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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by monkeybanana4

  1. monkeybanana4

  2. monkeybanana4

    I still remember watching DBZ (as well as Pokemon, Sailormoon, and Digimon) on television when I was quite young (I forget what channel it is now), and that was what got me into the whole "I've got to listen to J-music" craze. Even now, I recall trying to scour the internet on very shady sites/places to grab a bite of J-music regardless of its subpar quality. It was quite a different time then. I think this is an interesting point, which I agree with. Some people who I used to interact with on other social media sites like LJ have now seemingly migrated over to K-pop and lost total interest in VK/J-rock despite being huge fans themselves at one point in time. I agree. I think K-pop is more accepted than VK because it is more heavily advertised. Heck, I see the band, BTS, on American and British channels being interviewed these days. I'm not an expert by any means, but I feel an important tool of advertisement that probably helped catapult the popularity of K-pop is the usage of the Internet and social media. Interestingly, the "Korean Wave" (the popularity of Korean pop culture, including K-music) started in the 1990s - right around the same time when VK was gaining traction overseas. However, unlike VK/J-rock, it seems K-pop/K-music were not afraid to tap into the power of the Internet and social media and utilized it to spread the word. To this day, I remember being able to find Korean music much more easily and listening to that for a time before I could even find VK. (VK music was notoriously hard to find back in those days.) Even during the 2006-2009 period, VK (in general, including the bosses who run the whole business, lol) seemed resistant to use the power of the Internet and social media, making it difficult for the genre to grow and become more acceptable. Anyway, I have completely digressed from the topic, but it is an interesting subject to mull over ^^; Completely concur with you on this statement. I discovered so much in this time period that I got completely lost in the deluge of amazing music. Perhaps it's nostalgia, I return to listen to it even now, and I love it just as much since I first discovered it. Even though the post only covered albums, there were also many noteworthy singles released in 2008 as well. (Making a post on that would be quite the undertaking!)
  3. monkeybanana4

    Cool! I'll give it a try this year ^^ Everything is ordered by date under each respective category. Ratings are subjective (personal tastes/opinions), meaning it doesn't reflect the quality of the release~ Subject to change. Ratings List Release List
  4. monkeybanana4

    They will have their anniversary live on 2019.02.17 at Urawa Narciss. OHP: http://romioweb.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ROMiO_official
  5. monkeybanana4

    I think he means that he can incorporate what he played in the Twitter video into the third single? It's nice to know at least Iyu is thinking far ahead to the third single, lol. Although it makes me curious as to what's going to be on the second single. Also, their first single is very promising as a new band. Each song is different from the other and showcases their potential. I'm quite excited to hear what they'll release next.
  6. monkeybanana4

  7. monkeybanana4

    This! To me, those years were sort of like a renaissance of VK music - so much amazingly good music was released and I still return to listen to lots of it even now. If I remember correctly, VK was at its height in Japan in the '90s - a time when many VK musical pioneers came out - and had mostly faded away from mainstream popularity in Japan in the 2000s. However, for us Westerners, that was the time it felt as though VK offered a treasure trove of fascinating music to listen to. It exposed most of us to something different and got us researching as to what the heck was this genre called visual kei. I could be wrong, but I also feel that the burgeoning interest in anime and/or Japanese culture around this time contributed in creating the perfect setting. At least, that was the case for me. By the way, another amazing album, which came out in 2008, was Sincrea's Atlus. That had awesome killer songs, Jesus Maria and Silkspider to name a few.
  8. Both LM.C and Mana (including his fashion brand, Moi-même-Moité) will be coming to Anime Weekend Atlanta during 2019.10.31 through 2019.11.03.
  9. monkeybanana4

    I believe their bassist, Aki, did have a solo career and is currently in a band, too. Not too sure what happened to the drummer.
  10. monkeybanana4

    The album will come in two editions and be released on 2019.04.05. Deluxe Edition (6,000 yen) - 11 tracks - T-shirt - 12 pages of Regular Edition (2,000 yen) - 11 tracks
  11. monkeybanana4

    Wow, seeing this makes me feel old xD I still remember first listening to vistlip's Revolver and being hooked to it immediately. The same with Versailles's Noble and Sug's Noiz Star. These are all great picks! One of my favorites not included is Kagrra, - Core. That album had solid tracks and was a great album overall.
  12. monkeybanana4

    GzNDLH will release their first mini-album, GAGAGAGzNDLH, on 2019.04.24. It will contain five songs and will cost 2,000 yen (tax not included).
  13. monkeybanana4

  14. monkeybanana4

    Both 憂璃-yu-ri- and 氷龍-hiryu- from MIZTAVLA have officially joined the band.
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