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Posts posted by mintiichoco

  1. i just read that SPEEECHLESS might be released as 4th single on U.S :o

    but we'll see...

    In the meantime, she looks so pretty on British vanity Fair September Issue <3

    the cover:




    There's some more, but not gonna flood this place with imgs :P


    I like how she looks different on all her pictures. Good photoshopping skills on the Vanity Fair cover. :D

  2. The opening band for LA was Opus Dai.

    Setlist (not in order):

    DEATH POINT, DOPE, REDEEMER, LOVE IS DEAD, CROSSED ARROWS, Human-clad Monster, Infection, 13-Thirteen, 69, HOLLOW, MIRROR, Trickster, KAMIKAZE, abyss, PROGRESS, Falling, ANGEL DUST, Going On, Devil's Parade and Garnet.

    I'm pretty sure that was the entire setlist.

  3. From: Wiki

    "Teeth: GaGa's beautiful vagina is covered is so many battle scars, due to her lifestyle. This means that if you wanna get her off, you better wanna nibble that clit.

    Alejandro: Lady Caca talks about how she wants to fuck a bunch of Mexicans."

    oh no! D:

  4. I don't care about them. They are very bland, and yeah some songs are good for anime, but anime openings aren't for me.

    As people have said, TW is mainly all Visual Kei fans I doubt not that many people on here like them expect the few who are all into music genres and not to mention those idiots who think that just because it is Japanese is "awesome".

  5. Fuuuuuuuck yeah!

    I love Orgy my favorite album is Candyass, such a badass album! I used to be heavily into them. I had to listen to them everyday not so much now. But I still enjoy listening to them a shit load when I can.

  6. Woooooooooooooooooooow!

    hahaha! Thats pretty hilarious! Fuck, thats pretty funny already having a site being called King Spencer! Was any of their relationship real anyway? I heard they didn't even live in that bad ass house that they showed in the hills lol

    Spencer should produce a show about Enzo lol

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