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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by spockitty

  1. spockitty

    Hehe thanks! However this place doesn't seem to be hurting for veterans
  2. I read about the two of them leaving on some jrock news site, but it was so vaguealy described I mostly left only with a hazy thought of "which kpop band did they steal the buff guy from". I don't know how they sounded before but I like this new song and also I dearly wish every new band I discover didn't come with with crapload of baggage...
  3. spockitty

    I just look at Miyavi and think, good for you man, you seem to be doing well for yourself but as for the music?? As you said, meh. He is such a skilled guitarist, and I feel like that skill is lost in his recent releases, but to each their own. I also just realized that while I never listed to X Japan, I did stan Yoshiki and SUGIZO pretty hard in my youth, Eternal Melody II and Truth? respectively??? You ever get into their solo stuff? Also Miyavi's collab with SUGIZO on Hino Hikarisae Todokanai Kono Bashode was like the end of an era for Miyavi's music (apparently according to last.fm I've listened to this song 321 times, goodgod). Never heard of Jiluka, gotta check them out! As for Nocturnal Bloodlust, I've dismissed them initially but that new song is so good???? tried DADAROMA but it didn't really stick sorry lynch oh lynch, I tried to like them so much. I cought The avoided sun before my break in vk, and I really liked it but I've tried their stuff again this time around and well? Cultic my execution stuck with me because it reminds me of Tool but other than that idk.... you mind sharing with me your fav songs so I can give them another chance maybe?
  4. After some crude google translate and my rudimentary knowledge of japanese, I surmise that people are upset about the two members leaving and think that the song lyrics are somehow related? And that the band was better before, pretty much.
  5. I almost clicked out of the video at the 30 second mark, not a fan of heavy screaming, but I'm glad I didn't? for some reason I'm listening to this for the 5th time????? the music is so good I can forgive the screaming I guess? dont at me I also dig the look ❤️
  6. as a rare unicorn that stans both vk and kpop, I dig it XD sigh for the delay tho...
  7. spockitty

    I've spent two days on this forum but I can already tell it's a controversial opinion: I like some of 8P-SB's music :'D I mean, super star is an abomination but ghost hotel is kinda catchy?????
  8. spockitty

    Haha, it be like that XD you know! now that I think about it, I wonder what a cosmic coincidence me dling that video was. I mean, those were times way before youtube, let alone any other video streaming. I have some Miyavi's PVs from that era on VHS for FFS. what kind of magic did those olde people performed to get it on the internet I can only imagine o-o I'll be honest I don't know what homestead is :'D I used Limewire, livejournal and later jpopsuki's torrents (gods know how did I get myself on that VIP™ site) and just plain ol' CDJapan when I got my hands on some money, but that was way later in high-school. What bands you've stuck by? Gimme some namessss
  9. spockitty

    Please, overkill is my second name. You're a genius, why oh why didn't I think of that. Do they still sell CDRW cds tho? Is this still a thing people use? Gotta investigate.
  10. I would like to give a shout out to everyone who kept referencing Kisaki drama in unrelated threads. I went and read the entire thing. Thanks, I hate it. 

    1. psychonnect_rozen


      Yup...that’s why I DESPISE Kisaki.


      On the other hand, some of his old bands are fantastic. Phantamasgoria is one you may have heard of. Highly recommend. 


      Just...try not to think of Kisaki as the bassist of the band. Pretend it’s like... I don’t know Heath or someone likeable lol.

    2. spockitty


      I know Phantasmagoria mostly by name and some of the more popular songs, never gotten into them. 


      I don't think I could even if I wanted to listen to them now. I would just think back to the shitstorm, and frankly there are many other good bands that I could listen to in their place, without getting upset so~ ;) 

  11. spockitty

    Hello and thank you! And do you still listen to the same bands you were at the beginning? Because I don't know about the others but Miyavi's music today and in early 00's is like night and day. As big of a die hard fan I used to be back then, it's just not my cup of tea anymore~
  12. spockitty

    Well, I can't speak for gay men, but as a queer person I can tell you that yep, it's actually pretty insulting. Of course it comes down to personal feelings, you will find people who don't mind. Me, I don't find it entertaining to have my sexuality performed by straight people, for titillating a crowd that may otherwise find it repulsive. I also don't go on crusades to tear down everyone who enjoys said performances, cause as I said, I get the point. If I can manage to stop my brain from overthinking shit for 5 minutes, I can even get myself to enjoy some of it! ~le gasp~ I also want you to know that I'm trying really hard to limit the rantiness of my ranting, cause as you can probably tell, I have a lot to say on the topic ^^;
  13. spockitty

    I think that's the main thing I have a problem with in general. If all of this was genuine or just friendly teasing that everyone involved agreed to and had nothing against? You do you (or your bandmate). But please, in a roomful of supposedly straight men you'll find maybe one or two that would actually be fine with this stuff. So with all of that going in my head, I feel doubly embrassased and uncomfortable both on behalf of the band and the fans >.> YES, humping inanimate objects, while still embarassing, much more acceptable 😎
  14. spockitty

    Hoo boy, can't speak for the current trends but I don't think it will ever die out completely. As long as a big chunk of the fanbase consists of hormonal teenage girls (speaking as a hormonal teenage girl of years past that lively participated in this culture). I do find it cringey and problematic now that I'm older and wiser, but I get why they're doing this (a disclaimer, by "it" I mean this kind of fanservice and RPF fanfiction not reading/writing gay fanfiction in general). Think of all the queerbaiting in western shows, they do it for a reason also. Not exactly the same, but it serves the same purpose, it keeps a certain type of fans engaged. In this essay I will.... Jkjk, I'm not certain you were looking for debate on queer representation, stereoptyping and exploitation in Japanese media? XD
  15. spockitty

    Haha yeah, I noticed it mentioned here and there and had no idea what it was until I dug some more. I don't remember those being a thing, but then again I've never had a chance to participate in live vk outside of European concerts and those bands don't need this kind of tactics. I do remember though printed trading cards/polaroids with band members being added to CDs and crazy fans buying like 10 copies to get the member they liked O-O In that context, chekis are far more reasonable. EDIT: ahh, how do u forum
  16. spockitty

    I've just changed cars but haven't had the chance to change car radio's yet, so my current one has only a CD player (no AUX, no USB, no Bluetooth wtf?!). Anyway, listening to radio stations pisses me off so I had to undust my CD collection (incidentally most of the music I own in CD format is vk ^^). The point of this rant is, I keep all of my CD's in foil. Yep, all of them, some for 15 years. I did unpack them, took them out, ripped them but then I put them back in foil. So now that I not only have to take them off the shelf, I have to listen to them in a car radio when they can get scratched if a bigger bump comes along?! Guys, I drive more cautiously not to scratch my CDs. That's my life now.
  17. spockitty

    Now that's just sad So basically what you're saying is we need to launch aggresive recruiting tactics on a massive scale or we're doomed for extinction. It's kinda baffling also, because as I said at the beginning, it's SO easy to get into vk these days. Everything is readily available on Spotify, YT, insta etc., with minimal effort. So maybe access is not the problem but stagnation? Idk idk, I do feel like not much has changed in vk those 10 years I've been gone and the rest of the world has not stopped spinning in the meantime. So either they adapt or like you said, die out like the dinosaurs of the past era. Sorry, I'm killing time at the mechanic and the longer I philosophize the less time I have to spend staring at a blank wall ^^;
  18. spockitty

    Yey, thank you! :) I already am, just need to get up to speed on 10 years worth of industry dama and I'm set to go :D Nope, I'm calling 23-year-olds a bunch of fetuses ^.~ I know I look young but why won't you let me sit at the 30ties table? T.T Aaaah, wait, I see what caused the confusion. Yes, I've started listening to vk at 13, but then stopped at like 18 or sth and now I'm back after over 10-years. There~
  19. spockitty

    Haha hello fellow elder! With the response I'm getting I'm starting to wonder if the vk fandom is a dying breed, or the young innocents are just too embarrassed to be seen with us ^^;
  20. spockitty

    mało nas, mało nas~ ^.~
  21. spockitty

    dude, I thought my 5 pairs were excessive o-o those look sexy tho~ at home I listen to music on my 13-year-old crusty ass Sennheiser HD515. I love them but they're falling apart. I'm thinking hard on replacing them with PXC 550 WIRELESS ones, since after switching to wireless I've developed a burning hate for wired anything. Also thinking on replacing the Plantronic 55 Explorer / Huawei M61 Sport (and people if you love yourself look elsewhere for wireless sport headphones) / JBL T460 combo I use outside with Sennheiser's Momentum Wireless but I'd need to win a lottery first to get both of these at once X'D In the meantime any recommendations for wireless headphones welcome!
  22. spockitty

    Thanks ^^ My last experience with a vk forum was 15 years ago and that one went down in flames after some savage drama, so here's hoping for pleasant 😅
  23. spockitty

    well, I went on your profile, recognised one band out of 15 and decided you'll be a perfect source of stuff I'd normally not be exposed to no pressure~
  24. spockitty

    SO, I would like to make myself at home in this thread please and thank you. First of all, I'm fresh out of retirement so if someone could drop me a sentence or two what went on with Lycaon? Pretty please? You people seem to know your stuff. They were never on my radar but boy oh boy am I catching up with anything and everything these fine specimens ever made. Secondly not that I'm not loving all the new stuff (the intro to Can you feel it? will feature in any wet dreams to come) but the image difference between Lycaon and Initial'L is giving me whiplash. Is this the direction they're planning to go? Also, THE END, good yes? yes. EDIT: I was searching for ways to throw money at them and just found that this FB page exists since yesterday, and insta possibly not much longer.
  25. spockitty

    Haha oops, my stealthy creeping around people's last.fm's turned out not to be so stealthy ^^; I'm just desperate for recommendations sorry sorry Thanks tho! All the screaming, drama and panache I already feel like home
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