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Posts posted by mizumi

  1. Hi there! I have for sale the following goods:


    Lareine - Scarlet Majesty: 135€

    The disc has no visible scratches. It is near mint condition. The case is also in excellent condition.


    Back: https://www.mediafire.com/view/yj97u4iye3df79c/IMG_5551.JPG/file

    Inside: https://www.mediafire.com/view/t9n2oh144k84dk6/IMG_5552.JPG/file



    Versailles Comment DVDs - 10 DVDs: 12€ each.



    4 Noble DVDs: Hizaki, Teru, Masashi and Yuki versions from Zeal Link store


    4 Jubilee DVDs: disk Union store, Puresound store, Like an Edison store, Jishuban Club store


    (Erased sold item links)


    Limited version DVD Kamijo "La vie en Rose" 20th Anniversary 60€

    2CDs + 2DVDs edition









    Shipping is from Spain. I ship worldwide.

  2. For middleman services


    I have used this one in the past: Japonica Market:



    I would also recommend this service (the price is similar and their communication is great): I also contacted them but decided to go with Japonica market. 




    For buying tickets:


    I also found https://jmty.jp/all/sale-kw-ライブ チケット


    You can also try auctions.yahoo.co.jp: https://www.google.es/search?q=チケットライブ+中古&rlz=1C1PRFC_enES821ES821&oq=チケットライブ 中古&aqs=chrome..69i57.16087j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8


    These may be unavailable at most shopping services but they are other possibilities:

    - people selling their ticket in twitter to other fans

    - reselling tickets shops in cities like Osaka or Tokyo


  3. * I edited my previous post and made a more clear description in this new post about storage options and sizes.


    ******** Storage options **********


    I am thinking whether to put them in ring binders (+ plastic protectors with holes) or in clear pocket binders.


    In case you want to order them by yourself or through a Japanese friend:

    The person writing in this blog explains that you can either buy them at the 100 yen store or at Kokuyo or Muji (stationary stores). He says in Kokuyo and Muji they call that size 「A4ワイド」. This is a Kokuyo A4 wide size clear pocket binder. I don't know if they have ticker ones, as this one has just 20 pockets.



    He/she recommends buying the higher quality ones at Kokuyo or Muji rather than at the 100 store. You can also get them at Yodobashi Camera, Amazon.co.jp, Tokyu Hands, Loft or other places with a big stationary section.


    I personally find it more comfortable to use ring binders because you can change the papers order, add more or remove them but I like clear pocket binders more aesthetically speaking.



    You can buy different binder sizes for each paper size you have or buy the biggest size (A4変 and put all papers together no matter the size). Maybe it's easier that way.


    ********** Brands ************

    I really like this stationary brand called Kikuyo because they have nice designs and good quality. They have a system called Novita which enlengthens the binder if you put more papers and if you have less papers the spine gets narrower. They don't seem to make Novita clear file binders for A4変 though, but you can get them for other sizes... * I don't get sponsored if you are wondering *

    Website: https://www.kokuyo-st.co.jp/stationery/clearbook/novita/

    Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.jp/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?__mk_ja_JP=カタカナ&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=クリアファイル+ノビータ&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Aクリアファイル+ノビータ


    For archive quality clear files you can buy Maruman:

    I haven't seen it being sold in Europe but it's a Germany brand...



    *********** Paper Sizes **********

    In Japan paper sizes are very clearly predetermined and classified and all magazines (most) of the same sort use the same size, as well with books, doujinshi, manga... Making it easier for people to store things (whether it be in binders, boxes or shelves). I have observed books and manga there have a few assorted sizes while here every publisher makes the magazine, book or comic in the size he wants... *_*


    More info on paper sizes in the West and Japan:


    https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/判型 / English version (different info) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_size


  4. On 10/14/2018 at 9:23 PM, Cantavanda said:

    i are am loçoking for a way to store magazine clippings.

    I have over 200 clippings of LAREINE from various magazines.

    I don't want them all loose, so I wanted to put them in a folder with transparent plastic pages, so I can browse through them.


    Some pages are a tad larger than A4!! For example the SHOXX pages are larger so don't fit the A4 plastic pochettes.


    Does anyone know of a solution for my problem? I have tried lukin for folders with transparent plastic page-insert-here's that are a tad larger than A4... to no avail.

    Or is there another solution?? ?

    Same here... 

    I still haven't found the magical solution...

    I have seen Japanese fans that sell the magazine clippings put them in portofolios like the ones Arkady has linked.


    According to google, Shoxx magazine paper size is called A4変形.







    Height is 297mm and width can vary.


    マガジンサイズ - 232×297 ※「A4変形」とも ※女性誌、デザイン誌等

    Here it says the size is 232x297 mm.

    Can you measure the Shoxx magazine and share the width it has to see if the links I provided from Amazon would fit?

  5. On 7/24/2018 at 5:51 PM, Laurence02 said:

    The pillows is amazing too! My favourite album is Little Busters:


    I listen mostly to the more recent Concerto Moon, which may or may not fit your needs. This song, Savior Never Cry, is amazing, and the singer of it is the new vocalist of Jupiter!


    Thanks for the recommendation. I will listen to that CD by the Pillows.

    I have also recently started listening to Concerto Moon since I really liked the new single by Jupiter with Kuze singing. I will link it just in case someone reading the thread wants to check it out:

    The 1st time I listened to it I really didn't like it because Zin, Masashi and Yuki weren't there anymore *_* 

    But after listening to Kuze a few times I think I like him way better for Jupiter than Zin... Zin's voice is great and if you check out his channel, his voice is so beautiful. But Kuze definitely fits metal genre way better than Zin both in looks and his voice to me...




  6. On 7/24/2018 at 4:31 PM, secret_no_03 said:

    Welcome, and do you know the pillows, they've been around since like 1994. 

    Hi! And sorry for answering sooooo late. No, I don't know them! But I would love that you recommend me some songs :)

  7. I cannot thing of any really depressing songs right now aside from konayuki by remioromen... (it's not that depressing compared to other songs in the thread though... lol)


    These are sad to me though:


    Crudeplay - Sayounara no junbi wa mou dekiteita



    These are sad lyrics and the tune sad though it has fast rythm guitar in them...:

    The piass - ano toki no you ni


    The piass - aki ryuusa 


    Nostalgic/sad but happy memories: Tube - Aoi Melody


    I don't know what you mean by 0815 ballads... Do you mean ballads in general? If so, nevermind but otherwise I recommend this CD: X Japan - Forever Love (and any of their ballads, really)


  8. On 7/20/2018 at 3:14 PM, Laurence02 said:

    Ah, that makes sense looking at it with the explanation, sorry! :)


    Sorry, I can't really find any articles with the limited Googling time that I have. I think Marty Friedman did a video on it, and I am sure that /r/musictheory on Reddit has loads of threads on that topic.


    Do you like Concerto Moon?

    Nevermind! ^_^

    Oh thanks, I will check that video out.

    I don't know Concerto Moon either, I'm afraid ^_^" Any song you recommend?


  9. On 7/16/2018 at 11:10 AM, Laurence02 said:

    There are multiple hypotheses for that "X factor", but I don't know which one is true! 


    Yeah, Unicorn were pretty soft. They did it well though.


    You wrote that you don't like bands that went major, or didn't I read that properly? Does that mean that you dislike the bands even before they went major (i.e. indies-era X)?

    Where can I read about the different hyptheses? I would like to know more about that.

    As for your question, I wrote an answer a few days ago and thought it had been posted. Now I realized it didn't lol

    I meant that I like

    - not visual rock bands

    - visual rock bands that went major

    I didn't mean I dislike them before they went major XD On the contrary, for example Siam Shade, some of my favourites songs are their indies ones.

    (I don't know much about minor visual kei bands so I don't have an opinion about them)



  10. On 7/13/2018 at 11:50 AM, Laurence02 said:

    Sorry for the delay! This song is amazing, but not so visual. Unicorn were more of a "standard" rock band more than visual.


    It's really nice! I enjoy lots of Japanese rock and pop. I don't know what X factor they have that makes it so different to Western music that makes me really like it. If any musician knows what X factor is that please let me know! :D


    It reminds me of other soft style rock bands like Mr Children or Spitz.


  11. Hello!


    I have for sale a few Jrock items. Some of this items are difficult to find.

    * Open to trading for things I am interested in: Lareine goods (CDs, DVDs, merchandising) that I am looking for.

    * Shipping from Spain.


    You can see more photos for the details of each item here: https://ibb.co/album/dK3Adv


    Dir en Grey:

    Dir en Grey photos set: 25€



    Janne Da Arc:

    Another Story CD Album: 15€



    Luna Sea and Sugizo:

    Fanclub magazine nº58+59 (1 magazine) - 7€

    Fanclub magazine nº60+61 (1 magazine) - 7€

    Pamphlet announcing Sugizo's concert tour "The Voyage Home" (2016) / Versailles reunion concert at Budohkan 2017 / many more: 2€



    Aquarius after Le Fou CD single (not for sale): 5€

    Super Love single: 10€

    Dear Life single: 10€



    YMO (Yellow Magic Orchestra) Remixes Technopolis 2000-2001: There is one remix song by Sugizo 5€

    Omnibus DANCETONOISE 004: There is a beautiful track with violin by Sugizo that only appears in this CD. 8€



    Siam Shade:

    Siam Shade pamphlets (2016 last live at Budohkan: 2 Natchin's group 21grams + 1 Hideki solo concert)10€ for the set

    (I can also include in the set the other 3 pamphlets that came along with them and appear in the photo in the 1st row if you also want them)

    Glacial Love CD single: 5€



    Visual Kei magazine: 4€ 

    EvoL'v vol.36


  12. Hello there!

    I am fairly new to the forum and have made a couple of posts. 

    I am interested in many J-rock bands from the 90s (both visual rock bands and not visual kei bands that went major such as Glay, Luna Sea, X Japan, Siam Shade, L'arc-en-ciel, Lareine, Janne Da Arc  and a few more) and Pop bands that don't really suit this forum such as SMAP or Spitz ^^". I like the sound of 80-00s Japanese music (either rock or pop).

    I am not into nowadays J-rock or visual kei groups except for Versailles but maybe from browsing through the forum I get to know new groups and get into new bands :) 

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