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Posts posted by suzuran.

  1. colour me in-damien rice


    Can I have a bell on my cat belt that turns me into human?



    p.d: I know, that´s what I did. that song start playing on my ipod afther I answer lol. Yeah... things always get wierd with me... you can pm me if you prefer altought is been long since I used a forum so I´m not sure how it worcks anymore. just trying to make freinds I guess. Your question worried me that´s all.

  2. Nyaaaaaaa  theatrical blue black- Mejibray   cats can do think humans can without been judge or thought of wierd, doesn´t mean I don´t want to be a persone just a cat persone....kinda off


    Don´t you like having a cat now? Nyaaa

  3. Nyaa but if I´´´m red I won´t be abeal to hid in the darck... snif


    (histsugi and meto falling of a window) Not but fo  real maby Melody-nightmares pv (yomi has a sheep on his head)


    Why am I a red cat?

  4. I haven´t hear anything about that but  it could have happen.  But I think it might have been just to many helth problemes pilling one over the other... Mia has something similar to tendonaitis in wich the nerves get stuck to the bones and causes alot of pain and sometimes I think dificult to move and on Mia´s case it is on his hand, ad that up to Tsukuzu BPD and you have a band that is pretty much heavied down by their health and if you think about it, as a guitarist Mia might realy feel the emotional tag of it... You don´t make liquiour your allie other wise... But it kinda feel factible that Tsukuzu would hit Mia if Mia was like  I want a break my hand hurths and Tsukuzu was "don´t you see the shit I´m going trought and you complain about your hand?" But until any of them actualy say something or give a reason for te haitus we only have the last live of their tours to enjoy them. For the report I read they seemed to be in a very good place with each other as a unity as a band and play for one hour and haflf but did not give an encore. but Tsukuzu was very emotional for what I read.


    They might just be very weight down by their own selfs right now and the bad might have become tagging on them... I love tsuzuku but having your vocalist say, I might kill myself all the time is something you can cup up with until it becomes toxic or a source of anxiety... sometimes humans are strong enough till they can do it any more and have to take their distance to loose themself on others suffering or pain no matter how suportive or tolerant you are as a persone or how much you love that other persone, Mia also need to take care of himself.



                       Watheever the reason is, lest hope they can all get better and the haitus doesn´t becomes something tagging on Tsukuzu mental health.

  5. On 12/01/2017 at 3:27 PM, len said:


    I eat just little even though there are some things I find tasty because the act of eating makes me nauseated :(

    I despise phone calls too, even though I don't like chatting I still prefer it face to face than through a phone call where I am obligated to answer something other than "hm". I know many people who despise them and prefer texting, so I don't think it's weird.


    I think beetles are scarier than cockroaches (I'm still scared as hell of them anyway), and that ladybugs are just tiny colorful evil beetles in disguise, am I weird for that?

    I don´t eat either... or more like I don´t like eating eaither the fulling the pilling sesation foods give me no amtter how little I eat makes me feel unconfortable, like if I had swallowed a rock and couldn´t move.... altought if it´s candy or fruit I´ll eat it no matter what... my self control towards cherrys or grape is non existent...also chocolate... it will just dissapear in my mouth.




    NO, I think the lady bugs are fin but beetless live on excrement.... so they might be wors than cockroaches .... but flying cockroaches that chase you arround are worse than beetless....



    I... I think I would like to be a cat? Or rather.... I feel my soul did the wrong turn and became a persone instead of a cat am  I weird for that?

    I want to be spoild as a cat and love without been asked back while been allowe to show my love to the one I choose the way it comes natural from me... cats are so missunderstood....


    p.dsight... I´ll go snug up with my cat and sleep


  6. lOL... That sounds like an ironical question for me... that´s how I´ve live, but I´ve come to realise that I want to keep creating the things I do because I know that as I once did, aslong as I can keep creating things that other can enjoy and smile at or even cry and feel conforted by it or feel that they can rely, I know it would make a place for me to come back to.... a pleace where I can be acepted and awaited to.  Maby that is way even if you can come to resent creative/artistic job eventualy, you´ll keep doing it... because it´ will give you somewhere to belong something to hold on to until that pleace where you can have people that genualy is waiting for you with a smile exist. Until you can meet them, even if it sounds clitche...  if you move, you´ll eventualy get somewhere even if the ferry wheal you are at seems to move fasther that you can jump of it, as long as it keeps spining sooner or later you´ll be abeal to get to where you want to go and realise that where you where feeling alone on the ride, there where people there whit you, wich you´ll meet once you get down and become abeal to walck by yourself. Then you´ll be abeal to walck with other people.




    What would you do if you felt that you´ve been left without an answer that somehow would let you move forward?



  7. 17 hours ago, patientZERO said:

    While I don't know a lot regarding the rumors of lack of pay, I think the fact that every other member has gone on to continue in music is proof enough that Hizumi's health is a driving point of their disbandment. He did perform on (incredibly short) reunion set as D'espairsRay, but has put more time and effort into his art/clothing/jewelry company. I'm sure he would like to continue to sing, but his voice won't let him. Of course Zero is in THE MICRO HEAD 4N's, Karyu with Angelo, and Tsubasa has gone solo in his enka career, but Hizumi's health most definitely is the catalyst for their disbandment. They did go on a hiatus beforehand for half a year, hoping his health would improve, but ultimately ended up disbanding. If there were ulterior motives for their disbandment, I don't think the hiatus would have happened. They would have just called it quits.


    15 hours ago, sheepprincessgara said:

    Tsubasa's also in MICRO HEAD 4N's too

    This is the english webside I was talking about:



    Now I did found some in japaness old old bogs (with almost nothing but, that trew some shade and seamed piss about it. Normal I guess) If I have the time later on to put on the links I willl (I bookmarked the sites but didn´t tag them.... and there´s to many recent japanes sites bookmarks on my computer right now, I´ve been practicing my still humble kanji reading)


    I don´t discart Hizumi´s health as not been part of the reason,  But It did made me wonder. There was an intwerview with Hizumi on 2014 in wich he spoke in more depth about his helth. How he firsth got influenza and had to be hospitalize and then began having a 100 coughf that wouldn´t go away that end up been part of a polen alergy, and then he said that the side efects of the medicaments he had to take do to that (just to be abeal to sing) kept increasing as his dependance on the medicaments increased and that in the end wasn´t just his throat but his hearth too...



    I do now that karyu is in angelo and that zero and is microhead4 and that tsukasa made and enka/visual kei single and that Hizumi is focused on Umbrela and that he was the producer for a single fof a small band, but I don´t know part of those ugly things did click to me, It might be me been gulible for the firsth time afther years but still it kind of made scence.




    Rock and read Hizumi about his health:



    And I leave the interview from 2014 about umbrela too:




    I do hope it isn´t true but late it seames that the problems with leabels are becoming less shrud into mist and more frecuent or atleast public.


    I do thing Hizumi´s health was atleast 50%of the reason but I wonder if he was presured to keep going and it made his health worse. Keep going for two years when you have problems like that... if you´ve ever taken sining lessons or try to singing yoruself you´lll understand how hard it is.


  8. Okay, before I start I just want to apologize if this doesn´t goes here, I´m still new to this forum but this has been swrilling my mind recently:

    Not so long ago, out of nostalgia I reastart listening to d´espairsray and looking for recent things about them, both in english, french and japanes (wich I´m still at a rookies level) but dispait finding some deep (atleast to my, as I could releat to Hizumi´s words and sentiments) interviews, there where some blogpost from fans that where from D´espairsray official fan club, and neither said to much other than some shady things trying to be political correct until I came across a live journal from a d´espairsray fan, that posted a entry on her blog to vent out in some things that couldn´t be discribe in other word than abuse.(yes I do know that alot of VK bands recive a wage instead of revenues if they are not that succesfull)  Aparrently D´espairsray members where ofthen left without a pay, especialy during the last events, even to the extends of six months, and that alot of times they where not pay for the goods that where solds and didn´t recived a payed from the overseas concerts alot of time.


    I do think Hizumi healths problem forced D´espairsray to seas activities, but I began to wonder if it was it all just simply trown on Hizumi healts problem where they where much more things that where affecting d´espairsray and as the lable owns the "band" as d´espairsray and "owns" the music  they made during that time, if it could also be true that comming back as d´espairsray wont be posible atleast they where okay taking the same contract(wich ofcourse I haven´t read so how knows things might have not be as bad until the end)


    does anyone els here that know about this rummors?

    or that can tell something about them other than what is commonly known.

    Anyone from their official fanclub?



    -pd: help,... my hearth skept a bit when I read those things.

  9. On 16/10/2017 at 6:34 AM, madygrain said:

    It seems Type B will contain a secret track titled "Tohokuzawa Standing Drinking Blues".


    Seems like including secret joke tracks is going to be a regular thing.


    I hope Sakito takes some singing lessons too. He's not bad but there is room for improvement. 



    Well he has a way to go, but if I remember correctly from one a freind that is part of Sakit fan club,  sakito said he did recived coaching for singing and MC so he might still be taking singing clases. But I think must of the bumbs on his voice are mor eout of shyness and fraight to mess up than lack of ability... even if he has to keep doing his best and surpass himseld once and over again. What worries me is that his voice might not be getting enought rest. Apparently his been going up and down having lives (and recordings aperently)

    Personaly, even if he lacks experience singing, I do find his voice easier to listen to. a little bit more apilling that yomi´s even if yomi had some very good vocals and versatility+experiences, sometimes his voice could be a little shoking... But he does have some powerfull voice, sakito seams more on the sweet side.


  10. Sakitooooo! SniF for some reason this new made me smile and feel happy, I think he has become "himself" and express himself more since he started this solo proyect. I read reports of the lives sakito did and apparently he seemed more relax and happier. I don´t know how true that is but for all the crazy comming and goins he does to be in all the events he plans in seems to me Sakito is truly trying hard and enjoing himself too.


    Well I think it would benatural if there is some kind of rivalery between them and their solo projects, but I think they are all still trying to support each other, resently sakito posted a picture with hitsugi and hitsugi also went to sakito birthday live and brought him a cake on satage and ni-ya sang (and broke ears) happy birthday.  They all seem to still respect each other and support each other. or atleast for me. Ruka was allways the one that would be kind of aloof. I remember than in allot of dvds or videos Ruka would always arrive by himself on a taxi or in his own car (he has expensive cars) While the rest alot of times would arrive in a van together like alot of memebers of japanes bands drove by a staff memeber in charge of picking them up.

    and in some of the afther parties Ruka eat with other people and not with them. But they did had fun together. They didn´t invented the hand elephant aloneXD  I think right now they all had to much of something good(like eating your favorit scream until you get sick), and need a rest from each oother, like the song says, everyone need a little time away, and then they will come back for their 20th aniversary.

    Yomi might not make as many lives for his throat condicion, studio recording recuires less efort than live (I´ve on singig lessons for years already)


    they would take the nightmare official web from their advertisments if they didn´t wanted people to still know about them and nightmare.

    I just hope stargazer is a lovely son like world end and the song that sakito wrote and compossed for nightmare like simple life and jibun no hana.



    p.d: I want to know sakito skin care I want to look as young as he does at age 32 when I reach 32 in 12 years.


    p.d 2: and by the way... I´m newXD

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