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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Posts posted by Pretsy

  1. Don't get your hopes up, people. It won't be BR00TAL.

    They quitted in being BR00TAL a long time ago, so it's quite obvious bro :D

    Yet everyone comes and posts "Karma suxx" or "I miss their BR00TAL songs" or "poppish shit". MUCC and Giru's topics are all about that. Just take Karma out and put GO/NOW. XD

    Kinda funny tho that they are in the same label and are following the same mainstream pop direction whatsoever + fans raging hurr durr...

    What next, danger crue records?

  2. For me, the auto-tune parts are the high point of the song (and maybe the solo). The other, bigger portion of the song can be easily replaced by any of their previous riffs/chorus, and I wouldn't even notice.

    previews of the B-sides over here!

    Looks like I'll pass on this single...

    I might pass on this too

    It seems that they've put some parts from Burial Applicant into uncertain sense


    Break Me sounds kinda In the middle of chaos-ish.

  3. Am I the only one who thinks they played too safe with this single?

    Really uninteresting in my opinion...

    Yeah it's one of their safest singles ever, maybe after Rem_, let's say so

    Is it me or does Vermilion's intro solo sound like the part of Miseinen solo by Gazette?

    Uncanny similarity, dunno

  4. Tsumi toBatsu is an amazing song, and the new version will butcher it. There's simpley no doubt about that.

    troll. the original was terrible...and was from their worst "album". Jeez

    Dir en grey will make this bad song much much muchhh better, I'm sure of it!

    "worst album"


    Lyrical content of the remake is far more interesting than the new sound (which is kinda...predictable?) - if they sung in the original about juvenile raping...are they gonna sing about butchering and raping in that remake (À la Cannibal Corpse)? I imagine that they would surely do that since they are known of their creepy and gloomy lyrics, right? It's gonna get more and more explicit :D

    EDIT: good example -> lyrics of new Zan >< old Zan

    or even better

    Obscure -new ver. - >< Obscure -old ver.-




    Foreigners might think that this is some kind of Finnish angura/eroguro/whatever-kei...I dunno what to comment on that, because I don't know what kind of style they do represent as well :(

    Just a band of crazy mimes doing some "mushroom rock"-music

    taken from last.fm wiki

    Kuolleet Intiaanit, Finnish for (the) Dead Indians (as in native Americans), is a mushroom rock band from Seinäjoki, Finland. Their music has elements of psychedelia and punk, and as for Finnish music, they’re often referred to as the 21st century’s Sielun Veljet. Guitar rock, in any case, flavoured with surrealist or absurdist lyrics (not exactly meant to be analyzed is the message here) and elements of theater. They were formed in 2000, and as of 2008, are either on a break or defunct. Their label does say they are on a break.

    Members of the band are or were Ilmari Tuulenhalkoja (vocals), Emil Topaz (guitar and vocals), Johannes Tyrannos (bass guitar and vocals) and Juhana Amadeus (drums). These are stage names, and the real names of the members have not spread outside Seinäjoki. In live shows, a synthesizer player is added (on the latest tour and album, Mikael Rynigen). They do not give interviews (except for one, which has been read by few and was done, unsurprisingly, by a person from Seinäjoki), play encores or speak to their audiences.

    So, why theater, of all words to describe them? Well, their live shows could be treated as such, that is why. In a live show, Kuolleet Intiaanit are usually dressed in black suits and top hats and their faces are painted white, except for the area surrounding the eyes, which is black. Other known costumes are straitjackets and black-white-lined suits.

    some tunes for yah:






    Another great surrealist band !!!

  6. 01. What are you listening to right now? SCREW - HELL

    02. What song(s) make(s) you sad? None. Seriously.

    03. What is the most annoying song in the world? My Jeans

    04. 3 all time favorite Japanese bands? Kuroyume, Luna Sea and maybe Sads

    05. 3 all time favorite non-Japanese bands? Faith No More, Mr. Bungle and maybe Stam1na

    06. Your favorite recently discovered band is? Martika

    07. Favorite female voice(s)? Martika, Kikka and Gwen Stefani

    08. Favorite male voice(s)? Kiyoharu (Kuroyume, Sads), Morrie (Dead End), Mike Patton (Faith no more + etc.), Misa (klein kaiser + etc.), Chris Cornell (Soundgarden + etc.) and etc. etc.

    09. Music type you find yourself listening to most? Recently in mainstream-ish pop/r'n'b and vk metal

    10. What do you listen to, to hype you up? Stefani's or Kikka's best-of hits.

    11. What do you listen to when you want to calm down? Dark neofolk songs or oriental acoustic ballads

    12. Last gig/concert you went to? ...ehh, was it either Petri Nygård or Asa...hmmm

    13. Band you find yourself listening to the most right now? maybe SCREW

    14. Most hated band? ...ehh, I don't know

    15. Song that makes you think? Kuroyume - If

    16. Band that you think the world should love as much as you do? Patton's projects, Kiyoharu's projects...etc.

    17. Favorite music video? Kuroyume's PVs from mid-90s + Sydän Sydän's "Kolme kysymystä, kaksi vastausta"...well all weird and japanese/finnish nostalgic videos

    18. Can you play a musical instrument? Guitar (3 and half years), Synth (rookie) and maybe some bass - currently trying to play drums

    19. Are you in a band? No, even though I composed some shit...for a band that deleted all its shit from myspace, fuck that :(

    20. Do you wish yourself that you were a musician? IDK

    21. Best all-girl band you know of? currently praising PERFUME!

    22. Last song that you heard on the radio/CD…etc…? Some Finnish schlager song

    23. What do you think of Classical music? Digging neoclassical music...well I am actually a sucker for expressionist-like composers for eg. Debussy, maybe?

    24. What do you think of Country music? Only if it's mixed with other genres, otherwise, no way in hell.

    25. What do you think of Death metal? Digging Polish death metal scene and some old school CC, otherwise, current death metal scene never appealed to me

    26. What do you think of Visual Kei? I like it alot, but I might lose the grip as well if it's going to become a phenomenon amongst hipsters (hint: Gazette)

    27. If you were a musical instrument what would you be? Bass. and don't play me with fingers please!

    28. What do your parents listen to? Chanson, Schlager, classical music and 80s (+90s) pop (imma sucker for that as well)

    29. Favorite movie/anime/video game sound track? Mortal kombat movie OST, Tekken OSTs...Sailor Moon OST (heart moving is luv <3)...almost all anime/video game osts made by japanese people in 90s.

    30. Do you know the names of all the band members that you listen to? Maybe...I am actually paying attention only on my favourite members (particularly, bassists + technical guitarists)

    31. Have you met any famous musicians? Some Schlager stars from Finland and forgotten Finnish rock bands from 90s (Waltari, anyone?) + Klamydia's members (homies) + Ville Valo (friend of my father's family)...t.A.t.u girls.

    32. Do you follow the music charts, like the top 40? seldom.

    33. Do you watch music TV? seldom.

    34. Do you listen to the radio? only to schlager radio + maybe radio rock.

    35. What are 3 of your favorite albums ever? Mother by Luna Sea, Angel Dust by Faith No More and Feminism by Kuroyume (or Fake Star, i cannot decide!)

    36. Name one album that you regret listening to Vajra's mini/single whatever it was...AAAAAAAGH

    37. Do you buy music digitally? Seldom.

    38. Favorite Visual Kei band? from current vk scene: SCREW (recently listening to it, alot) - from old school vk scene: BAISER...dunno

    39. What is one band that you used to love, but now hate? Linkin Park

    40. Does Engrrrrrish bother you? Not really.

    41. What genre could you never listen to? ...no comments.

    42. What language do you listen to the most in music? Japanese and Finnish

    43. Do you like long songs? It depends. Simplistic long songs bore the shit out of me. but its all about emotionality

    44. How often do you download music? Whenever there's something I'm interested in. [2]

    45. Are there any specific bitrates that you prefer? 192 and up! [2]

    46. What do you think of autotune? Doesn't bother me that much unless it's used constantly. [2]

    47. What do you think of Noise (music)? It's funny and interesting. Merzbow is my current addiction.

    48. Do you prefer listening to music on speakers or with headphones? Both. Headphones can give you an awesome sounds, but the same happens when I put on my speakers and dance around on the music. [2]

    49. What musician(s) are you most physically attracted to? Hm. Lady Gaga during his the fame -era (curves, rawr), Beyonce, Martika, VIA GRA, maybe Kiyoharu, Lil´Kim (maybe)...etc.

    50. If you could bring back any disbanded band, which one would it be? Nothing in particular. [2] Revivals aren't that promising nowadays

    51. If you HAD to stereotype your music tastes, what would you be considered? (in example -a metal-head, hip-hop, goth, hipster, etc..) No idea. I've got too many different genres and groups in my library. [2]

    52. How much on average do you listen to in a day? no comments

    53. How big is your digital music collection? 20000+ songs...recently deleted a bunch as well

    54. How many physical CDs do you own? a little more than 50...yarr imma pirate.

    55. What song will you play at your Wedding? No idea. [2]

    56. What song will you play at your Funeral? No comments

    57. What dead musician would you bring back? Kagerou's Daisuke.[2]

    58. Best intro to a song? See You by Kuroyume and Feel by Luna Sea

    59. Favorite album cover? Angel Dust by Faith No More + Mellon Collie by The Smashing Pumpkins

    60. Two artists/bands that you'd like to see collaborate? Sadie x Screw..."gazediru-influenced vk marathon" would be nice :)

    61. What are you listening to now? Lycaon - Chains of Collar

  7. @pretsy: "current style"? Which is...?

    I just tried to indicate that schwein no isu would sound horrible with kyo's growls and heavy guitars

    it's quite heavy for me and it's enough. Same thing concerns Tsumi to batsu as well


    Oh sorry, I forgot that they had spoken word sections in recent songs as well :emo:

    I wish they could make songs like Myaku again, it had grown on me since my first deg listening and (almost) cacophonic guitarsolo always appealed to me + it's also one of the few deg songs with a DRUM SOLO, they need more of those :)

  8. If they are not going to make new songs for b-sides

    I shall make a special request then:

    Myaku -re-recorded ver-

    I would imagine Kyo doing some growling stuff during the bridge and hook section (GOT FOR GIMMICK...DEVI-I-I-I-ISE!!!)

    Even though they stopped doing spoken word sections :(

    Schwein no isu would sound quite awful as re-recorded version - it just doesnt fit into their current style.

    Maybe acoustic version of Zakuro would work.

  9. You gotta be kidding

    Cryptopsy's sound =/= DEG's current sound

    or they will have to go back to their MOAB era if that truly happens. I am sure that they are not willing to embrace their old styles anymore - since Uroboros was made like almost 3 years ago and it embraced the past of DEG.

    Now we have to look forward to the new wind of change.

  10. "Age Quod Agis"

    what does that mean?

    According to Wikipedia, it's "Do what you are doing." / "Do well whatever you do."

    Oh well, that doesn't tell that much about the "theme" of their tour

    I guess they are somehow fascinated with latin okkvltism and all that stuff, rite?

    and that cryptosy video...that guy-whoever-described-DS-as-that is definitely trolling.

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