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Everything posted by cheesy_VK_Freak

  1. cheesy_VK_Freak

    for real? man, that sucks... they were my visual-kei hope...😭 Now I‘m eagerly anticipating the direction they‘ll go to no more guitar-noodlings anymore?
  2. cheesy_VK_Freak

    lol, I‘ve been impatiently visiting their youtube channel to see whether they uploaded the video cause I thought it‘s gonna be a PV looks apparently that it is not and then I searched their fan page on vk, typing ‚asagi d‘ it was not a good idea very very unfortunate name
  3. cheesy_VK_Freak

    During an interview at http://shattered-tranquility.net/index.php/06/01/interview-a-introduction-to-sarigia/ , their reply to that very problem was: You’ve also released a venue-limited single. Releases like that are a bit difficult for overseas fans to get their hands on… Natsu: But international fans that come to our shows can buy copies for their friends… (My comment to that: WOW STANDING OVATIONS FOR THAT SOLUTION!) Asuka: Those songs will eventually be released on an album, so please wait until then. Mizuki: It’s hard to sell CD’s lately... got me like😑
  4. cheesy_VK_Freak

    dayum, can‘t find the full versions of the songs anywhere they are a killer band, right up my alley little fun fact (their band name is funny, always misread it as Sangria xD): their name consists out of the capital letters of the seven deadly sins, they replaced the ‚L‘ in Lust with an R tho
  5. cheesy_VK_Freak

    @Komorebi yes, true, but.. VK does have their fair share of ‚blasphemic‘ symbolism, texts, etc...and their fair share of music video appearance in churches, so they do play with the idea of God, religion instantly, not very God-friendly songs that come to my mind are Gazettes Dogma, Dimlims D.Hymn and...I think some Dir en grey texts, like...red soil I don‘t listen to these songs, btw Im ok with nihilism, just don‘t be too insulting pls is my kind of mindset...yea
  6. Waiting to suffer a CREEP SHOW TRAUMA🤪

  7. cheesy_VK_Freak

    ok, so first we have (Cher VK-version) and underneath... THOSE EYES DUDE. Cute, but also freightening...no, I‘m actually more freightened. Need a no-make-up / contacts / wizardry picture of that guy DUDE Visuals kill, the music (so far)...bores me.
  8. cheesy_VK_Freak

    I feel like Kyo is that type of person that would bite his opponent, so I wouldn‘t attempt.
  9. cheesy_VK_Freak

    would fight Ruki, because height would not want to fight toshiya, because height and shinya is socially awkward, he doesn‘t deserve to get beaten, poor boy @Himeaimichu cool track, like the indie sound!
  10. cheesy_VK_Freak

    @chocobuzzyou have that evil ass lock screen and then that playful font xD I love the contrast!
  11. cheesy_VK_Freak

    Cool topic! I love religion. It has helped me quite a lot. I'm a born muslim. I like the idea of a God, because I have always been very focused on justice. Looking around, there is so much injustice created by humans, and even in everyday life, people just getting away with their words and behaviour and deeds, partly even promoted by society. Sometimes it feels as if the bad has become good. I hate that. I like the idea that in the end, everyone will face consequences. In the end, everything will balance out. I have had many questions in life, I started to question what the idea of a "soul" is. Like, me thinking everyday, is that my soul? That what is going on in my head? Then, learning about neuroanotomy and finding out that our brain kind of works like a computer (0 and 1, inhibiting and non-inhibiting) made me question this idea of the "thinking soul". I was shocked to find out that thinking words and speaking words out are separate areas in the brain. I started to think a lot what a soul is then. Then, I looked into what the Quran was stating about the soul, saying: "And they ask you, [O Muhammad], about the soul. Say, "The soul is of the affair of my Lord. And mankind have not been given of knowledge except a little." For me, I was so fascinated with that reply. I started to think it might be some kind of essence, something divine. I am fascinated with physics, unfortunately I cannot say that I'm an expert. I always wondered about the source of energy, since energy is the reason why reactions take place. No energy can be "created". Then, isn't God something/someone, a system that works without energy? Stuff like entanglement, or even the thought that reality falls apart at the moment the system, the "box", becomes different, I find so fascinating. I think there is something divine about it. I imagine us humans being in line, everyone pulls some kind of ticket, and this is going to be their load they will have on their shoulders, for life. Be it poverty, an early loss of a loved one, a disease, whatever. Many people say, you cannot compare people's fate. I don't think so. People cope way too differently. I like the thought that our life is a test, and everytime we are patient and still stay on the "good path" (eg in poverty, one does not steal etc.), it will be rewarded. I think it is so strange to look around and see everything existing out there. I mean, what is that that we humans and animals do? Eat, sleep, reproduce. Who is getting profit if we make sure our DNA passes on? Definetly not us, cause we die anyways. Why the hazzle, the worries? I don't understand that. "If love is something you get used to, why even living at all?", is some lyric of Dir en grey's bugaboo. I think about it a lot...like, yeah, isn't love for the most of us like the ultimate goal? Like, this happiness. And in the end, the magic is gone. All our hormones on low level. What are we, as humans, living for? I like to see different perspectives in life, I like VK because their lyrics are so nihilistic. Without God, just as humans, what does it mean to be a human? What are we aiming for at the end of the day?...at least I end up thinking: for nothing. Without God, life is not worth living, except you are a lucky one. Except you numb these questions away with, I don't know, keeping yourself busy and whatnot. Personally, I think my life isn't easy. I don't have someone who I can talk to and say what's going on in my mind. I have some problems, and think about them: "there is no solution to them, even if I think about it a lot". I can get "angry" with God, like "why did you choose this fate for me?" only to find myself tranquil at the thought that there is a path ahead of me, and I know someone, something is knowing what's ahead. And what lies ahead will bring tranquility to my soul, not in the way I imagine, but it will be good. I like islam, it is very simple, you have one God and you just directly talk to him whenever you want. I pray five times a day, even at university or at my job. And I choose to do so. Life is just so busy that I'm not bothered to be reminded of God five times a day. But, there are also some things I don't understand. for example, homosexuality being forbidden. But, since it feels like a have a personal relationship with God, I'm like: "Dear God, I don't understand this no matter how much thought I put into it. Please, one day, give me an answer." I'm not a yes and amen kind of person. But, I believe in every single words of the Quran. I have some questions. And there is obvioulsy the need of a God to answer them. so yea little stream of thought
  12. wow...*headbang* nice performance, unfortunately I don’t know the majority of their discography, mainly out of laziness.
  13. cheesy_VK_Freak

    Seeing your collection, I think it visualizes the ‚age‘ of this band pretty well. It is almost frightening seeing those old pics, VHS casettes and whatnot. Good luck with selling!
  14. cheesy_VK_Freak

    infinitum kind of makes me impatient for their next record. Like, is it going to be ‚worse‘ or better? In addition, I want to see them live. So.bad. I still think it was the most unexpected thing ever when they toured around Europe, having just released one album and being relatively unknown (of course, Kyo being fame as whatnot)
  15. cheesy_VK_Freak

    you mean this?
  16. cheesy_VK_Freak

    you can here the clarinet in the second video around 2:05, for some stupid reason they muted it in the PV preview
  17. cheesy_VK_Freak

    No, for me it is the same: Vitium >>>>>>>> Immortalis (though I HATE the mix, discovered the genius of this album through the live performances) >>> Adoratio > Infinitum I was even disappointed hearing Adoratio first, because of the style change with the electronics and synths. But simple as it is, this is very well-‚crafted‘ music, and you cannot do else but like it. They are becoming too eccentric-tryhard for me
  18. cheesy_VK_Freak

    I‘m digging Doukeshi so far, sounds good the Ogre song sounds good too Not feeling the Misch Masch song. I love this VK kitsch they put up in the video And I cannot point out how much I love Asagis voice, seriously
  19. cheesy_VK_Freak

    I really enjoyed All about Lily Chou-Chou. The mood overall is really oppressive, even though you don‘t seem to know why. And the soundtrack is cool, too. Not much words spoken, lots of silence. I enjoyed it.
  20. cheesy_VK_Freak

    SubThatSong, is that you? I love your channel! LOTS OF LOVE!
  21. cheesy_VK_Freak

    the new jam is out for the public
  22. cheesy_VK_Freak

    sorry but I need to insert this here
  23. cheesy_VK_Freak

    top 10 anime betrayals
  24. cheesy_VK_Freak

    you know, really happy that kyo seems to enjoy himself in the footage, dancing around with these pants, having weird side projects like a ghost -mascot cafe, or what ever. after insulated world lyrics, I was really worried about him. now I‘m only worried about uta, he always looks so sad and stuff. thanks seelentau for putting the effort!
  25. cheesy_VK_Freak

    apparently they streamed a song live on their instagram I‘m mad because I don‘t have instagram and did not see it
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