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Reincarnated Really Hot People
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Everything posted by Pretsy

  1. Pretsy

    One of their strong soon-to-be-hits They are getting better and better - I am sure that Holy Grail will be the one of greatest vk releases in 2011
  2. Pretsy

  3. Pretsy

    Well you know more about Converge than me, so ^^ But that's just another comparison coming from a guy (me) who listened only to 2 of converge's songs... /off-topic Cry against is just not my cup of tea - I understand that they are trying to go back to their "Japanese Modernist"-roots but I prefer their jazzy and bluesy numbers to this...
  4. Pretsy

    ...so that explains Misa's appearance in their cure makeup special program. Neat.
  5. Oranssi Pazuzu taken from firebox records (their label, i guess?) site: I rediscovered them, yay! (since I have dumped black metal in favor of trannyrock, I shalt dig my kult folders again --->) Psychedelic jazz-fusion-like black metal in finnish, anyone? pmZ8GkprvEk aQRx0QZt9xk EXOGQ5yFzps Enjoy!
  6. Pretsy

    He is all fine Liked Atomos Hated his earlier releases (Ultramania)
  7. Btw I think apocalyptica should release a new version of Bring them to light-whatever it was with Kyo I liked gojira singer's version somehow but his voice was almost monotonous there, meeeh. (and this is coming from a long-time Gojira fan - just an opinion)
  8. Pretsy

  9. Pretsy

    well for me Cry against is like a veeery baaad attempt from Merry at covering some Converge song Even though we are talking about one of the most unique and awesome bands in the scene, eh? (liking their old stuff even more than their recent songs - yakou and crisis moment are ok.)
  10. Pretsy

  11. Pretsy

    Looking forward to their new album! I hope that they won't put "cry against"/"monochrome" there since both of those are so...generic.
  12. Pretsy

  13. Pretsy

    Sug army sug army sug army sug army! welcome!
  14. Pretsy

    Happy birthday, thunder god Ito and...the thunder guardian Aion.
  15. Pretsy

    Since they started to use their new seven (+maybe eight as well?)-stringed toys, their heaviness has gone to the new level for sure I think drone/doom/sludge kinda fits into their current "dark" theme (isn't WnG sludge or something like that?) (not a fan of those genres though)
  16. Pretsy

    wait wait wait Are you implying that Deg has no future as well since both gazette and diru are in sony? (hint: firewall division --> free-will ---> Sony - i have said this already) And you are right about possible transfer of girugamesh since once again, their ex-labelmate mucc is in sony now + Danger Crue records is co-operating with sony as well Sony guys are greedy hypocrites damnn, let dem good artists go! As sai said, sony is one hell of a major label nightmare Tomomi-whoever-she-was should retire. *insert random herpes gifs about tomomi here* I am going off-topic a lil bit but here's the fix to my rating: Vortex - 9/10 -> despite the fact that it's a mashup of hyenashiverleechcrucifysorrow, it's still the highlight of gazette's "single season" for me (people admired RED here -> I don't like it sry!) Give us that goddamn new album (and amuse us, gazerockers)
  17. Pretsy

    *slapping himself*
  18. Pretsy

    Finally, got fed up with their gigs and tours whatsoever
  19. Pretsy

    <3 it's also Luna sea's fanclub's all-time favorite but oh well who cares
  20. Pretsy

    Well PS company is a sub-division of Free-Will, which instead, co-operates with SONY all the time so it would have been impossible for Gazette to end up in avex company since they were automatically transferred to Sony's side. + not sure if they had to join against their will or not but Sony's apparently more popular than avex nowadays (close connections to foreign countries blaahblaah) But yes, avex is much better...especially if we consider the fact that it has "vk-godfathers" there...Luna Sea and Kuroyume
  21. Pretsy

    This pretty much tells alot about Gazette's current situation Apparently they are running out of ideas - as bakteeri mentioned, Break Me is just another bland Hide-meets-Kiss song, more like a sister song for IN THE MIDDLE OF CHAOS, but muuuch worse. But vortex > shiver (even though its a ripoff w/e) > before i decay > red >>>>>>>pledge (sounds like a boring k-rock hit, MEEH) my ratings (i decided already): Vortex - 8/10 - finally a heavy single track, even though they recycled many parts from their older songs...but I liked "vortex of the industry"-part with a breakdown, and solos... Uncertain Sense - 7/10 - intro and verse parts are completely out of place, and I would like to add to sai's sentence one thing: they took parts from "Burial Applicant" as well (bridge/chorus) Break me - 6/10 - catchy but it's getting boring after awhile, or should I say: annoying - "Hide-meets-boring glam band" all the way folks! ...someone should make a thread for gazette's ripoffs (just for lulz, dunno if this is a very good idea but still...)
  22. I want them to play that in Helsinki gig awjjriinignignui They should make a 5-days gig tour thing (blitz 5 days) again - I am looking forward to theme gig days like kisou-day etc. etc.
  23. Mushi is overrated. Jessica, 24 cylinders ,Karasu, Pink Killer, Filth, BoTDV and shinsou no. 7 are luv <3 Btw they should play pink killer someday Anyways - I loved and always will love deg's 2001-2003 era (including Vulgar (not album but lives)) - their later era is ok but it's just not that magical and experimental... They weren't so "(hard)core-ized" back then.
  24. Pretsy

    Please no more Vinushkas here...also drone ain't good for deg , nor for other ex-vk bands. Sorry bro, but you cannot demand Boris-style music from ex-vksters \o/ I won't demand anything else but new musical directions - I am getting more and more worried about current japanese (and european) music scene, since nowadays instead of "emotional and powerful" music we get only how-to-make-shitlots-of-money-in-music-industry - disasterpieces (yes girugamesh and Nogod, I am looking AT YOU) Lotus was almost close enough to genericity and "money-collector" -genre but breakdown saved the day. I think they should drop kyo's double vocals for once - I am not fond of hearing kyo's evil clones singing in the background, damn, let Toshiya or Die do melodic backing vocals instead of growling/shouting, DEG PLZ.
  25. Pretsy

    2nd progexperimental album? (its even longer than Uroboros)
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