustic...Idrk. As for Han Geng...I've been avoiding him because of possible Kpop contamination. But I listened to the songs today. Verdict: not bad. Sounds mostly like Twpop, tbh. Thanks, also... Where can i find Andy Lau's Mother (the single, not his mother ._.)?
  7. Nachash

    http://www.last.fm/user/Shokuism ^^
  8. Nachash

    I was looking for two things... 1) Something similiar to the solo project of Xie Tian Xiao 2) Something acoustical. Thanks
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