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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by secret_no_03

  1. secret_no_03

    No one knows as far as I know.
  2. secret_no_03

    Katchan is retired, K (BORN) went solo, Kouichi is in WKWK apparently?
  3. secret_no_03

    All beer is shit. How anyone could drink it is beyond me. It's one of those acquired taste things that you just drink enough until you get used to it. Most wine is awful, and sake tastes like pure ethol alcohol.
  4. secret_no_03

    Only because Asian music is the best, obviously. 😄
  5. secret_no_03

    They're just something to snack on, not meant to really be more than that. True licorice has flavor though.
  6. secret_no_03

    They're edible rubber, what were you expecting?
  7. secret_no_03

    I'll have to give it a try.
  8. secret_no_03

    I'm not a fan of the texture and I hate salty things.
  9. secret_no_03

    I don't like pretzels in general.
  10. secret_no_03

    Yep, sounds like awful quality pretzel sticks. Glad we don't have them then.
  11. secret_no_03

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they just pretzel sticks with various flavors?
  12. secret_no_03

    I definitely feel like this might be the final nail in the coffin.
  13. secret_no_03

    Last I checked no one in DÄLLE have bands that they're ignoring for, everyone involved has at least two bands besides DÄLLE. If Közi was the reason for Malice Mizer turning to shit or DÄLLE being the reason that 9goats disbanded then I'd agree with you, but this is just a false equivalency. DÄLLE started as a session band and it pretty much is considering they only show up every 3 months. Sukekiyo on the other hand have been around since 2013 and have released 3 albums and an EP.
  14. secret_no_03

    I think you're completely right, I think it is just Kyo, it's like I don't fuck with DARELL because it's just more Ai. I guess I've always cared most about vocals, so that's probably it.
  15. secret_no_03

    Just the art as far as I know, I'm sure she'll make him look like Alucard lol
  16. secret_no_03

    Well, I went back and read it and it sounds like you're not happy with your life due to where your current career is or where it's going or better yet, not going. This sounds very similar to something The Minimalists went through, but they were working high end corporate jobs before they got rid of everything they didn't need or truly want and saved a lot of money and started their website and podcast. It might not be possible, but it's an idea, wanting and needing less means you can work less and have more time to enjoy life or do something that you truly enjoy regardless of the compensation; plenty of people get fulfillment from volunteering or rock climbing and that doesn't exactly pay. Anyway, food for thought. Hope things improve.
  17. secret_no_03

    You had me scared he announced it a year in advance 😅
  18. secret_no_03

    ? 今年10月から2020年にかけてシングル三部作をリリース! I believe that says from October until 2020, it's 3 months so I'll assume the end of October, November and December or the beginning of January.
  19. secret_no_03

    That's your prerogative, just saying, it'd be much easier to read and it's a simple press of the enter key every 5 to 6 sentences. 😊
  20. secret_no_03

    Absolute collector's items, anything she has to do with.
  21. KAMIJO won't be finished with Eye of Providence as it's been announced that he will begin releasing a series of singles starting in October. If that weren't enough the covers are being illustrated by Ayami Kojima who is best known as the amazing artist and illustrator for the vast majority of Castlevania games, most famously Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Source:KAMIJO's OHP
  22. We are one step closer to welcoming our robot overlords as a start-up company Soul Machines in New Zealand founded by computer scientist Mark Sagar who previously worked for Peter Jackson (yep, that Peter Jackson) decided in 2010 that he wanted to make an artificial intelligence that could not only learn, but feel and remember things. https://onezero.medium.com/facing-the-future-1962abacf3b1
  23. secret_no_03

    Holy shit wall of text. Paragraphs are your friend. 😵
  24. secret_no_03

    You are literally a caricature of a late-2000's (emo) teenager.
  25. secret_no_03

    Uta is looking for a friend to play Cyber Hunter with, I assume a requirement would be to be fluent in Japanese, not sure what kind of communication system the game has. It looks interesting, like a Mass Effect x Fortnite spawn.
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