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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by secret_no_03

  1. Just watched some of a live recording of TRNTY D:CODE and I'm so disappointed, Kai can't sing for shit, the scratching of the turntables is disjointed, the guitar is drowned out, whoever set up their shit needs fired and Kai needs vocal lessons and fast. 


    Watch at your own peril.



    1. ahnchc


      Are we surprised? They were once (or maybe still?) under KEIOS ENTERTAINMENT.... owned by Yohio.

  2. secret_no_03

    So fucking awful, I'm so fucking crushed, and now totally see why they haven't released a DVD. Clearly there's a lot of post-production going into their stuff. 💔
  3. secret_no_03

  4. secret_no_03

  5. secret_no_03

  6. secret_no_03

    Reading Unknown Pleasures and the book immediately opens when their first gig as Joy Division, the name derived from a Jewish women used as pleasure women in the Nazi camps and led to the band being accused of being Nazis for a long time, Ian found it in a book he was reading. Anyway, Peter talks about how he bought a new guitar and invited all of his mates to the show, everyone getting into a fight and being kicked out and they played to no one, right after Ian had gotten kicked out earlier by the bouncer and they had to beg him to let him back in. Peter's guitar also had a string coming undone the entire time so he had to hold it in while playing and kicking scoucers in the face when they tried to rush the stage.
  7. secret_no_03

    Green tea is amazing hot or cold and very good for you, so I suppose it's the superior drink to...pretty much anything else, especially coffee.
  8. secret_no_03

    An update. "Due to shipping facility relocation, it may take several days until the order ships out after it enters in the shipping process." Okay fam, but it's been literally almost a month (4 days it'll be a month) since I placed the order.
  9. secret_no_03

    Images? So it's not live footage, but more like a live picture collage on a DVD?
  10. secret_no_03

    I THINK they do that so you have to buy the whole single and not just one song since it's priced at 450¥
  11. secret_no_03

    I never said I spoke THE truth, I said my truth, what I believe, you're entitled to believe whatever you want and I'm not saying that I'm right or always right, everyone has an opinion. I never said anyone is trying to infringe on any of my rights, the staff is entitled to run their site the way they see fit and I as a member am obligated to adhere to the rules. I simply said that I knew that I wouldn't be very popular because I have so many polarizing opinions.
  12. I think they're just desperate and want to be able to say that the biggest streamer in the world streams on their platform a year before they unveal a new console. Either that or Microsoft is ready to go to war with Bezos and Amazon at least in the streaming market. I don't see Playstation ever trying something like this, but they're not very invested in their own streaming platform.
  13. Not a fan, but I can always get behind La'Mule/CELL cosplay.
  14. Ninja is arguably the world's most popular streamer on Twitch and the most popular person to play Fortnite and has made quite a career and splash, even being interviewed by ESPN. Ninja however has decided to take his...hammer? (no idea what you use in Fortnite) and join Microsoft. Microsoft must have showed up and gave him a dump truck of money because he's already extremely successful on Twitch and the fact he's going to Microsoft's barren wasteland Microsoft has tried to cultivate as an alternative to Twitch, presumably on the assumption that even a fourth of his audience follows that'll give them their biggest audience and exposure probably ever. Source: Kotaku
  15. secret_no_03

    I have always heard that if you speak your truth then you have nothing to fear, and that's what I always do. I speak my truth and I know full well that it doesn't do me any favors, gain me any friends or make me seen in a positive light by pretty much anyone who encounters me. But, that's fine, if I wanted all kinds of friends I'd tow the line, fall into place, believe what everyone else does because it's what you're supposed to do and be a good, silent drone. I knew full well once I stopped lurking and started becoming active and revealed myself and laid myself bare that hell would rain down upon me, but I did it anyway and I don't regret it even if it wins me no favors because we're all adults here more or less and all have opinions and everyone has a opinion someone else disagrees with, and may even find morally reprehensible, but that's life. So, no, contrary to what you may think, I am not in fact a troll, just someone who has some very controversial and unpopular opinions. I've been a loner all my life and have only had a select few friends, mostly because of how shy I've always been and afraid to speak my truth and now that I have, albeit quite later than I had hoped, the prophecy has fulfilled itself and I'd do it all over again. 😊 I leave you with some quotes that I have found to bring some perspective to everything. "In a room where people unanimously maintain a conspiracy of silence, one word of truth sounds like a pistol shot." Franz Kafka "The truth is something that burns. It burns off dead wood. And people don't like having the dead wood burnt off, often because they're 95 percent dead wood." Jordan Peterson "Life has taught me that it is not for our faults that we are disliked and even hated, but for our qualities." Bernard Berenson Have a wonderful day. 🖖
  16. secret_no_03

    I don't know how I feel, this feels day and night from weekly and their past stuff.
  17. secret_no_03

    A才教育 TYPE-A - 2. 深夜2時の探し者 2:55 2曲、6分 A才教育 TYPE-B - 2. 涙不明 4:08 2曲、7分 Unless I'm missing something, it looks like both B-sides are there?
  18. secret_no_03

    I hate this show, but apparently plenty of people love it for there to be a third season. Can't wait for season 2 of Insatiable.
  19. secret_no_03

    Oooh boy, well you clearly don't like me and probably find me to be grating and a jerk, although I feel like you'd use some more colorful language. I guess all I have to say to your diatribe is some wise words from Andy Black. We don't have to talk We don't have to dance We don't have to smile We don't have to make friends It's so nice to meet you Let's never meet again 😊🖖
  20. secret_no_03

    People who convert their pets to veganism are committing animal abuse. You shouldn't make your pet a vegan just like you shouldn't make your child a vegan. https://pets.webmd.com/features/vegetarian-diet-dogs-cats It's very risky and potentially deadly.
  21. secret_no_03

    Japan did nothing wrong by bombing Pearl Harbor. They failed miserably and what they thought would happen didn't, but they did nothing wrong because war was inevitable and they were striking first. https://pearlharborwarbirds.com/why-japan-attacked-pearl-harbor/
  22. secret_no_03

    Hell no.
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