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Everything posted by Koumori

  1. On the one hand it could be possible, that he has a certain reason for not being interested in a relationship right now. One reason could be, that he is afraid of getting hurt. Someone might have cheated on him or treated him badly in the past, so that it isn't easy for him to trust anyone or he avoids developing feelings for someone else. It might also be possible, that being drunk helps him overcome that and he is able to open up. Of course that's not the solution, but it's well imaginable. On the other hand he might actually want to enjoy his freedom, so that he can see other people if he wants to, but since he knows about your feelings for him, he doesn't want to hurt you and tries to avoid you. That's of course not the right thing to do and pretty unfair as well. But let's not assume the worst. If I were you, I would ask him if he is seeing other people. And I would do it in person as it is easier for you to decide, if he is honest and telling you the truth. I mean he could write anything, since he doesn't need to face you directly. I wish you the best and hope for a positive outcome for you!
  2. Koumori

    Welcome and greetings back from Austria!
  3. Koumori

    Welcome and have fun!
  4. Hey there! 

    I think we know each other from Facebook. x3 

    1. Koumori


      Yes! I do remember. :'D


      A funny coincidence.

    2. Himeaimichu


      If you ever want to talk or anything, you can message me here or on facebook if you want to!

    3. Koumori


      I guess I will pm you on Facebook, because I'm not here too often. And same goes for you! 

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  5. Koumori

    Dann hoffe ich mal mit. Vielleicht hilft es ja. :'D
  6. Koumori

    I have been a bit lazy when it comes to reading books lately. Probably because I'm working for a newspaper, where I read and also write more than enough. :'D But the last books I have been reading – because that's what I wanted for a long time already – were The Last Unicorn and Alice in Wonderland in English.
  7. While I think they're fun, I am really not good at jump & run such as racing games. I really tried, but eventually gave up on them. :'D
  8. Koumori

    Pokemon Ultra Moon
  9. Well, I used to when I was a child. Probably like many of us. But now I am happy with the person I am and wouldn't want to be anyone else. I have been to Japan though and I'd love to go there again!
  10. I missed out on seeing Girugamesh. They are one of my favorite bands, but sadly they are disbanded already.
  11. Koumori

    For me it's either Virge or Meidara 💜
  12. Koumori

    I'm going to see them in Munich and I already ordered the tickets as well of course.
  13. Koumori

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9j4t3Ms-Sg GANGLION - Distance
  14. Koumori

    Some rice with vegetables and tofu
  15. Koumori

    Ja, das wäre natürlich wünschenswert. :'D Bis auf Gazette hab ist mir aber auch noch keine Band ins Auge gefallen, die ich unbedingt würde sehen wollen. Aber ich lasse mich mal überraschen, was noch so kommt.
  16. Koumori

    I have been in a relationship for almost nine years, which ended on my birthday on January 8th, when my former boyfriend suddenly left me while I was having dinner at a Chinese restaurant with my family. We lived in the same apartment and he took most of his stuff, such as our dog, without asking me if he could take her with him in the first place. He simply apologized for leaving, telling me he wasn't good enough for me. At first I thought he might have some mental health issues, why I wanted to help him, but later I found out that he had actually cheated on me with another woman since a few months already and was living at her place now. He also never got the rest of his stuff and I never got an explanation or an apology. I was always happy with him and thought of him as my soulmate, since we always got along very well and I enjoyed spending time with him. He had also been the only person I was really able to trust and I just knew he understood me. Besides that he often told me that he loved me and I helped him a lot during the years with his jobs, money, education and everything he needed. He really isn't the man he used to be anymore. I know that people change, but he changed in a pretty negative way. When I met him nine years ago, it was important to him to be loyal to your partner, he never wanted kids, he disliked the smell of cigarettes and he despised women who would show off their naked body to everyone else. But now he is with a woman who has a child from another man, who's a smoker and sells nudes online. There are just so many things I don't understand, since I have always been a loyal partner to him and I did anything to make him happy. And now, whenever he opens his mouth, I hear nothing but lies. He lied to me and he is lying to his new girlfriend, but she of course wouldn't believe me. Also she is a stalker, who acts as if she liked the exact same things as I do and tries to copy me. I blocked her everywhere and I broke off the contact to my former boyfriend too. But I am sorry for my dog and I truly miss her, even though I am sure he takes care of her. At the moment it is hard for me to trust people. I really can't think of having another relationship – at least not in a while. It would be unfair to someone who is actually honest and loyal, but I would always mistrust them, asking myself if they're cheating and so on. But nobody deserves that. Sorry for the long text and thank you for reading. I could have said so many more about the whole topic, but for now I think it is enough to understand what I mean.
  17. Koumori

    Thank you! I watched/watch Sailor Moon, Bleach, Naruto, Dragonball Z/Super, Zombie Land Saga, Durarara, Inu Yasha, Detective Conan, Ranma 1/2, Mirai Nikki, Death Note, Erased, To Aru Kagaku No Railgun, Ao No Exorcist, Killing Bites, Fate, Deadman Wonderland, Tokyo Ghoul – just to name a few of them. My favorite album of Exist Trace is Virgin and my favorite songs are Resonance, Kiss in the Dark, Little Mary to utsukushiki nikushimi no danube and Wonderland. When it comes to Gazette the albums are Dogma and Ninth. The favorite songs are Babylon's Taboo, Abhor God, Wasteland and Ominous. xD
  18. Koumori

    Oh! That's sweet. :'D
  19. I'm a Capricorn and it is true, that I am stubborn, good with money, disciplined, faithful, a bit gloomy and ambitious. But they also say that Capricorns aren't very creative, which isn't correct for me, since I like to draw, write, sew and do makeup such as hair. Also I'm working as a graphic designer. I used to be an office assistant and did some bookkeeping too, but it was too dull for me.
  20. Koumori

    The last thing I bought was a Patchouli perfume.
  21. Koumori

    I've seen every season so far. My favorite ones are Asylum, Freak Show, Coven and Apocalypse.
  22. Koumori

    The last movie I saw was "I remember You", which is an icelandic mystery/horror film.
  23. Koumori

    Thank you! I sure will. Sounds nice! x3
  24. Koumori

    “バカやろう” (Bakayarou) or “このやろう” (Konoyarou). I really like the sound of it when people shout it at someone! :'D
  25. Koumori

    Thank you! I mainly listen to Exist Trace, Ganglion, Mucc, Girugamesh, Bridear, The Gazette, lynch, SuG, Hyde, Arlequin, My First Story, Golden Bomber, NoGod, Nightmare and Clowd at the moment. What about you?
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