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Everything posted by Tatsusalt

  1. Tatsusalt

    At first I was kinda shooketh but yes I do think they need a break, but maybe a bit longer? Because they did all the touring and also released a few albums more than one.
  2. Tatsusalt

    I realized a couple days ago I am Tatsurou's voice would it be Tatsuvoice? sexual
  3. Tatsusalt

    First time I hear Tatsurou talk I cried. I also really like Klaha's voice but I don't think I will ever hear him sing again since he basically disappeared :< At least we have was has been put out there.
  4. Tatsusalt

    I am always shooketh I hear Tatusurou sing but I am always quaking when I hear him scream or growl
  5. Tatsusalt

    Honestly, I hate being around people but yet I want to go to a con and do a group VK cosplay.
  6. Tatsusalt

    BLESS Thank you so much
  7. Tatsusalt

    Honestly me too, I had that struggle at the end of last school year, continue going to school or do online schooling. At least I made a somewhat less stressful choice xD
  8. Tatsusalt

    I am honestly really excited for this. For a couple months I thought they disbanded because I didn't find anything recent at that time (about a year ago)
  9. Tatsusalt

    I am struggling too much with all of these xD I feel like I am missing something or just over thinking the whole process.
  10. Tatsusalt

    Alright thanks Hoping this way actually works for me xD
  11. Tatsusalt

    I kinda expected what my grandma said, but my uncle and mom were unexpected. They never really spoke against it and I kind expected them to not care or say much. My mom was so against it too, like my grandma using the whole Christian argument lol.
  12. Tatsusalt

    I find it quite disturbing when someone is all "To be a man...." or "To be a woman...", especially when it is to someone that they don't really know. Why do you want to know so badly what surgeries they are gonna get? Why are you trying to choose their daily routine when you aren't really gonna see them again. When it comes to family it is pretty much the same, just don't bother, I will move out and never talk to you again then.
  13. Tatsusalt

    Yeah I mean I do plan on doing physical transition to some extent but don't really wanna be considered a boy or girl, I think it's androgyne? And yea I get that kind of, I came out to my family without even thinking about it until my grandma called me mentally ill. Now my uncle always talks about "In order to be a man you have to..." and list a bunch of masculine things and even stupid shit like hand veins are essential for being masculine? (I like them and all but I don't think they are a masculine characteristic) But yea I get a lot of nasty comebacks when I say I don't really want to be a very masculine man. I think Femme boy is more me?
  14. Tatsusalt

    Ouh I know about dysphoria haha. But I really don't think I am a man or woman even tho I am considered transman : /
  15. Tatsusalt

    You know, I never really thought about the courage thing when I wanted to cut my hair short, shave it for a deathhawk, shave off my eyebrows and show up to school the next day with none drawn on. Didn't really really regret any of it. Yea I argued with mom on the hair thing but shaving my eyebrows I just did in my room bc I got bored and wanted to do more with makeup
  16. Tatsusalt

    Alright thanks, I will be sure to check it out!
  17. Tatsusalt

    How did you do it with GIMP? I already have that, it might be the same.
  18. Tatsusalt

    I do want to start making my own gifs but have no idea how to. I don't really go with any sites because MOST do make you upload them to the site and watermark them with their own watermark or none at all. I also can't afford photoshop I feel that is pretty much the only way to make them haha. But if any of you do make them and are willing to share please tell me. Any and all help is much appreciated ^^~
  19. Tatsusalt

    Why is it so easy to fall behind in school but so hard to catch up even when you stay up till 5 the next morning trying to catch up?
  20. Kinda confused, does MUCC have a fanclub and is there anyway to even sign up for it???

    1. Tatsusalt


      A friend of mine is using a shipping service, all she needs is to sign up for it but we can't find the site for it

    2. TrentReznor


      Should be here - http://www.55-69.com/shu_login/guide-01.html and then accept till you reach https://55-69.fc-sys.com/entry.php


      A Japanese helped me do to do it, but I think after filling in all the data, you should get an email and then you need to go to pay for the fee (to a family market, etc.) and then you get the confirmation and thats it.


    3. Tatsusalt


      Alright, thanksss

    4. Show next comments  3 more
  21. Tatsusalt


    I am a huge pessimist too tbh
  22. Tatsusalt


    Over tine I guess people get tired of me xD friendships I have had never lasted long sadly, online or in person. Guess they are good while they last though :>
  23. Tatsusalt


    I hardly get to feel that sadly :< I don't really have any friends irl so I kinda have to meet them online but yet I am too scared to reach out haha. I kinda just wait till someone notices what I am into and start talking to me.
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