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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Masato

  1. Masato is my hero for protecting his fans! I am happy they are upset about this and care enough to call people out. In the twitcast just now they talked about it again how upset they were that this happend. And fans actaully pay to have a good time and should enjoy it and this is so damn respectless against fans and just aggravating. My heros!
  2. Ok, Here comes their official inquiery to Cyber regarding Maria and their answer, but It's such a tiny font.....
  3. Masato

    Lol, just ignore it. If there are beauties on the racoon, then post it. I think jap. gya are sometimes hillarious! I got my kisa...nta icon from there, too. 🎅 Best idea ever! Seasonal greetings in the form of bad bandoman pictures ♡
  4. Masato

    Well, when there is picture or other proof like arrests, it seems more than just a rumor, and there is enough of this out there. I even saw a bandomen i liked, but heard he slept around, trade something with a fan and then quickly hurry away before a live. But I am old enough not to take these things seriously. There are so many more important things in life. And if the artists are bad people, who cares? They are not your roommates....
  5. Masato

    All the sick self harm and anorexia pictures/tweets floating around on jap. Bangya twitter are toxic and not nice. Mamo posting these fanletter notebooks written with blood..... Stop it guys, respect yourselves!
  6. Masato

    I enjoy guest appearances very much! It's fun to see people sometimes very out of character! 😁 Let's collect these MVs here! Even though Rame is semi-retired, he still loves to dress up as a woman and act in his labels MVs, also his labels musicians have cameo roles in MVs: Rame as Ghostbuster secretary - Rame as evil witch (San, Ivy etc. as monsters) - And Kaitou love guests, too. It's Mia And Hikaru Also yuka of SiREN The Raid. have Hoshiko-san (vk ojaji) featuring as a rapist... 😓 So where else do we have interesting cameos?
  7. How come they tour with these "young" groups?
  8. Masato

    I say Puton from Kaitou, some mitsu leaked him being an asshole to her, but he is composing their music and writing a lot of their lyrics, which I stan. So... But he is otherwise nice to fans and taking his time to answer even the dumbest questions, so unless you are mitsu or tsunagari, i guess it's fine.
  9. I think they are the only shitnoodles with the balls to actually call others out in the open. Lol But yeah, spending 2 tweets warning about Maria Cross and one tweet dissing him is really cool: "Was singing a Ayumi Hamasaki song, but switched out "Maria" with "Masato", cause I can't stand the name right now, real story!" ~ Masato They are shitnoodels, too, but at least somewhat realistic about it. After Puton got exposed for being an ass to his mitsu, he lost like almost all his fans, and they made fun of their own member and he keeps joking about being unpopular. They are a joke band, certainly, but jokes and parodies do contain critical messages after all. So in a way they deliver more serious messages than most other bands.
  10. It's just Kinoko, as his stage-persona is "kusomen". Which is hillarious! "If you come to the live, I will do this to you!" 🤣 And his Kusomen game-bot: Try stuff like "tsunagari, kekkon shite, sefure" etc. In japanese to get his specific answers. He will also react to song names, kaitou members past and present etc.... just play with it.
  11. This is what the Meji stans said when SPB8 was announced..... 😏
  12. Masato

    A rip off is when you copy another bands costume, part of their tunes and declare it a parody of ○○○-sama. 😏 Can still be lots of fun though!
  13. Masato

    First of all, when I first listened to them I was confused by how "pop" they sounded, not at all brutal. Well... then I actually saw them live and they just did not rock so much. Everyone said that after seeing them live it was such a revelation, but i felt it was a huge disappontment and very mediocre. This could have been enforced by the mejibray hype going on. My expectations were too high. I still like a few select songs.
  14. I love Masato for warning people about Maria Cross! Not like anyone in their right mind should associate with Maria, but well.... 




      Wait isn't he married or something

    2. anadentone


      oh god some chick married him? Kaito's Masato is better than TMZ and more reliable than Tanuki :D

    3. Masato


      Naw, I think they meant Maria was married.  Masato is just upset at Maria being an asshole, acting illegal and approaching fans aka. ruining the fun and "safe space" for them to enjoy VK

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  15. Masato

    Lol, Kaitou has released a specific warning against Maria to their fans! Lol
  16. Btw, do you remember when Mamo of Rshitei gave away parts of his hair? 😂 And stupid Mamogya started to eat it? Apparently Jewly gave away parts of his mononoke cosplay hair, too. Lol Also he is constantly writing that his "Takemasa" is not married. 😏
  17. Masato

  18. Masato

    I think the takemasa thing was too recent to incorporate
  19. Hi, Here I have the japanese text and would like to request a translation. As I don't have so much time at the moment. 苦しいほどに子きすぎるの 好きすぎても この想いは ねぇ 悲しいほどわわない 届かない そうあなたは ママの事が一番 マザコン男 初デートにママが同席 貴方は嬉しそうに 笑ってたの その理由は ママが買ってくれた服 お店のメニューたくさんあって 決まらない貴方は優れ不断 そういう時はママに決めてもらう 穏やかで優しい そんな貴方は 私の理想のタイプのはずなのに 絶え間なくく 言葉は私への 甘い言葉 なんか じゃないママの自慢話だけ 頼んでもらったカルアミルク はしゃいでいる 貴方の笑顔は しいほどやるせない 壊せない この恋は 甘くなんかないわ モヒートのように 「ボクの理想のタイプはねぇ、 ママみたいな女性 (ひと) 」だなんて 勝ち目ない でもこのまま あきらめたくない 「ママと比べてはだいぶ母性が足りない」 だなんて おかしいじゃん 実の母よ?母性で比べるな 反抗期がない そんな貴方は 平和 主義 理想のタイプのはずなのに カルアミルク激しく 彼を酔わせてお願い ママじゃなくて 私だけを見ていてお願い 待ち受けがママ フォロワーもママ アイコンもママ 位置情報もママ いまだに持ち歩ないでほしいの もうやめてよ 肌 身離さずに 大事にしてる へその緒!!! 過去のひどい恋愛 忘れさせてくれたから 貴方は 私の 運命の人なのに 「ボクはマザコンをやめる ボクはママ離れをするよ 嬉しい! やっと私だけを見ていてくれるのね 安心してる私にこう貴方はそう 冷静に言うの 「ママじゃなくてこからはお姉ちゃんに 甘える」 マザコン改めシスコン男
  20. That's the big advantage when you are self-published! You can distribute your stuff anywhere you like.
  21. Masato

    And don't forget his other creepy antics like giving his fans parts of his hair and this ended up in people eating it.... And his pedo-antics.... 😖
  22. Masato

    He is doing this romance/vampire thing so much, and it's totally over the top..... it creeps me out sometimes.
  23. Lol, any of you old school VK stans interested in a huge Rame - Vidoll Cheki Collection? & Vidoll trading cards? 😂

  24. Masato

    Kaitou Sentai, cause everyone thinks they are a joke and a rip-off and insult their favourite band. 😍 But I stan their humor. Kamijo-fan here, too. Even I find his antics sometimes creepy, but well, his shows and music are fun.
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