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Everything posted by Befafes

  1. Befafes

    Yo Im Bree and I got a mullet
  2. Befafes

    Hi guys !! I figured I post something like this since I do sell my art!! Please comment or Note if you're interested. Notice: ( I will do fanart of Musicians as they are real people )
  3. Its a shame that this seems to be pretty unpopular! I enjoyed it and Amanjaku was pretty experimental with their looks and sound so in away they havent lost who they are too much. But I can see how it can be a little lacking!
  4. Wow I cant wait for this to be released. Im curious to see as to where they go in terms of a new era.
  5. Really excited that I've finally completed my discography of Saruin. I'm happy that ironically my first band in the scene is also the first band I completed. 
    Thank you to my friend who helped get the last two cds needed for this to be possible.

    1. The Reverend

      The Reverend

      1. That's awesome! Saruin were cool for being so short-lived.


      2. Wondering how a tiny band like Saruin was your first VK band???

    2. Befafes


      1. Yeah! It was a small discography. I'm not sure if they released outside of the 4 albums I have (maybe)
      2. Man, Honestly I don't know how either. I blame the YouTube algorithm at the time. 

      technically they're not my first band? I have no idea what my first is. Either Nightmare or some other band. Since I was exposed to it when i was 5? But I didn't get actively into it until around I was 9+?

      Then It delved into having an interest in bands like Metis Gretel, Born, Unsraw , Distraught overlord and a few of  the UCP bands( namely Nega,Megaromania and ClearVeil ) 🤷‍♀️ 

  6. 30 more minutes till I gotta leave my house and head to the airport 


  7. Befafes

    Heres some other Personal works! One of these is lowkey influenced by XaaXaa's Mazarenai look.
  8. Befafes

    I did VKtober last year and I figured I should post them here. They're heavily referenced but mostly used it as an excuse to practice shading/realism. Any of them look familiar? 👀
  9. Befafes

    I love your Logo work and art style so much!
  10. Late , but RarezHut is finally up again! We're excited and hope you all enjoy the new site.

  11. Befafes

    I'm glad you're reconsidering listening to them! It's kind of nice that they finally have stuff out and they're in stores too. Big improvement, since back in 2016 they didnt even have samples out yet as far as I remember.
  12. JANUARY 20th 12:00pm CST I'll be joining Rarezhut with a unboxing stream on Youtube on the 20th. So mark your calender's because we have 80 lbs of goodies to share with you all! . . . if you haven't already please turn on post notifications for the channel so you can be notified when it does start. vv click the link bellow for our channel! vv !! https://bit.ly/2VRAajU !! As a reminder we also have a monthly subscription box! Its 15$ a month and gets you 4 CD's and a bonus item! and our Site will be up by the end of this month!! **Disclaimer** May or may not include a camera shy Keiju . . . For those with any questions please contact @Biopanda or email us ( [email protected] )
  13. Befafes

    Wow I cant believe I forgot to put the name! Their names Kebyo, I've been a fan of them since 2016 heres a recent mv they released!
  14. I'm looking for a shopping service for some items! They're a lesser known band but they finally have some cd's out. The Blue one with the doll and the green one are what I'm looking for the most! And not vkei but if anyone could find Misanthropist's EP too that'd be great
  15. Everything arrived beautifully and Quickly! Highly recommend this seller!
  16. Black Pig by Dexcore was my bop of 2k18. 

  17. Befafes

  18. Befafes

    So I need help finding this one music video. Its Visual Kei and Im pretty sure a small indie/comedic band and there was a heavier guy that was dressed as a clown with a solid red wig curled and he was like a masochist the MV was bdsm based. But the vocalist had a shoe on their head. It was purple I believe and it was a fake plus shoe. And I think he was also blonde.
  19. Befafes

    Thank you! I'll be sure to keep doing so!
  20. Befafes

    A more formal Introduction! Hello everyone I'm Bree and Im an artist thats been into vkei for a hot minute. Its nice too meet you guys!
  21. Befafes

    Thank you so much for both the compliment on my work and the warm welcome!
  22. Befafes

    Hey I thought i'd make this as my first post! I draw, Its nice to meet you all. IG @ https://www.instagram.com/befafes_/ DA @ https://www.deviantart.com/27133 I do take commissions, If anyone is interested, just give me a PM here or on either of the above. without further ado here's two of my drawings!
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