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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by secret_no_03

  1. secret_no_03

    If we can get a grasp on anti-matter we'd solve the global energy crisis, but we might also end up taking out half of Europe or just the planet period as anti-matter is so fucking dangerous and unstable. I remember well when the Large Hardon Collider was revealed to the public and the backlash and the concern, then Dan Brown goes and writes a book with it in it and Ron Howard goes and makes a film about it, not much has been discussed about it since really.
  2. secret_no_03

    Obama deported more than 5M people and, separated and built those facilities with cages everyone is bitching about 5 years ago. Obama was even referred to as "Deporter in Chief" by immigration activists when he ran for re-election in 2012. I was actually flabbergasted when I saw that Bill Clinton had deported more than 12M. Apparently Trump isn't focused on deportation, just keeping people from getting in which is part of the problem as we need to do something about both aspects. Obama focused almost entirely on criminals, not sure about Bill or George. ๐Ÿค”
  3. secret_no_03

    On July 27, 2016, a federal judge ruled that Hinckley would be allowed to be released from St. Elizabeths on August 5, as he was no longer considered a threat to himself or others. The pivotal conditions of his release are that he has no contact with the Reagan family, the Brady family, Jodie Foster or Foster's family or agent. He will live with his 90-year-old mother and be restricted to a 50 mi (80 km) zone around her home in Williamsburg, Virginia. Hinckley was released from institutional psychiatric care on September 10, 2016, and was to live full-time at his mother's home. As part of his release, he is prohibited from using alcohol, possessing any firearms, ammunition and other weaponry, from any access to printed or online pornography, compact disc or online access to violent music, speaking to the press, had to work at least three days per week, could drive no more than 30 mi (48 km) from his mother's home or 50 mi (80 km) if attended, and was required to see a psychiatrist twice a month. His Internet use was subject to limitations and scrutiny, and he was not allowed to erase his computer's web browser history. Although the court ordered a risk assessment to be completed within 18 months of his release, it had not been done as of May 2018. On November 16, 2018, Judge Paul L. Friedman ruled Hinckley could move out of his motherโ€™s house in Virginia and live on his own upon location approval from his doctors.
  4. secret_no_03

    Fetishes are body focused and kinks are more centered on the person and what they bring to the table.
  5. secret_no_03

    Oh, I was truly intrigued, that's disappointing...๐Ÿ˜”
  6. secret_no_03

    Born with? Where in the world is the research behind that?
  7. secret_no_03

    Not including those from the 80's and 90's, I did say modern after all.
  8. secret_no_03

    All modern female rappers are just awful and are talentless and are just thots out there twerking and trying to imitate anyone who can actually rap.
  9. secret_no_03

    Come to think of it, that's true, but they're Japanese and Japan doesn't have the chaos America does as people wouldn't put up with it with the whole "the nail that sticks out gets hammered down" etc etc. ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  10. secret_no_03

    Has anyone seen the JAV where they have fake tentacles? It's hilarious.
  11. secret_no_03

    http://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id1471951836?app=itunes&ls=1 http://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/id1471952565?app=itunes&ls=1 If this doesn't come to US iTunes I'll definitely get a JP card and buy it because it's still a lot cheaper than the physical and I doubt the live footage is worth it.
  12. secret_no_03

  13. secret_no_03

    Probably because it's more normal.
  14. secret_no_03

    To be fair, I would say the same is a straight person identified as everything from a woman to a sovereign citizen to Japanese and a cat. We used to think people were nuts when they thought they were Zeus or Jesus, but now if someone says they're a woman in a man's body or vice versa they're completely sane and don't need mental treatment even if gender dysphoria (sorry for the spelling error earlier I'll correct it asap) is a very real and treatable condition because you need help if you or your child is a biological male and trys to cut off their penis because they feel like they're in the wrong body ๐Ÿ˜ข. There's also people who just want to be different and identify as whatever suits them whenever it suits them, I'm pretty sure people with legit problems don't do that and don't bitch and moan and just about their daily lives. I'm not talking about them, I'm talking about the snowflakes and militant identitarions who have nothing better to do than to force their beliefs on everyone else. I don't believe in it when it comes to religion and I don't believe it with politics or identity politics, believe what you want and I'll believe or not believe what I want and you're not any more special or better than I am because of what you do or don't believe in. (Speaking in general and not in any way directed at you.).
  15. secret_no_03

  16. secret_no_03

    Cantaloupe is awful, tasteless and pales in comparison to the far superior watermelon.
  17. secret_no_03

    I'd love to see them in a movie together.
  18. secret_no_03

    Everything you said is true, except for the LGBT identitarions and them going nuts if you say that there are two genders, don't give them what they want whether it's calling them by whatever pronoun they want or what they identify as. It's funny how people so anti-free speech are so fascist when it comes to pushing their believes on others. I'm sorry, but I don't have to adhere to your crazy doctrine because you have body dysmorphia or some other personal problem. ๐Ÿ™„
  19. The popular Playstation Podcast Sacred Symbols with over 50K+ active listeners created by former IGN Playstation senior editor Colin Moriarty and YouTuber Chris Ray Gun were scheduled to have a panel at PAX West next month and yesterday their panel was removed without any explanation. Ian goes into more detail here, but it's basically because some very vocal liberals with clout wanted to deplatform the two, Colin being a fervent target of the leftists in games media for being pretty much the only reputable conservative in games media and a vocal one at that at a time when Kotaku, Vice's Waypoint and Polygon are either seeing severe hits in terms of visitors and reads or in the case of Waypoint, completely shut down and consolidated with the rest of Vice media. https://humanevents.com/2019/07/31/pax-deplatforms-colin-moriarty-and-chris-ray-gun/ Colin has also just released a podcast talking about it all and is seeking reimbursement for lost money, refunds and reimbursement for fans who already made travel arrangements and more in the aftermath of this clear bait and switch. https://www.patreon.com/posts/28809683 Article by Dexerto https://www.dexerto.com/entertainment/colin-moriarty-claims-pax-misled-fans-canceling-playstation-panel-866484
  20. secret_no_03

    For the longest time the migrant and immigrant, ie the blue collar jobs in Japan were done by Brazilian immigrants until they decided on needing an influx of foreign workers for next year's Olympics.
  21. secret_no_03

    The only way that makes sense is because there are plenty of Brazilian Japanese people in Japan because plenty of Japanese left Japan and moved to Brazil back during WW2.
  22. secret_no_03

    It's very tame, it's just about 20 people around a statue having sex in traditional attire.
  23. secret_no_03

    Oh, really? I thought it was satire of a festival and just a porn parody lol
  24. secret_no_03

    Did anyone else see the festival? When I was probably @psychonnect_rozen's age I saw the video of the festival where everyone had sex on a huge circle around a giant phallic statue and that changed my life and view on Japanese sex culture forever.
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