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Everything posted by Nyasagi

  1. Nyasagi

    Tits always win How big abs do you like?
  2. Nyasagi

    I rather tend to focus on the things I like, hate is a strong word... maybe I dislike something, like Twilight ;p Are you able to truly hate a person?
  3. Nyasagi

    (Piercing a clitoris is a stupid idea, I think you rather mean the vertical hood piercing, that's the hood of the clitoris, not the clitoris itself, lol) Internet and music. Your thoughts on tattoos? Do you have any, or would you like to have any?
  4. Nyasagi

    Dresses, I love dresses! Especially the victiorian ones, or something with many frills What's your favorite piercing (if you like piercings)?
  5. Nyasagi

    OMFG, YESSSSS, I LOVE IT!!! I watched all episodes except the ones after the Christmas break, because I started watching Doctor Who at that time, lol. What would you do if you witnessed your friend or someone in your family being abused?
  6. Nyasagi

    Face masks, definitely. I wouldn't mind covering my face on the street, because I don't want to be stared at, people can gtfo. I also wish it was acceptable to wear any clothes you like, for example victorian dresses, etc. Cat ears... well, usually weeaboos wear that, so I wouldn't like to look at it all the time, tbh xD. They look riddiculous with their "kawaii neko" ears. How much do you sleep?
  7. Nyasagi

    Ride a motorcycle . Maybe it's less comfortable and there's wind, but it's much more exciting than sitting in a car. Unless you meant different positions on the motorcycle, then I'd prefer them to be the one on the front, with me as a passenger. Are you going to change your clothing style to more plain when you become older, or do you want to become a cool looking adult?
  8. Nyasagi

    Love is an abstract idea to me, I see it as a sign of going crazy. It's not a good feeling. Eternal love is wrong, because it leaves you obsessed with someone for too long. It's better to get rid of this useless feeling as soon as it's possible. Can you knit, or something related?
  9. Nyasagi

    Low. I can only read like 70% of katakana. How long can you survive without the internet?
  10. Nyasagi

    Long hair, definitely. Do you trust the doctors and the medicine?
  11. Nyasagi

    Chocolate, but only milk and white xD One of your unpopular opinions?
  12. Nyasagi

    I've never had a steak, so I have no preference. Coffee or energy drinks?
  13. Nyasagi

    People said he's singing into a blender xD
  14. Nyasagi

    I have dreams, but I don't think they will come true. I wish I could travel all over the world and see many interesting places. I also wish I was in a band or work with musicians at least (as a staff or something). Not to get into someone's pants, I just find the regular jobs a torture and I need some job where I could be myself, with fun people around. Something artistic. Are you a person who gets jealous easily?
  15. Nyasagi

    I don't like Disney movies anymore, children's stuff is too "soft" for me xD (a fan of action and violence here ahaha) Would you become a vegetarian, or do you like your meat?
  16. Nyasagi

  17. Nyasagi

    I've always wanted to sing in a band and I still want to, but I'm not good looking enough for this. What's your favorite flower?
  18. Nyasagi

    I like 3,2% milk and soy milk. I've never had almond or rice milk. When did you realize Santa isn't real?
  19. Nyasagi

    That one with the coyote and the road runner What's your sleeping schedule?
  20. I can see I posted here in the past, but is it really bad if I already don't remember who was that mitsu person? At first I thought it was a thread about girls who date/fuck vk musicians for money XDDD
  21. Nyasagi

    Random order of PVs I could think of (not all have an interesting story, but they're different than all this band playing and posing stuff only):
  22. Nyasagi

    For All Those Sleeping - Once A Liar (Always A Fake)
  23. Nyasagi

    I was 99% sure he just got drunk and didn't realize people could be looking for him xD. The ending of this story didn't surprise me even a little bit.
  24. Nyasagi

    The file (porn for the ladies with asians fetish.rar) violates the MediaFire Terms of Service. Due to it being distributed from your account, is no longer shareable. Also, a Strike has been placed against your account and can lead to a termination of service. MediaFire Terms of Service. Thank you for using MediaFire. Sincerely, The MediaFire Team
  25. Nyasagi

    lady llama+sir llama=baby llama How can you rate your computer knowledge? A newbie, a nerd, something in between?
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