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Everything posted by mintiichoco

  1. mintiichoco

    That is one disgusting picture.
  2. mintiichoco

    Really "fantastic"? Nice Vocabulary.
  3. mintiichoco

    How does this look like my boyfriend?? Someone please explain.
  4. mintiichoco

    That guy looks like a fucking faggot.
  5. mintiichoco

    Her Collaberation with him was horrid. It was the worst mins of my life. She was like trying to rawr or some shit throughout the song. The beat was highly repetitive and overall one of the crappiest songs I have heard this year.
  6. mintiichoco

    I would only go see if it were free and even then it would still be a maybe.
  7. mintiichoco

    Maynard's voice sounds like a cross between Fergie and Jesus.
  8. mintiichoco

    Big bang will definitely get recognized for sure. Just look at them in asia =D LOL mexican version of Big Bang, wtf? seriously? get the name and find out. the song too mayb. I'll try to search for it too. Wanna see. You made me curious now! Jake, its not Mexican Big Bang. Lol its just rappers with electronic music in the back. In that case ALL new American pop music is American Big Bang, Canadian Big Bang, ect. Ah, my poor Jacob you are highly confused. But I still love you.
  9. mintiichoco

    Undoubtebly, one of the best bands out there. Listen to their songs when you're high guarentee it will give you a trip.
  10. mintiichoco

    Just in the pants. =)
  11. mintiichoco

  12. mintiichoco

    You were blasting it in the car. Not me. D: I hate A Day to Remember but that's just me.
  13. mintiichoco

    You wish that was you. =)
  14. mintiichoco

    People still care about My Chemical Romance?
  15. mintiichoco

  16. mintiichoco

    So? All those songs are shit anyway. It should be Billboard's Top Shittiest Songs.
  17. mintiichoco

    Imma laugh is she's a member on this forum.
  18. mintiichoco

    LOL Typical fangirl. Fat, white, listening to the gazette, and wearing a Hello Kitty shirt LOL Typical fanboy. Skinny, listening to Kpop girl groups, and having avatars and signatures of a Kpop girl group.
  19. mintiichoco

    I have to agree with this. D: She looks manlier than Justin Bieber. Wat? Who said Justin Bieber is a man? She is a man though. She says she is so let her think that.
  20. mintiichoco

    You have horrible hearing. I have came to this conclusion. "Shake it" was annoying as fuck. Sadly, I would rather hear fucking Justin Bieber, than an annoying girl who looks like she is fucking 7 trying to rap but comes out like a nasaly duck. D:
  21. mintiichoco

    I have to agree with this. D: She looks manlier than Justin Bieber.
  22. mintiichoco

    You're showing support by eating burritos and tacos. Congrats. That's how Asian American you are lol @JonJon What's wrong with Blacks and Whites taking over...
  23. mintiichoco

    This makes me want to shoot you.
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